In'Prints and'orily 25c yard Those are macle in. small patterns,, large patterns,and in pai atter.nst. $125 pa ir Made in Ivory, Peach in colored dots. and Plain -Pane1. Curtains Net with dot Ruipple..Sheen Have you seen,it? I looks lk silk but ~otton, fast colored. You wUil like it-and* 50c yard, i thé price Tan, green, blue, peach, mnd, Aite. WHQQPSI these Stockings ReaIIy Fit,! S TOC -K1 NOSý desined .for the individUel Not: jus+ in, the foot . every good stocling does thati But belle-sharrneer stocldngs, sold bore exctusivIv..are the tinlv $1 pair It's America s Greatest. Shirt Value! TRUMP at ~9 W. want fo show you this outstand- ing ARROW shirt value et your first opportunity. For Trump. smart as a shirt con b. . adas thrifty becaus. Sanforizng guarantees -ft wili alwys stay yo0M iz 512 no0mai- fer how many fimes it go.. to the' Iaundry. Shirts and Shorts 50C 48 WiIm.#. ipAv..-PIi National Bank ldg.- DO WII~STT. Prisci Ila Curtains 4 s j, Mens $40.0 .4- 'I NI