pitchecl by the Florist artist, Jimmie baving rece ministereci a similar trouncur Kenilwortb Ice company ni league game. to th e in Vegetable- Thieves Run Into Uneéxpected 'Trouble Chester Turner. and J. ,H. Reed botb 43 years old.'and. botb giving their addresses as. 1823 -Orrington avenue,. Evanston,, were arrested about 'Il .Op'clock. Saturday nighit .in the act of steainlg vegetables from the farm of George Roemer,.2739 Glenview roaci. They were Ioadin'g the: vegetables onto a truck. Each of tbe men was fined five dollars anc costs by Poliice- Magistrate John J, Peters on1 Manday. Turner andi Reed also made a restitution «of ten dollars. for the. stolen vegetables. Mrs. Henry H. Everett, fôrnierly' of Kenilworth, now of Evanston, re- turned last week from a ten days' vacation spent at Wakazoo Inn, Hol- land. Mich., with Mrs-. John C. Ever- ett. Mrs. Henry Everett on Septem- ber 15, wiIl go to stay with her brother- in-law, E. W. Everett, at Hinsdale, as bis wife and daughter leave for japan on September 29, to be gone for eight months. D EER Delivered ICIE Çold Phone WWtlmette 53 Wilmette Ice Company Your Favorite B ronds IMMEDIATE DELIVERYw PHONE WILMETTE 410 WINN. 2470 ~2471 ie Un ednesday, September 20, at ~ ~ is o'loc, terewif bea lnchôn This wilJ be the third meeting of Greenwood avenue, Wilniette, opened jr~~~~~~ an rde at tth oeô the association, and ail ment and wom- the program with a lovely piano num- L i Frances McClinton, 1612 Highland en employed i food handling places ber. Following that, Mrs. Paul Gather- l- avnueWilmtte.on the north shore, whether members coal entertained with a humorous ie avn u Wil ete br2,asw of the association or not, are in- reading, exceedingly- welI done, en- a ing will be beld at the'home of- our vtd ijd"oeWr;. Matron, Caroline Converse,: 1610 Co-operation of the employees for The speaker of the evening. was Miss, Highland avenue. at 10:30 o'cloc .k, the interest of the .emiployers and. to Wells of Marshall Fieldi and company, with lunch served at noon. furtber the plans of the NRA are the who discusseci cotton textiles as they SelM.Tucker bas been ill with obJects ofý the association,, it is' an- are being used in 'household drapings. ean infection on bher face. nou nced. Everyonie felt that she spoke only' hal f Iaba ll Saville of 216 4tb street, Reea ode olong enough. teprraMs . a e quite. sick of late.Tocnud Anable o n n er hbusban N1L .. kl, pianist, andber daughter, Fran- bave returned frorn a two montbs' Stuflt i pt ces, violinlist, gave' several -delightful nvisit witb their daugbter and faznily. Rebekah lociges of District No.-.3 mes atn ate ab will hold a stunt nigbt, program at Alpeetfl bti hsporî 9the Oddc Fellows hall ini Wilmette ou HAVE FISHING TRIP Wednesday,*September 20. A small ils an index of those to follow, North-' f ALester W. Elias, and bis two sons. admission fee wil be cbarged, it is ridge .mnay anticipate a 'year rernark- Bill and Whitney, 843, Sheridan road, announced. District, No. 3 com*- able in interest and. instruction. returned Saturday from a fisbig n prises fine lodges on tbe, north 1to Rhinelander, Wis. Mabel Elias, who shtire and-west nortb shore.: HAVE VACATION TRIP. lhas . been visiting berparents, returned Tuesday to ber work in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ricker of Havana, Cuba, left Sunday after a visif with the Elias family. Mrs. Ricker. is a sister of Mrs. Elias. The Rickers had been visiting in Canada before coming to Wilmette, and will spend two days in Clteveland witb their, son before. re- turning to