'Stores,'.'sponsored b.y Sprague, War-1 ner and companly, Pioneer Chicago wholesale concern tvhich has served independent grocers for almost three quarters of a century. Unider the new arrangement the Van Deusen store wvil participate ii v-ôlunitary group merchandising ineth.. As. without- in aniY sen se f orf eit ing its own individuality or opportunity for independent actioni. it is exlplaiîî- cd. Onie of the 'nost outstanding feature s of the new co-operative en- terprise is the policy of adapting mierchanidising plans to the locality of the individual store,' it is 'as$ert- ed. Emphasis is placed on the point that'in no way will the individualit y or p*Iersonality" of the stores bc li-1 tefrdwith, since the enterprise! stands on the principle'that the ini-l dependently operated store is the vejr)' backbone of Anierican tra(le tradition. The. .Super- Service Stores projeict' afford s the a(lvantages of the econ- aMlies of rniss buving undcr the >,ervision of sonie of'the nationally recogriized leaders in this field, ih is .t!ated. J[t also eniconîplasses,.a sales progra ii backed up by distntv d vertising, co-operation of mari% of the -natioti'sý, largest >mianutfactuirers assd pro(lucers of foods, a definite educa- tionaàl program for personnel, n h Advantages of' research lahoratory and home economlics departmnents to provide for ýthe customner the. latest iiiformnation regarding food prepara- tion. Kenilworth Boys Vie for. Football Awards1 Iuvs a4t the Joseph S'ears sclioulii Kenilworth who started practicing ti1 week for the openjug Of the'fobl sa'nwill work fur Îoutî>all àcîîieve- nient buttoûns to :be awvarde(l to tl*ose wvho attain a certain nunl>er of« 1p)ints in kickiing. passing and. 'tir deîart- ment., of the gaine. 'llie plan of warding buttonsis P,; liew miîe at Joseph Sears, accordilîng t' l,'()I >ert \.V, lvdirector of -îli,- sical education at the school. lts utir- Trhe next Infant Welfare clinic wil be held on Wednlesday afternoon Sep- ternber 27, f rom~ 2 o)'clock until 4. VISIT BROTHER MIrs. James, K. NtfcConnaùg'hey, of .iMt. Pleasant, Iotw-a, has ensed ing wek wth er brother and bis famil, the H. D. Mý,cConnaunghéys of 150() Lake avenue. Mrs. McCoj-, naugliey returned, with, her brother, I s children, Ruth: and Janet,> and bis sister, Miss Grace iNcConinaughey %%-len *they alI recently. came hlomeý froni a visit at Mt. Pleasant. To Ali Automnobi.le cioea.itwas operateciny a couple Of thrifty young fellows who, it is said, conceived the idea that such a 'ventuire might be profitable during the bathing season, when parking spac 'e near the beach is at a premiumn. It is now stated that the Village au- thorities are talcing steps to -prevent the, further use of tbe proper.ty 'for )arking purposes.. Billy Williams, 211 Essex road, Ken- ilworth, is leaving, Mond ay for. Coïneli where he wvil-1 be 'a junior. I HMaSDRCv&e fl1?ArEIw!n il--- * tOv M'r. and Mrs. 'W. ., BeIt and Miss Pa Il ji ilworth, are, home after àacdeiightful 1033. MAIN sTREBT P . . . . .ug.. . summier at ther.home at Tomahawk Wmete238PM dau . . Sug. lk Ni ý.Wlet'27 ad abm «e Automobile speed contests May flot interest yoau, but if the car that wins happons to be the make of car you are, d. ving it certainly gives you a f eeling thatý your'car 'has in it the same qualîies of performance and dependability, The rules of the Elgin road races Of August 26th f or stock cars under 230 cubia inches in disp3.aoement, were so written that practically ail cars selli.ng under Ruth Bennett, 1033 Ashland aveinue. is leaving September 20, to enter ber .senior year at Beloit college. W. Speciaiz. in Comiplote Automobile A MLEI11JjE. UNI..4884 TELEPHONB UNI. 4 Dayton Ogden and son, Robert, 1337 Asbury avenue, Winnetka. re- turned Wednesday of Iast week frolà the BoDvbjerg camp, atý Sheridan, ýMich., where Robert bas beeén. spend- ing9 the. summer. Yours very truly, L. W. SHANXSY, Pres. Brady Motors Ina. L.W. SHANESIr, PRES. BRADY'MOTORS INC. 1033 Chicago Avenue EVANSTONO ILL. Owners: