Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 39

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-U --- -- -Y v**y J - . .j&- apolis and St. Pauil. Before their rpth Stones i ad as their gjiests Mr. Sonesrelatives, A. W. Locke. luhs dauighter, Helenl, and is soli, * John, froni Minneapolis. IN. HOSPITAL * (eorige Ortseifen, 337 Essex road, IKeiti.lworth. was taken to the Evans- toit hospital on1 Tuesday even ing of Iast wVeck andi operated' on for* an: acuite attackof appendicitis. He will1 nlot return to his home for another teti days, or tvo weeks. M r. andl Mrs. Porter Sawyer Keir of Pittsbu.rgh, Pa., wene recent guestsi )i the, Albert Pages. of 901 Asbland avenue, "and of thein son anddaugli- ter-ini-law. Mnr. and M'\rs.- Kenneth Page of Chicago. Mn. Kier was a fraternitv, brother of Kenineth Pag e at Dartmouth. Katherine Klotz, 550 Ridge road, Ke.nilworth, is leaving September 18, for the University of Minnesota. She is rusbing chairman this year. Sbe niakes bier borne witb lier sister, Nins. Austin Pardue in 'Minn eapolis, dtiring lier college course. 0o- Tori, son of Mr. and Nrsn E. John H-icks, 241 Melrose avenue, Kenil- w~orthi, is Ieaving Septemiber 17, for Dartmio ,uthi. His brother, Jack. is als.o leaving Sunday to nesume' bis studies at. Duke univensitv at Dur-ý hanli, N. .C. 0o Mr. and NMrs. Gýprge Kingsley and lr. andMs Wiliam Moulton of Kepilw#orth were guests over the week-end of Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Lt.undahl of 224 Raleigh road, Kenil- worth, at their summen horne at ýPis- takee Ba. 1. Joe. Howard, 1055 Wilmette avenue, returned. Wednesday of last week fron the Evanston bospital where lie underwent an opera tion for appen-ý dicitis.. His brother, Edward, ieft Fi-' day to enter 'bis sophonione vean at the U'niversity of Illinois. ut a surprise_. was gïven iwn onor of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Colvini, who will leave soon for theirnenw homne at Orlando, Fia. - WINS BLUE RIRBON Ruth Suekoiff, 819> Chestriut avenue, who rode ber horse, ob oein. theý Dunham Woods annual horse show at Wayne Suniday, won a blue ibbon" in the bridie path clagssand a: yellow ribbon in the tbree gaited. clasg for women. A.- F. McIlraith of Seattle, Wagh., %%as a recent gu.est. of bis son and faniilv the E. J. Mcllraiths of 1127 Chesthut.t avenue., Beth. 3McIllaith left Wednesday for New. London, Coimn., where she will'be a fresbman at, Connecticut colloge.- janet lias lef t. for. Randolph -Macon Woman's college.at Lynchberg, Va. -o- Richard H. Pickand, son Of. 11r. and nrs.- G. H. Pickard, 430 Eightb street, left Septemnber 7, for La- fayette, lInd., to enter Purdué uni- vensity. He graduated last june frorn New Trier High school., -o- Guests at the home of Mn. and Mrs. John H. Kàufinan, are the Kaufmans' daughter, Mns. H..'Haines Falconer of Baltimore, and Mn. Kaukman's brother and family, Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Kaufman and Mar- garet, of Mendota, 111. 0o- Mns. Harry Williamns, 205 Oxford road, Kenilworth, entertaiaied a small gnoup of friends at a bridge lunch- eon Fniday, inviting ber guests to meet Mrs. Myron Watkins of Cleve- land, Ohio, who bas recently moved to Kenil.wonth. 0o .Mn. and Mns. Samuel Ross of Ba r- rington were in an automobile acci- dent. Satunday.-evening on, the Dun- dee noad in wbichboth were injured and are . convalescing at the Evansý- ton hospital. The accident was caused by lack of lights on another car. Mrs. Ross is the former Connie Hannah of. Kenilworth. 0o 1 Europe tor tWo years. Mn. urassert wilI return the latter part of Septem- ber on business. TEACHER IS WED Missý Marie Fox, a former fifth. grade teacher at the Central school,. was married on September, 2, to *Frank. Farriagton'of Janesville,-Wis. She is a niece of Miss Margaret Hayes, former principal of the Stolp schopol. Mr. and Mrs..