Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 40

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conzerence. Three promissi wihl seek the other gurd md, is a inember o :oo. The past wei ;o entertained Tom ( Professor Gilbert of THREE FIXE CALLS Wilmette firemnen responded to three alarnis in the week'ending- Tues day, September 12. Two of the ruis were, made to extinguish prairie'fires. One of these occurred- at 512 - Ridge road h'ast Friday and theý other at 1. Cres- cent place on Sunday. Neither resulted in any damiage. OnMonday night the firemen wvere called to a residence at 1006 Michigan avenue owned by Rob- ert E. Ricksen, when therollers of an electnic mangle which had ýbeen left turnied on became hot and set fire to the mangle. v,-ua%-u l«ycls reie ver ironi practice Septeniber 15. reveals, that: last year, plus the addition of sev- (1) Thirteen lettermen,' including eral highly promising new men. The seven 1932 regulars, wvihI be missing. veterans include Ed Manske. a regu- (2) Five negulans, including two lar for two years, Howard Kostbade, backs and three linemen will. be Art Jens, Vincent.Thoma and James, available. ýBuechel. A t'rio of sophomores,. Jini (3)Thebacfied pobhm wîî en-Borg . f Detroit,* and Vern Ander- ter around rephacirîg Rentner 'at riglit son ndHey o ngf wl mle son bho. haif and Potter at quarterback. SproWs,~ilmk togbd forý regular duty.' (4) The. une problem. particularly Thethe prnpacneradi at the tackle',,guard.and center posi- dates are al sophoniores.'ChuÙck Ha- t ions, will be a real one. e,'19 ord fm M tnhi, Fiftv candidates for the Wildcat CJeco AILponder fro meotonh,d eleven are expected to report, for the Cîreco. AIn of iwkee, .and first drill this Fnida* .and. thejob CukHiko iwue will fight of ýsolvinig the aboVe problems wili u ortejb immnediately get underway., Meet Iowa Sept. 30 .Mr. and Mrs. B. J.,liens, with their The squed will have but two weeks 'daughter, Betty,' 1415 Maple. avenue, p ractice li l which to get iin readiness' have returned froîi a trip to Gahesburg, for the first gaine with Ioa*, at Iînte3vsteMradMr. a- Sohdïers'~ Field, September '30. Th .is shahl Ryner andf to 0)cuaWka, where gamewas ovedUP. neý eek romthey-were guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Shen- the regularly .scheduled date at the mnt Ryner. Tbey have as their house request of the' Amenican LegiongetMs dihM yeWho camne whirh is holding its nationial conven- J bck %vith themn for a visit of severai tion ini Chicago at the time. A t wowekadtoeeACnuyfPr- weeks period wi-Il then intervene, be- ress. fore the next gamne with Stanford.-o which will also be played at Soldiers' Benjamin Matthews, Jr., 319Ese Field.: road, Kenihwortb, %w'ho was graduatecî The. right halfback. position ýwhich f rom Newv Trier - in Jne is leaving Rentner filled with distinction.will be Monday, September 18, for Phillips- sought by a hialf dozen candidatesi Exeter academiy. Hiis sister, Gertrude, tile most promising of whom are is leaving September 21, to resuine ber XValt Stanul and Bill Lehinhardt, re- studies ninber sophomone year at Vassar. serves last year, and Walter Cruice, __o a sophomore. The latter, who hails Patrick J. Kirwan, 1607 Elinwood f rom 'Milwaukee, is a fine left handed avne n u agueBtyKo passer and demonstrated in s.pri ng1 Kirivan, ieft 'ast Friday for Hfouston, practice that he is a creditable hall exs h-e Btt w -lenter R'ice carrier. institute. B3etty graduated last June Sulflivan Gets Cal]-- f rom Ne\v Trier High, school. Mr. Jakie Sullivan, a regular nuember Kirivap isreturîuing next %veek -from of last year's backfield, wilh bold Texas., dosxn the eft halfback job. Jakie was o the best .ground gaining back Iast faîl Mi ss Pe9ggy Lou Doering, 1335 âand is ýexpected to be the spark plug hestnut avenue, 1Who was graduated of this season's team. He Wvih be ýf rom the Roycemoesboîi1Easo supported, by, Hamr- Leeper, a junior, last, June, wiIl study at the Evanso and Ed Maroney, a promising scipho- Academy of FieAt tieson more. Fie-ors--' sas The fullback job will again faîl to M"Vr. an( r.Gog L al n Qhie Oison, the ièading kickér in the 1 >1r. Gergen.