Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 28

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at Open and Opening Meet- ing September 22 Bx Jean Teîs Broeck One of the, highest peaks in club proôgramns,: and ýone that goes hand. in hand, with: noteWorthy events in the world of music, will be attained in Wilmette Friday afternoon,. Septem- ber 22, when the Woman's. Catholic. club of; Wilmette presçnts Aiberto Salvii,. heralded ,as, "Wizaird of the. Harp," for tbe oeing of its sea- son, wbich. is Reciprocity day. In- vitations bave been sent to, the state and district presidents and the presi- dent s of the,.clubs of the Tenth dis-. trict. Members are privileged to bring guests to the elaborate musical programn in the large auditorium of the Wilmette Woman's club, at. 2 o'clock. This being President's day, -the *programn chairmanl, Mrsý. Charles, Broad, has. arranged. to presen.t on this outstandiag occasion, Mr. Salvi, a resident of Wilmette, and. a inat for whom the praise of critics soars *higb. Sharing honors with him will be David Moîl, concert violinist and protegé of Mischa Mischiakoff. Salvi is known as "the phenomerý harp virtuoso." *Leading music, cri ics ini Chicago, in the east, and mu.s journals extol the beauty of hlis plaj ing. The critic of the Chicago Amner can says. "l ny eighteen. years1 Chicago, 1 have never heard suc coniplete mastery of the harp 1" On in New York writes of his playinj "'Revelation"; the Chicago Tribuni '4Only in Ueaven shall I hear suc harp playing"; The New York Amer ican, "Arouses Astonisl-ient !" 'Electrifying eff ects," "atveave of dreamns," "Brilliant! Dramatic1 "Offers a new, vista of, the. harp' possibilities," "Makes the audienm .Sit ýright up,"' "At one turne a strini quartet, later a. small orchestra, these .a re only a Ifew of his inani enthusiastic press commen ts. WVhen, on August, 11, of this year Mr. Salvi played at the last of tlic University of Chicago Suiimer con. ;lit at Lc lN 4 - last week in Au-Apit ed oSaeDAR Sidney of Chi- onsHed o taeDAR of the coveted Parley; Asks -Gifts for )prize in the Camp 'as won by Mrs. MIrs. George IH.I3eaudin of ~6 Elnzoood aveniue, enterig upon l'e- second yrar ais presid'nt o f the IV'onîan's Catholic Clubi of [Vil- m>ete, 'zcill preside over o,îe of tlic hilhlight occasio ns of the , vcar Fei- daiY after» adnSepteniber 22, çý'h ici, is the o/'ening meetinig of the iiewc SeaýSon. Reciprocity daY and Presi- dtl'nýt's dlav, and Gîjesi day., ail tili one. For if a g(lala profgrant lias been /'lained, onîe whicl iill present to ,umesand Ilcir frieîids and of- ficers of district clubs, A'lberto Sak'i oflJFihiiette, acciainied as ftle 70011ld's (ii»catest concert harpisf. rShawnee's Calendar Has catesRegular Weeklg E vents Septèmiber at Shawnee club indi- saes that the Thursday buffet sup- ce" persfollowed by a story hour.for the ig children and progressive auction, bridge for their eiders, %,ill..continuùe. %,. ith their usual w%ýeekly* regularity. *The Mon:day bridge luncheons w ith r, contract bridge gaines -progressive In the first fiight, Miss Mary Lynch *of Winne tka, was winner, .wth. Mrs. J. Tregenza .runner-ýUp, and Mrs. W. *H. MoIter, winner of the consolation prize. Mrs. A. Vickery of Chicâgo won the :second fligbt match, withMiss .Mary Ellen Èo0zer. of Kenilworth, ru nner-up ýand Mrs. R. Fellingham winner of consolation. The, titie in the third flight goes to Mr.A. Orton of Winnetka, who de- feated Mrs. R. Ayres. Mrs. T. Thompson. of Wilmrette. won the ion- solation prize. SThe low net score for Champion- ship. week* was awarded in each of the three classes as follows: Class A-Mrs. G. Bigler; Class B-NMiss Dorothy Melchonie;. Class C-.Xrs. D. Warner of Evariston. Mrs. J. Barron won low putts for the week and Mrs. P. Merrill of Ev.