Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 29

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160 Northl La Salle street, in hionor of the girls from the Chicago met- ropolitan area wh o are entering Rockford college~ this faîl. Mrs. Mc- Culloch is a graduate and trustee of the college. Miss Jane Addams, wvho, gradua.ted. in the class of '82. is ex- pected to, be present xvith several of lier classmates. 'On the reception commifttee wvlcm ing the guests will be Mrs. Andrew MacLeish. Dean Mary E. 'Mutschler, Mfiss'Triie Kitubaîl. actingpres 1ident oif the Chicago Rockford Alumnae, Nfiss Marion Hanna, M!rS.,Arthur'L. Tucker, Miss Helen'English. Miss MNargret. Ellen, How, -Prof.' Lorena MI. Church, Mrs. B3lanche E. Burpee, NMrs. Cliarles E. Herrick~ 'r.Ioa IcMeneny, and MNrs. H. M.[aut- The guests %lio Icave for college next Monday include: Miss Eleanor Edwards, Miss Eliza- beth Highifield, 'Miss M'\arie Klopsteg, NMfiss Irene .Levis,. Miss lessie Steele anlMiss Mfary Belle Woodley of Evanston, aIl gradùatés of Evanston Townýisii High school; Mfiss Kathar- ime Thoinpson of XVjlmiette, gradutate of New Trier Highi school; Miss Lu.-, cille 'Brennier, of ,Kenilworth, New Trier graduate; Miss Martha Skill- ings of Wifinetka, graduate* of Mel- rose Higli school, Nfelrose. Mass.; Miss jeanne Stout of WVinnetka, Who wvon the honorary scliolarshiîp for Rockford fromi New Trier. and Miss Nancy Rutledge of (;leiicoe, graçluate of New Trier. Choose Weddihg Days \Vinnetka %veddings of general north shore interest have just been. announced. Nir. and NIrs. Cornelius Lvnde have. issued invitations for the wedding, Septemiber 16. of ,Mr. Lynde7's datighter. MargaretEriv to Eugene V. 07Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. F T. O'Brien. also of. Winnet- ka. *The-vwedding of Miss Louise Farson Clabaugh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Hinton Graves Clabaughi, to Milton Emrich, son of M.\rs. George L. Em- rich of (Glene.~~ w.,ll he 1,,,.,aAit B. Scott is champion of Class B, with Mrs. D. P. Skinner the runner-up. Class C championsb:p was. won by Mrs. H. J. Jensen, with Mrs. C. G. Foster the runner-up. The July tournament was most in- teresting and present-ed the following winners: Class A--Mrs. .C. H. Kreg- er, Mrs. LeGrand runner-up; Gllass B-Miss.ý Bet.ty Hurtt, Mrs.. C. H. Hurtt runner-up;, Class C-Mrs. Hri J. Jensen, Mrs.' C. G. Foster ru.nner- up. On Friday, September 15, the last. Ladies' Guest1 day of the. season will ~be held. Golf on that day will .con- sist of. an -18-hoieý. flag event, with prizes. for members 'and guests. The final Ladies' day, September 25,' is expected to.be a gala one. It is to be -a. costume party, and .with everyone back in town froin vaca- tions,, will it is prophesied, be well attended.* Following a, one-baîl four- some golf event, luncheon- will be served,. the annual business- meeting %vilI be held,, and the sca-son prizes awvarded. Dinner H oats Tonight Mr. and Mrs. William Montgomery of 640 Gregory avenue are giving a dinner party tonight at Westmore'- 'and Country club in honor of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Palmer of Franklin, Ind., formerlv of Chicago, and Mrs. E. L. Sawyer of Clintoni, Mo. CONTRACT BRIDGE 1-ESSONS I DOROTÊHY IONNQUIST WILMETTE 3064 .....»« «1 -'. -. . D .'L~ICK a.. f din»ier guests were Dr. and Mrs. Horace Greelev Smith and Dr. and Mrs. Oscar Thon-as OIson of Wil- mette. The Bickhams' son-ini-law and daughter, the Rev. and Mrs. James C. Bean of Poneta. Iid.,ce- brated their second anniversar1- the'ý same week. Entertain7 Head of Smith The Chicago Smî,th club and the Evanston-North S1.hore club will give a dinner at the. Union league club Tuesday. of- next week for President William Allan Neilson of Smith col-. lege. . With bis. daugfhter,. Caroline, President Neilson will arrive, Sunday to s tay until Thursday, seeing A Cenl- tury, of Progress. He is especiallv interested in the Smith'college boothi atthe Fair,*and in -meeting inembers of-the Smith çlubs at the dinner they are giving in bis honor. More Social and Club News *on Following Page HELEN Mi. KURNIKER WILL SWSUME CLASSEG IN DANCING AT THE COMMUN ITY HOUSE 620 LINCOLIN AV., WINNETKA WflDN*SDAY. OCT. 4T1. Pupils are Invlted to enroll, Wednesday, ScPterbter7th, froni z to 5 P. -M., at.- the Community lIouse. CJa s 2'in . Dallet, Tap, Mod.rn- j bitte, Charictr, M am>Dllroorn 1anc>ng. Aiso rcriatUonl weigut red"Ing for CHICAGO STUDIOI 1922 STuvENit BUILDING 17 N. STATU ST. FOR 23 YEAR5 10, to meet Mrs. Alex Hannahi. who is visiting hiere froin Pasadena.- A subscription dance was given at the Kenilworth club last-Friday eve- nj.ng, September 8, by Carleton Ross' of Kenilworth and the boys of bis .orchestra.. There will be a series ofý these dances given .during the 'winter. phone CHICAGO TRANSLATE -NO TOLL CHARGE- 6000 F4pIr- C> ly CHICAGO'S AND NRTH SHORES AGETCL ERS I 4 T

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