ý Farrington will make thein home in Chicago. John Wilds Jame of Darlington, * .C., returned Wednesday "of 'last week, with bis uncle and. famuly, th4 John Law, Wilds, of 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth.. Whileý soutb, Nancy Wilds, attended a bouse party at Paw- ley's 'island. Nancy slaigSep- tember. 19, for Ferry hall at Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Sîlver, '216 Linden avenue, are the- parents of' a second daughter, Carol Lynnt, - bin Sunday, September 3, at the Edge- water hospital. The. Silven's other daughiter, Loretta, is twa and one- hait vears old. 0o- Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Harrison and family, 307 Abbotsfonid road, Kenilwortba, returned Tuesday of last. week from three months spent at their summer home in Leland, Mich. Ruth leit on Thursday for Clareniont, Cal., where she attends Scripps col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Hawxburst, Jacqueline,, Stephen, Suzanne; and Ralph, Jr., 618 Essex road, Kenil-. wortb, returned Monday from a mo- ton trip to the northern woods. Mrs. O'Connor of Kenilwortb accompan- ied. Robert Edmonds, 1935 Greenwood avenue, and bis sister, -Alice', ne- tunned Saturday froni the east. Tbey visited relatives in New Hampshire and motored through New England;. returning home by. way of Canada. They were gone four weeks. gaged in the painting and decorating business in Wilmnette since 1910. TEA HOSTESS Mrs. C. A. Barton, who is spending somle time with bher daugbter's fani, ily, the,. Thomas' J. Kulîmans, 2006 Kenilivorth avenu e-, ententained, at tea at Sbawnee Country club S.atur- day, 'September 2, for Mrs. E. A. Kalkhurst of Atlanta, Ga., formenlýy of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Mo1rse of Montclair, N. J., %wil1 arrive in Wil.. mette September 18, to be, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. .Bennett, 1112: Greenwood avenue, Wilmette., The Morses: bave many, friends on the north shore and they will.be widely entertained during thein visit, wbicb will, be one of an. indefinite length of time. *Sara Rossman, 1130 Chestnut ave- nue, and ber brother Allen, Jr., are leaving Tuésday for Grinnell Iowa, wbere Sara enters ber junior year and Allen bis freshrnan year at Grinneil college. Richard will flot ne- turn ...to Grinneil,'*but will finish his senior year' at Northwestern uni- versit. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Steveùson,j*'., 956 Vernon avenue, Winnetka, an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Sarah, September 1, at the Presby- terian hospital. This is the Steven- son's irst child. Mrs. Stevenson is the former~ Marion West Eckhart of Kenilwortb. 0o Mrs. E. John Hicks, 241 Melrose. avenue.,I<enilworth, entertained a bridge foursome at luncheon Tues- day at the Skokie Country club in honor of Mrs. Evelyn Carroll of Bey- erly- His, Cal., who was a guest of Mrs. George, Jones. 0o Dr. and Mirs. A. W. Lindsey of Granville, Obio, and Mrs. :Gonrdôn Crary of Sioux City, Iowa, were re- cent guests of the William Kix- Millers of 789 Michigan avenue. Mrs. ,Lindsey and Mrs. Crarv' are sisters .>L.JLktanc. Sunday ton Dartmaouh, wnere ne wui Mr. ntur-o enter bis sophomore yean. Mr. rturBenson ententained * 0O- recently at a lûncheon at ber sununen *Mns. Fnank Doan' of Miami, Fla., home Gagemnere Fanm, at Grass lake, has recently gone tô Michigan aften ini honor of Mns. Alex Hannah of itisiting her niece, Mrs. John V. San Gabriel, Cal., fonm.enly of Ken- Sweeney, 1430 Maple avenue, for ilworth. three weeks. 1-Paul Hoslk velue, ef Tuesday to enýer bis sophomone year -o at Pundue univers ity. Dorothy Jane, daughter of Mr. -o and Mrs. Carey Orr,>225 Woodbine Beverly Bouchard, 222 Oxford road. avenue, Who was graduated ijune *Kentilwonth, left Wednesday for St. froni New Trier,.. i leaving October Mary's. coliege,. Notre Dame, Ind.' 1. to eter Ogntz.

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