- anston won the myvstery prize given bv \Irs. MfoIter and Mrs. Felling- liai, for her high score 'on. short lioles. *A large field 'turned out for the championship tournamient with« isspecial events. Intense interest. tno, was rnanifested over the thirt- six-hole round for determination of ilhe chamipionship, haîf of whiçh %vas played ini the morning, the remainder inl the afternoôn. Aiter it was ended, Iea was served in the women's lock- r room. Ladies' days at North Shore con- tinue each Tu'esday during Septein- Ler, and the bridge luncheons are be- ing held throughout the mionthi on* \Vednesdays.S Bridge Luncheon New memibers of the Juniors-of thle Wýomanj's Catioic club of Wilnxettcl -!nd their officers and.director*s are to be guests at a one o'clock lunch- con and bridge Septemnber 16, at thé home of Mrs. George Ortseifen, jun- ior sponsor. 337 Essex road, *Kenil- wvorth. The , luncheon on Saturdav m'as post pone.d frorn îast week owinçg Committee. members f rom Skokie Valley chapterfor the state D. A. R. conférence to be held at Evanston ini .March, 1934, include the, following:, Mrs. E., J. Scheidenhelmi of WVil- me tte, flowers and decorations.; Mrs. J. 1B. Olwin of Wilmette, platform. and house; Mrs., William. A. Durgin of Wilmette, publicity; Mrs. Frederick M.' Bowes of Wilmette, chairmani of pages;- Mrs. Walter Coire Mitchell of Wil- mette, state commiittee 'on credentials. Mrs. I. C. Cope of Winnetka, Mrs. James P. Gillies of Hubbard Woods, Mris. 0. M. Ruth and M'rs. How ard Hodgkins of K!enilworth, hospitalitv. Mrs.ý C. A. Whetston of Winnetka, reservations; Mrs. C.,G.* Kingsley of Kenilworth, traftic and transportation; Mrs. 'J. Kelso, Farley, of, Keni lwvrth,, printing; ýMrs. Harry L. Street' of Winnetka, music andl entertainmeént. Mrs. WVilliam A. Durgin is appointed ýfirst vice-regent of the chapter, ini place of Mrs. Randolph' Buck, resigned. M Iembers, who have reading matter to send to the Skokie>Valley Reforest- :at ion cam rp are asked to commi-unicate %with Mrs. J. K. Farley of 300 Ahbots- ford, r0ad, Kei1ilvorthi, w~ho is in charge of this (lepartiTient of the chapter %vork. Playi:ig car(ls andl gaines are also very acceptable, and as the Camp is exp)ectedj t-' Continue through thec winter a large amnouîu of entertainmient material Cali uwlsed. Septemiber 17, is Constitution jax-. ~ini vesr .o the (Iay on whlichi the Constitution of the lVntedi States wvas signied. MNenibers are asked to displav aags . as this is one' of the inmportanit flag- days of the year. Launches Year Sept. 22 nHe XVoman's guild of the' Congre- gational church, is conimencing its new season Friday afternoon, Septeniber 22, at the home of Mrs. Hlenry Hall, 500 Central avenue. - A board meeting wili ated, a sensation. He hac than 1,000 recitals withc artists. Such is, the caj *'t~sJfS &>arron, mr. L)ÇL4ajiswi u beannoune usqety prodced.Walter Ballard, -LMrs. Louis Crush, e y ing, he has Mrs.. Wendelin Seng, Mrs. Joseph The Kenilworth Tuesday evening ts and cre- Verhalen, Mrs. Edward Kirschberg, bridge club was entertained at dinner given more and Mrs. P. J. Cunneen. on September 12, by Mr. and Mrs., it assistihg Members of the board of directors Grant Ridgway of 207 Cumberland re of the will1 be in the receiving line. *ai.-enue, Kenilworth. was gîven by Eleanor France, pianist; Réena Grahami Callow, violinist; Ella Sailor, reader; Pearl Hoose,. soprano, ;and. Grace, Muelhoefer, dancer. The program.,was arranged by Mrs. F. G. Guthridge-of -Wilmiette Who.also was the accompanist.

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