Havana, CHINESE GIRLS VISIT HERE' Miss Aimee Drake of 1221 Ashlanci avenue,; haci as ber ~-weekend guests, Miss Eliza Bjang andi Miss Chan of China. They are bere for A Century ui 3rno..o.. ana to .. ....the meet ing of the American Psycholog y HAVE GUESTS asociation at the University of Cbi- Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Moogan and cago. Miss Chan is in the graduate son, George, and daughter, of Cani s- scbool of the University of Michigan. teo, N. Y., and their daughter, Chris- Tbey are on the Barbour scholarsbip, tine, who teaches in Delhi Higb, oin whicb two-bhundred Chinese girls scbool in Delhi, and another daugb- are studying.. ter, Helen, who is in charge of pub- ________________fic welf are in Camdeni, N. J., left Sunday after a visit witb Mr. Moo- Mrs, Juson arg, 142 Tornoodgan's sister and family, the:Ray War- avenue, entertained a small. group Of rens of 932 Forest avenue. f riends at tea last Friday to meet ber__________ mother, Mrs. W. M. Ward of Sioux Mr. and Nlrs. John McNeil Burns City, Iowa, wbo lhas corne to nmake and their three children from Grosse ber home .in Evanston witb ber two1 Point, Micb., arrived in Kenilworth other daugbters, Mrs. J. D. tJtendor- to visit the Robert NlcNeil Burns fer and Miss Francesu War<l fni..._f.4121171-1 -- .- . WINS IN BOAT RACES Billy Smythe of Kenilworth left last Thui-sday for P.trche uiiiversity. His sister, Dorotby, is staying with Jean Cosner, 339 Kenilwortb avenue, until the Sinythe family return -from Portage Point, Mich., to their borne at 43 Kenilwortb avenue. Word was received tbat Billy participated in a nuniber of motorboat. races this sum- mer on the near-by lakes. He won first place at Traverse City in class B. and second place in class C; andi first, place at Ben L.ake and first place at Portage Point. FOX HEAD SALUES CO* 0IF EVIANSTON 620 Madison St., Evanston C jEes1.af 6260 -%Alcu Li:&Kcs zur~ £.a vAisi.. The Guy A. Richardison fanmily, 145 Melroýe avenue, Kenilworth, bas re- turneci froni Medsmak, Maine, with the exception, of, Martha, who went directly to Bosto-n to attend Simmons college.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zipprich, John, Carl, Jr., and Jimmy, 623 Forest ave- nue, returned Tuesday of last week f romn a three weeks' vacation at Lake Geneva. Miss Betty Phillips of Wil- mette. was their bouse' guest ail of theý timne, while Mrs. A. Bauer and daugh- ter, Millie spent ten days witb tbem and -Sylvia and' Kenneth Bontecue of Wilmette, four days. SELL HOME Mr. and Mrs. William G. Colvin Of 709 Elmwood avenue, who have been residents in Wilmette for fourteen years, have solci their home to Mr. and Mrs. Rothe Weigel of 215 Broad- way avenule. The Colvins left Wed- nesday to visit their son-in-law andi daughter, Rev. and Mrs. G. C. Whim- sett at Kank akee, for several'montbs after whicb they will go to Daven- port, FIa. Miss Etta Morris, a sister of Mrs. Colvin, wilI accompany them.' GUESTSN:KENILWORTH Dr. DeanSClarÉk of the Johns Hop- kins ho6sital in Baltimore was the recent' guest of Mrs. Claude Buru- bam and sons, 536 Roslyn road, Ken- ilworth. George Bradsbaw, New York autlior, is vi siting 'David Burnbamn. James Burnharn flew to New York City Sunday to resume 'his work at rMiss Laurine Allen of Colorado 2 Springs, who i8 réturning f rom a trip to Banff, is the guest of her sister and famnily the John A. Carters of 336. iSterling roaci, Kenilworth. -o- 1 Eleanor Moulding,, 1025 Elmnwood avenue, is leaving Suinday,- September J17,' for Northfleld, Minn., where she is la, student at Carleton collége.