Freshrnan week at Oberin tbis fal will bring together more than four hundred Young people for their first experience' of college life, The act xv- ities scheduled include tours of the buildings and grounds, talks by mem- bers of the faculty, andl many in- formai social affairs to make t he new stdnsacquainted with faculty and with each other., Th e upperclasstnen return Wednesday, September 20, whièh marks the beginning >of the college year., Oberlin college celebrate'd ler one hundretdth anniversary june. Proo6f that ."the first hundred years are the hardest" may be found in the fact that, judging from presenht indi- cations, total enrolîment here this year will be larger than that, of last. Mr. and..Mrs. Williami W. Sear, and1 daughter, Mirabel,' 556 Green- wood avenue, Kenilwortb, spent a re- cent week-end ýat Ramona Park. ho- tel, Harbor Springs, Micb. On Wed- liesday evening, September 6, Mrs. Sears gave a suÈprise birthday party for her 'mother. Mrs. Aleck errems, Coast railroad. The Charles Hiumies' ncpbew and %vife. M r. anid MIr,. H. E. johinson and sniall daughter frtuni l'av- lorville, Ill., have also hbeen hiere visit- îng. Mi\r. Johinson is. the football coach at thé Taylorville high schlool. ON TRIP IN, WEST Helen David, fornîerly of, Wilmette. iiow 'a. residenit of Evanstoni, spent tw(i days recenitly ini Seattle. Wash., pass- ing part, of lier tiime with Mrs. Ralpli H. DeIok isTavid was on1 lier Nwa% to Xaxc<uver eB. C., te nîeet Vir- ginia Donham anid to go wîtli lier te) Baif and Lake Loie Miss David an(l Miss Donhamn are hô*thl language teachers at New Trie>r Highi school, and Mrs. Rehhock was fornfierly a member of its, art department., RESUMES MUSIC TEACHING Miss Nathalie Noyd has :returned from ber summer vacation and is resum-ing ber music instruction work inWilmette. Miss Neyd has been teaching here for two years. wbo bas been visiting he r. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn of. -o- iAppeton, Wis,,'hbave returned to, their The A .Pbilips family, 625 Brier home after a visit- with the latter's street, Kenilworth, %vbo bave beeni parents,. Dr. ýand Mrs.. L.. W. Jones, spending . the. summer at their cottage 1020 Central avenue. Mirs. Bradburni, nearCaevi, icar bon the former Adelaide Jones, assists Mrs. again. Paul', who %viIl be a sopho- Humer Cotton at New Trier and wil more at ýthe University of Michigan, resume hier work at tlie bigli scbool for- leaves n àext week. another year. SEP1 TEMBER 15 REGISTRATION MONTH at the Evanston Y. M. C. A* Your Health Cornes First-Guard It With a "Y'. Mernbership Comnpete and -Separate Facilities for Men, We, Boys,: Girls No Increase in Gymnasium and Swimming Groups Now Forming J belli roonnu carpted throughout. Tolephon. mand lavatories coxiveniently located. 50 rooms with running water and ,ml cabinets. Modern Self .Servicç Grill and Soda Fountain. Evanston 1Y. M. C. A. Grolve st. ut MiRpls Av.. Tel. Gre. 7400: OBusine si Club El Roos afor Men Nain.................................. Addrss........... ............... lu