Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 38

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OF near ioweI-. t4'ueurzu., Zbah screened porch, recreaticon room, at- tached garage, 011 heat. Wl!! sublease for $125 per-month. until May 1 ýor Oct. 1. 1934. Can be seen at: any time, 97L19-ltp2 244.lMfARY STREET, GLENCOE Comfortable-7 rm. bouse; 4 bedrms. 2 baths;, sip. pchi. and' screened pch; H. A. hcat; garage; lot 50x245 2 blks.: to laite; 4 biks. -tt Hubbard WoodsJ E. SAWYER SMITH, RECEIVER 725 Eim Street Winnetka 3590 _______________97LTN19-Itc FURN. OR UNFURN. NEW WHITE brke. col. home on priv. rd. thn Deer- field. 4 bedrtms., 2 baths, iav.; Fe- place In liv. rm. and mastter bedrm.; Zlec. refrig.;ý vapor heat; 2 car att. gar.;s cr. pc.;- beau. wooded lot, Nr. Skokie Eiec. ard C. M. & St. P. Rys.; Rentai $140. Phone for appt. Deer- field 159-J. 97LT1N19-4t NEW AST SIDE. NW RITE BRX. COLONIAL ON acre, wooded. 9 Ige. rms., 3 baths, oi ht, 2car gar., bkf. rm., ser. peh. $160. Call Mrs. Zeiss. Sclected N. S. houses. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Eim Street Wiftnetka 122 97LTN19-1,te WE HAVE SEVERAL CHARMING bedrmn. houses stih available for Oct.î Ist rentai at $100 or less; also soMe out.qtainding yalues ln fine ho supt À6 ANN IMORELAND ernon Ave. Glencoe 305 97LTN19-ltc NE'I1KA-NEAR NEW TRIER lx school-6 room stucco, hot water t.i01. Garage. Owner wiil decorate. R. M. JOH-NSTON *& CO, 340'Linden Ave. WiI. 444 97LTN19-ltc BRICK BUNGALOW. 5 LGE. RMS., glazed slpg. pch., ,maid's rm. in attie, Hl. W. ht., elec. refrlg.,,new gas stove, newly dcc. 2 car gar.. Nr. transp. and schools. *Rêasonable. Ph. Greenl- leaf 3195. .97LTN19-Iltc MLUST RENT 7 RM. BRICK HIOME. 3 beédrms;. slpg. and sun' pches., H.- W. ht., firepiace, 2 car garý., 3 biks., to 1School and transp. $60. Want offer. Cali Winneta 1800 or Greenleàf 4323. 97LTN19Itc 6 RMV. BUNGALOW, BEAUTIFUL [n te me. breakfast rooni, kitchen, and 2 pan- tries, lavatory. .SECOND FLOOR 2 extra large master bedrooms wlth connecting bath, 2 smaller bedroms with private bath for each, 2 large sleeping porches extending aerosft en- 1tire: Wîd th of house. THIRD FLOOR 2 bedroonîs, bath and store rouai. Store rooni may be used as bedroomn if de- sired. Basement contains laundry eqIipped with stationa.ry tubs, and gas-fired mangle, fruit, roomi bolier rooms , chauffeur's, rcoom, and wood storag. placé; ,Oil-O-Matic *heat. A. car garage1 with.stoirage room above supplied with hot and« cold, water; Quaker automatic oi1 heat; yard Jandscaped with Evergreen planting; rear.portion enclosed by white picket fence. Owner on premises. Tele- phonie Wilinette 1962. , 11LTNi9-îtpl I 1~ A DISTI NCTIVE HOME IN N. E. WINNETKA-A LOCATION that .it Pays to make an invest- ment1 in, A Colonial home, the first floor çonsisting of liv. rm. withi fireplace,,dlnlýng irm., kitch- en, and sun porch. butier's pan- tryi servants' pch., toilet 'and lav. Second floor, 3 master bedrins., 2 baths;' sipg. »ch. Third floor, 2 -servants' rooms, 1 bath. H. W. ht., 2 car gar., on % acre of weil wooded ground. Price attractive.: Mr. Rorick. BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 550 PARK DRIVE, KENILWORTHI :eniiworth 55"4 Kenllworth 4785 I11LTN19-ltc 1 BLbOCK FROM LAKE RED BýRICK COLONIAL 0F' 9 LGE. rms. and llbr., 4 baths, 2 car gar. Real bargali. Also wlll trade for sni. bouse. Call Mrs. Zeiss. Repossessed Values. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elim Street Wlnnetka 122 111L'IN19-ltc OWNEU CUTS PRICE IN HALF- Beautiful Colonial_,,architect-built. onn one-third acre of 'wooded ground, ln beet section of Winnetka. Liv. min. 18x35, dîn. rmn. 18x20. Ail bedrms. sPàcl*Us.' and baths are. tlled. 011 heat and 2-ar garage. Sacrifice ai HILL & STONE 543 Lincoin, Ave., Winnetka Tel. 1544 lllL19-ltp, BIJY 0F THE MONTH TFIERE'S. REAL VALUE IN THIS beauiful 7 ,'.m O i2bh hi.J C T iLTN1S4tp -aLee. Accommodations for nign sehool students. V. S. nutrition sched- ulé. Manual training and dornestlc science. i18LTNI6-4tp 128E EXCHA&NGE-RERAL ESTATE H1AVE MODERN, WINNETKA HOUSE, 5 bedrms.. 3 baths,.no mortgage. Wi.qh to trade, for 6 or 7 bedrm. house in Winnetka or Glencoe. Will add cash. Wrl.té B-34,, Box'40, Wilmette, Il1. 128L1Dltip 129 FOR 5ALE-HOUSIENOLD 0300D8 FOR SALE-SOLID MAHOGANY.DIN- lng room. .suite; ýlarge and. amali Orientai andL Navaho rugs; chairs, up- holstered and ethers; glass anid kltch- ýenware;, antiquelside table;, mirrors. fine pictures. >Reasonable. Estate of late-Dr. Suker. Phone Winn. 585. 129L19-Itp FOR RENT-WASHI,"IG MACHINES and Ironere,, 81.00 per week. Ail new and guaranteed.. Immediate. delivery. Westinghouse_ 621 Grove St., Evans- ton. Gre. 3843. 129LTNý19-tfc NAVY ENGLISH- BABY CARRIÀGE, A-1 econdition , large nursery . bed,, chest of. drawers to miatch, hlgh chair, "Storkline furniture." Phone Glencote 220. 129LTN19-ltc FOR SALE-3 PIECE BEDRM. SUITE in good condition, bargaln $35. Also smali chest, reed chairs, nursery furniture, etc., Ph. Wllmette 294. 129LTN19-ltc FOR SALE NEW AND USJED HOO VER VACUUM CLEANERS CALL WILMETTE 1258 .129L'rN19-Itp WALNUT DINING RM. SUITE, RE- i'ectory table; 2 Ige. rugs; 1 Walnut bedrm. suite; davenport; gateleg ta- ble and other hsehold goods. Ph. Wil- mfette .5008. 129LTN19-ltp DINING RM. SET, 3 BEDRM. SETS, boolçcase, Simfflex ironlng m~achine, porch furn., rugs, curtains, office desk. 2 beds, chairs.- 735 Ninth St., Wil- mette. 129L19-ltp BED, MATTRESS, DRESSER, TABLE, iamp, rug, dlnfing, roomn table, Ice box. Very rea-sonable. Phone Willmctte 1596.129LTN19-ltp ýNO, DINING BOOM TABLE AND airs, hall-tree. dresser, wicker fur- ure, and dishes. 524 i7th St,, WiI- ette. 129LTN19-Itp tSALE-3 OCCASIONAL' CHAIRS. liece antique set. Rpe~annhiu TPh. W1LmNrIT 32 UNivmsrry 7317 RoGuaPARK 4675 18th CENTtJRY ENGLISH CHINA; old Hopf violin; oid coins and stainps.i Also sun. ray lainp. les than whol-- sale. 1239 Lake Ave., Wilmette. 131LT4N19-ltp 2 STOVES, .GtUARANTFED TO« HE AT 8 rooms. Good as new. Vîctrola apparance. Reasonable., Winnetka, 7Q7. 131LTN19-îtp MASTER ELýECTRIC E7ËXkRCÏSISE and reducing mathine. Cost $106, wili sel! for $20. Phone KCenilworth 4781. 133 EXCHANGE-MiscELLANEOUS ATTIC.EXCHAINGE Will trade China, Glass, Pewter, India Rug, .Silver, Jewelry, Paintjngs. Etchlngs, Furniture, and Oddments for Marly American ,furnishlngs. Sampliers, Cheats, Smali trunk. and Hooked Ruge. 46? Adamüs St, lbe- tween Gre enwood and Grove, Giencoe. Phone Glencoe 168.- 133LTNI-tp WANTED - SYMPIHONY CONCERT ticettfo4r alternate F'llday atter- noons. Caîi Wilmette 3042. 134LTN19-1 tp Last Saturday evening Bil.1Powers,ý 307 Cumnor road, KenilwQrth, gave a' baby party for about thirty-four of his friends wbo will be freshmen this year at New Trier. . Unusually attractive invitations were sent out, a buffet supper was served, and da.nc- ing completed the evening. . 1o- Mrs. Augustus Hollands and daugh- ter, Phyllis, 107' Robsart road, Ken- ilworth, returned Tuesday of Iast week f rom a visit to the Indiana Dunes. --o- Ruthi Joyce, 531 Essex road, Kenilworth, is Ieaving September 19,. for Lake Forest where she wvfll re-: sume. her studies at the .Convent of the Sacred Heart. -0 Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Ketchanii, 611 Abbotsford roaci, Kenilworth, with their family, have- returned from a three weeks' cruise to Mackinac I,- land on their boat .'Rough Stuif." Por IJTfomtig< %aU .m 424 LimÉIe Ave. Wilmette dos& ý. 1

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