Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 37

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..lissii j business wofll-f--ifl,-- 'or teacher. Close 3 4, andi 6 room unfurtiluhed apart- 71 LTN 19-1ît to Hubbard Woods school andi trans- mrent.i modern building, Refrig- W.AN T1EL) INTELLIG~ENT YOUNG p')rtation. Phone Winnetka 3229. eration. Convenient transportation andi %V(bll;llto akecar () briwhdry821,19-ltl) Ideal home location. Attractive ent- odeannng store. exp)erienjced preferred, LAR1GE. AIRY FRONT ROOM, ALSO aIs. Sne WJosephay435n oLN1reme. but nlot essential. Addres-s 1439, Box 3rd floor rooni wlth bath. *Near tratis- orhneW nta345 LT1-f 40, Wlet.711LTNI9i-ltc porýtatioii. t3arage space. Phone Wil- mette 1253. TABL 2LTN19-1tp Spanish Court Properties. Hot'usework. Sniall familly. No Laun- T _f4,Oà RTàL ROOMS FOR ýbetween dlry. i'resent niaid with us 2 years, light houxekeeig taoal.Wl KENILWVOUTH ANDWLMTE herpeesr with us 5 years. 'nltte 3867. 2TX-t Near. Sheridan Rd. Phone Wîninetka 1088.- 7rlTN19-ltl NCE COMNFORTABLE S IN GL E2rmi. apt., bed rni..,living. rm., kitchen- VUtNt;IUJINEs 'î:îîj. îu*:sîîî;~ room. close to trans. and school. Win, te nun .4,fr.$0 white girl t(e get bi'vakfast and (1iO1r, netka- 3558.' 82Lî9-1tp mi. apt.. large light ri. bedrrns. iglit housework. stay q r g4e, s5mai!_______>_________________4Î__ $5 per month. wvages.. l'h. Wililt'tte 1047. 64 FOR iRENT--iT. HSKPGI. ROONIS - 30SANS C.LET. 4 It ___ 71LTN9-11>COINFORTABLE 'BASEMENT ROOM 2LN1-lp %VIIITE . ILRiO~T., IIETWEEN 25 with kitchen; also garage space. Rea- INDIA.N HILL BUILDING a;nd 315 vrs. for gen. hisewkl. -, lie launi- sonable. Phone Wilmette 3233. Weil arranged 4 rm.apt.;' largeliv. rmn., ilr. Mustibe.trois.Ph' lgtiî<- 0. 1218. - S 4LTN19-1 1tp bedrmi., in-a-door bed; close to transp. (-XI). N. .14.UrvWTD.j1TO RENT-LT. HSlPG. nd. schools. Modern equipment. EX.WIIiEG 11 4;IF11 '00Ki- i OR8 2 FURNISHED ROO .RMS. Reasonable ental. i O 2FUNIRE, OOS FOR1 . .STULTS REAL.TY CO. ing and' ironing, the' othfor, second light1 housekeeping, or smaI!' apren 460 'iinetka Ave. Iinnetka 1800j îvrka îc <teniiig. i efs. $124th unfurniished., Mu.st be 'in Winnek.______ 92LTN19-Itc l'l. Witletka 3!f1. 7lTp-î~ Glencot. 1216. 85LI9-Itp 5-RM. APT.; 2 BRI3EDHS. ;ELEC:, ~ GIIL, JNDIt 2 Vil. ~refrig.: facing residential street; $60.I genéîrai housework, $5, wjth inerese BOARD AND ROOM io. ; large 4-m. at.- $50m. if -atisfav.ti;'.,'home Wilinette 4,385. FURNISHED. R102%.7 ALSO RtOOM( \J 1'I.& G(S. C. 7lL'N19-t~~ and sleeping î,orch. Boardif de.4reil X.-- '_ ýear'Horace -Manschool. 514 Birch :725 Elii1tre 'xintk 30 i WNEIIA 1,I I0t7EW0ltK. -WIIITE. Wjnneýtlka. __921LTN19-tfi- Ni> was nd a irining. Own r(>i SL1-1p. ____ andbat, feartrnsprtaion COMFOR'rABLE SINGLE ORDOUBLE MODERN ND ~4%i3'_ý Roo. wiTH and athIineda tra6. LoTati19-$I5p.oon, .wilh or withot b d.Private or -withoutfui'n. Reasonable rentai.ý famnily. 485 Wlllow road, Winnetka» Sohell i bulding; tel. Winnetka 765ori-1 EXPEMUEî~N 'El) \WllurE l'l11O'lEST- 116.. 86L,19-1tp 1592.. - . 2LTN19-Itp aftni a i;ill. liea ~tw r , n ____________ waslun~. 8.fi0 l'hne Wnnetk 58 OR RNT7)P TMETU CMINATIOx A TV FOR RET-ÀPATaEnd fumniace heat. Rezisonable relit. 7ILNl9t11RESIDEX:CE APA1RTM\ENT I1,'Ç L 1740 Waliut A-ve..Wlmt. 1E.XI.. VD OiRGNEII.I0IS- ette: 4 or 5 rms. and bath ;IH. W. . - 2LTN19-Itlp ior. uet likçe ehildren. liefs. li t ' Close to schools and tr.,nzsîî Large 3 ROO)M APýT. $35 INCLýUDING HEAT 1 >- qir. wk. 