-. Ragl an -Herbert and Jane Lundahl; 224ý Raheigh road, Kenilworth,:-uill motor east about September 20, Jane, for, ber sophomnore year atz Wellesley and Her- betfor bis senior year at Wý1illiani.s .ohlege. The family spent the hast wveek- end at their summer home at Fox lake. -cru. ------ Lu b 5tlu xwo or iree Mrs. j. C- Nellegar Of 547 Rostyn. ives the wesa ussa h hueE ic road, Kenilworth, entertained at a ;s After home, 1033 Elmwo'od avenue, ýbridge, luncheon Weclnesday of Iast to right --0 week. idhy be- Mrs. Walter Laurnder, 2304 Oxford -o-- i in the road, Kenilworth, who has been con- George Boyhston, 220 Broadway, is phayers fin ed to her home by illness for several Ieaving- Friday to commence, his b. .They Weeks, is'imuc i improved, junior year at Dartmouth college. BACK FROM SUMMER PLACE Mr. and Mrs. David J. Davis, 721 Elmwood avenue, returned last Fri- day fromi their summer place at Frankfort, Mich. Their sons,. Davidi and Dor land, are. on a canoet trp in northern Minnesotà with .:Carl: Hali and Dick Cooley, and will be homie next week. Trhis fal Donland, who' gradulated Iast june from the Uni- versity of Illinois, IvilI enter Johns HopkinÉ Medica,1l 'school 'in- Baiti- more , and David, will resumne bis studies at Swarthmore college Ini PennsN;lvanja. where he wiIl be a GO àAILI1UG Ned Shapker, 823, Central avenue, arranged a. Dutch treat. sailing party -Wednesday of last week, charter ing the Jackellen, on which the group had a midnight supper. 'Among' those sail- ing were Charlotte Esmond, Beatricie Driver,ý LorraÏne- Briggs, "Sis" Chiap- i man, Mary Sutherland,, Jean Boyd, Tom Heffner, Don Briggs, John and Bill Gazlay, Lawon Woodword, and lEphraim Banning, Jr. Mn. 31and Mrs. William;H. Dillon and 'her family of six chihdren, 126 Oxford road, Kenilworth, returned Sunday from" a thnee weeks' vacation at Castie Rock n ii Colorado. Mn\I. Dillon'~s sister, Mn\Is. MIary- Seidensticker of Castle Rock, ne- turned uith theni. -o- niefRichard Schager, 1040 Chestnut ave- nue het ednesday for Notre Dame to enter bis juniior year. His sistet, IMargaret,' leaves. September 19, for the Convent of the Sacred Heant at Laýke Forest. M rs.- Harold E. Spinney, 927 Ash- lan(I avenue, entertained bher bridge club, at hunc11heon, Wednesday. Mns. Spinney will entertain the Tue§dlây bridge club at luncheon September 19M The Hallet Thornes of -95 Indian Hi road, who have been spending the sommer at, Barnington and Les Che- neaux iýjands, .Mich., are returning on who ives at 234 leaving September to go to the Mon- tana Katherine Hlepburn, 417. Cumnor road,. Kenilworth, is leaving Septemn- ber 20, for Vas gar college. 1i 44. M.adMrs. Louis R oeser of Bar- ringtonaýentertained at a 'buffet. dinner Sunday in, honor of,. Mrs.' Roeser's motherý,, Mrs. -Ahex Hannah of Saný Gabriel, Cal., f ormerly- of- Kenilworth. Mr. Roeser's niother, Mrs. L. Roeser of New York, is visiting them. 0o Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Keller, Paul, Jr., and Henry, of Cannes, France, who have been occupying the Harry Weese home at 141 Kenilworth avenue, Kenil- worth, left Sunday for Evanston. The Weeses have returned after three months at their suminer home in Bar- ington. -o- Mrs. Paul Davis, with Patricia and Milburn, 256 Woodstock avenue, Ken- ilworth, have returned f rom a two months' moton trip, two weeks of which wene spent~ in Yellowstone park. Patri-t cia will return for her senior year at1 Kemper. hall in 'Kenosha September 18. ueOrge, 01 Dallas. l lana

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