'hone WNininetk.a 1736. yard. Screenee. porvh. Cail evenlings andi light. Available now. ' Al:so furn. - 7ILýTNI9-îw Wý linetîe .1 - - 92L19-ltp room. 851 Spruce St. Wîinnetka 297f,. _____- - ~ATTR. KITCHENETTE A P A R T-.921-t 73 NLP WANTED-MALE ments, 3 or 4 rooms. Also single 6 _RMS., SUN PARLOR, SCREENED FNI'EIINCEI> AEMN WT om Humphrey bldg., Elm and rear porch, elec. refrig.,. garage. 1510 c'ar, north shore territory, to seli Chestnut t., Wjnnetka 98 or 3328. Defister St.. Evanston. Universitv Stokers aiid Thermnostats. Exptne 92LTNC,-tfc 5783. 921T1--tL ;iijciiision. Apply H-. L. Knighit, .6LincolnAe. Wininetka. aftul- 6 1p. In. . . 2LTN!-i94t 73 HEL.P WT-D.--MALE AN.D FEMALE 1WANTEI) AT ONCE 1.5 Couples $75-l0i0 îonth lie ase ,ha.t we advertisIe -We p)lace' experie neeà (>nly 11AULINE.' EMI->. AEC 421, Fourth St. Wilinette 73LTIN 1~- 7y7 FOR SALE-AUTOS > MARMION PHAETVON Excellent Bargain WVINNETKA 1585 _____ 77LTN 9- 1 tî.l FORDa 193 FODORZ DELUXE NIOD- el Sedan: 5 good tires; car nearly fle'. exceptona[ valuie. 1427 Seott PLEASANTPFU R N IS Very reasonable. Phone 2' ATTRACTIVE C< fumnisheti rooma. Besi aide. Wilmette .1940. LARGE, FURNISHFID private bath anti entrai St. Winnetka 2976. 19-itce A. Cla'ssifi ed Ad will save you Cati WILMETTE 4300 ASK FOIR.,AN AD-TAKER Wilr 'ette 4263. 92Li9-Itp 4 ROQM, 1ST PLOOIt APT. EAST AND South exposure. Elec. rèfrig. Conyeni- ently locateti. Phone Wllmette 2,399 or 24276. 92LTN*19-4tp aoROOMSAXD BATH,. HOT? WVATMR heat. $30 month. Ënd floor, 1826 Nlrn- wood Avenue. Wllmette. 92LTND19-Ztp .5 RMS., BATH AxD SNPÙCH (HT air heat. 1-car garage. Ph. Wiirnette 579 or Wilmette 13U4 92LTN19-ltc 1 TO 4 ROM' IHKICE E and private, bath. Steain heat. Conven-. !ently locatei, -Cali Wilmnette 2399 or'* 2427. . 93LTN19-4tp 94. WANTED TO N-AATE S YOUN('î COUPLE WISHES TORENT, unfurnished, two or three-roomý.apart.- ment or hous'ekeePig roins in WiVI- mIlette, with garage .spa-ce if pc>.sible. utbereasonable. i>ýlîone Willlmette 2317. * 94L19-ltp LéOUPLE WANT -2 PERSONS ïTO- share, quiet home. Chàice location, Ridge ave., Witnxt.,3 bks. front N. W.*sta. Address B-36. Boxc 40. Wil- metto.96LT14-Itp LADY WILL SHl.RIE 6 ROOlM HOtME w%%ith aý faniilv of 2 or 3. Fine, loca- tion in, M"ilinette. Lôw rentai. ph.- WilmUette 3473. 961,TNI19-1tlp 97 10ORRENTr-HouSES ___ WILMETE BST E. SIDE:LC Attractive s.tucco on hollow tile. Nr. schools, hurches, transp. 4 atiry bedrmÙS., '-'giazed pches., 2 car gar., Ige. Ya*rd for vhlldregi. $S5 inîonit. INI)IAN 111LA SEC'.. NEW STONE Cofd i t ioliCd air heat. 4 bedrms., 2 bittis, solarjuint. ,xerea. rm., big lot and rock garden. $165. unfurn.. $185 j(er10(Ih>ice lmues forfal selection 9>30 p hh<t Wilnlette 3740 97LTN19-Ite 10 ri. 3 bitths, H. W. ýH., 2 u. g.. $150 9 ri. 2 baths, ex. t. & 1, 1 c. g.. 110 8 rniq., 2 baths, oil, 2 C. g.....100 7 rnis., 2 baths, slp. pch., 2 c. g. 75 6 rins., 1 bath, H. -W. -H., 1 C. g. 45' 6 rins., 1 bat h, H. A. H., 2 é. g. 5 rms., 2nd 1Wt. duplex, htd.... 5() Other gooti value, 'furnisheti andi un- furnisheti houses andti -- B. Il. BA'RNETT 526 Center St. Wlnnetka 967) f)7LI9-ltp 97LU-ltp FO-R RENT -rOR SALE---5- ROOM BUN- galow, att. gar. Reasonable. Near ."hools and transp. 635 Wala.nd ave., Kenlworth, or inquire at 8151 Ridige. ave., Evanston, Mre. Lynn. 97IJrN1S-ltp 7ROOM HOUSEiii-Î WILMU?TE newly deeorated.. 2 bath.. 1 car ga.. rage,' large yard. Reasonàable renta). Phone. juniveràlty 7&37. 97LTM1-Ittp

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