Pupils Enrolle Eýnrolîtuiejt, in the Wilmette public schools this year miay fal slightly be- rI IFAJ LT> ý ua.5 acuuI1 Jl4JJ 10w that, of last year. A checkup Children' at Crossings Tuesday of this week showed that .1,570 pupils wvere, enrolled up te that -lan adjourned meeting of the time. Last year. at the end 'of Sep- \'iflageIboard hield Tuesdav evening,. tember- 1,601 pup)îls %vere enrolled. By' a resolution was passed authorizing thé end of tlîis mo.nth ît.is expected V"illage President Dubbs 'te enter liti- that the enirillmenit again will: be. close to a contract with the Illinois.Lmrg-te the 1,600 'mark. eieN cv Relief commission wvhereby that Six. hundred anid fi ity-six pupils are orgafliza-tion will supply meni to guardi registere(l at the Howard school, while 'treet cross ings durilîg the. sclool tht entral schcol group .. Car tu . protect childreni frein the r(illment c f 595. At the . hools dangers, of street'trafflc. The oi chenp-netfgre'aeastlos ract aise calîs for the supplying -o u nlnetf )irsaesflos Lauirel. )5 : lugai,> 154, and High- mnen te do othier work in the village. crest,. 70. It is e\tpressly provided that the Vil-'l'lie numnber of pfis attending the lage of Wilmiette shaîl assume all re- Higilcrest scliocil1 i pui)i abybeo >jponsiIiits and(ilial)ilitV in conniection iîsdral eo sevce hehr î~ e"that of îast -car. This is partly due wîthtliî I .tu the fact that the Highicrest eighth un il)lbe d are resîdents or outsidlers. gradle las been absorbed hy the Hou7- Onlyp Way to Get Aid ard school. F, iglit pupjils ii that grade ' lté4p is nmade necessary, it is , front th(;Highicrest tetrîtÔty are en- >tated. hecatuse the W\dnxette Wei-- rolled at Howard. fare lboardlbas ceasc(l te function, ('wîng to lack ofý funds, and for the H S .i-arsuII .? iI<r <i()M re21alsh e i nrther reason that this- is.tht onily u ';m'tL,,. lastablishmentstcd %valv in vvwichlm illette cari share in rR s so afiItwecorclcd Under 1N1A the receipslcf the,2 'percent sales tax. T, GoyéR.Ia- 'i oleigadtinlWlet or occul)ational tax. ,te vhichi t is. J <,, wîorin ofed sercl. înouîtl 'ligers llwi\igadionlWmet (lailY cotitril)uting.. , îcîîat*s îj,~, stc to odhveee '11ashal i ai potediin the local post office during Somne inenil)trs of the Village board'a ~icr~tta and ail eXpert t he past week: raised objections te fthe terms c f the iii rcal est atie <ppraisals. Ije lias Zeida 'Manin, Armnand's, Burns! cnntract, but President Dubbs ni be< il ilnîslandinqc-ýj ivie ladr i Toggerv, F. \V. Wool-worth Co.-R. iornîied them tfiat t is ontl on the fo s 'val years. G. Russell, Pure Out Preducts Co., basîs of its provisions that the men . _______--2 Ivanst.on Delivery, H-ubert Hoffmann cati be secuired. On e stipuilation i . & Sons, Ridge Road Florists, Tom tae cotrt mniii as h 'illpre shallCha b rof Commerce \Vasser, Helene BeautY Shop, Mid- bihfo th int camo nts 4dm ts nT ha î est Stage LUghting Co., A. Eari bill îUîfortea oit tothe Relie i Ad its ew iM emberS, Batchelder, Lloyd Hollister Inr. ciniiiýsinfor reimbilurseniienit. Five qpplications for iiembtersipl in Western Union Telegraph Ce., Fred Urges Care in -Selection the WMilnîette Chamrber of Commerce I.-. Rice Co.., Woman's Club cf Wil-' Village Manager Osborn hro)ýÉu9ht 1-r ppoe ytîat urganization at mette.________ iip thtic question of the moral rcspoiiî-,wi prvdhJmte sibilitv' of the men to he eimploveëdas its regular iiunthlv meeting Mondav 1 TENTH, ANNIVERS-ARY croýssîng gars, oiniing out. thatj nloou at Weeks' dining rooem. Tlit tenith anniversary cf the coin-I thb~ille sîiecial police oticers Three of the ive ii%newtembers, pletion and dedication cf "St. john's canid t e that reat c are h ne xe-f Arthur l.uke, bilder and real estate Lutheran church edifice is being ob- cis(l e et ha th3'areme cfi perator: the Avenue NMilliiierv- shoppe served at this season. Special serv- godcharacter and souind jnd(gmi.ent. (Leu.Weber, proprietor) and- \Veeks' ices comniemorative cf the event will lven thouigh they wverk iltr r dirtc ooiae egla ieb' s ad be held later in the vear, it is an- tien cf the chief of police, the village tiîiîiig r ,oeî F A. reguremr, t nhpnuc manager assertcci, tliere is danger . i e tert\'F,.Aîde, onsîi oucd that. . ren commE fron the <enselv 1 treasuirer aid A. .\TGruhn, general ______________ Contraets to Retain Special pn;-ý-ý" lad q-h n .MoncIay floon D(A.. b.vaniJeusen, is iniuLAUULUto LUver Itnc Jr.. president cf the Chamber. The. collection an'd disposaI. jnediation board is still in thec forma- formerly charged a fee tive stage. Names cf its niembers wjll cost cf this service, butu bc announced later. Disputes that arrangement, which was1 cannot be settied locally wiIl be re-1 last spring, the expense ferred té county and state boards.,. ered by the tax levy. be cov-J obertscin, duo-pian- ýbruary 5. berg, soprano, Mon- ett, baritone, Thurs- day, La day, *B. P. W. C. ME The first meeting and Professional V Wilmette. will be hel ing room Thursday, o'clock, Miss Ruth of the organization. n Weelcs' Dum- ember 14, at 8 Tfl. 18: president Assessor TAX BOOSTING North Shore Property Owners Cail Upon George F. Nixon to Address Meeting 'North shore l)roperty owners wÎ]l declare war on the general tax situa- tion at a meeting to l)C held at'Byron C. Stolp schol in Wilmeétte, Monday. evenîing, September 18, at?ý8. O'clock. .A definite organization, is being p rected of ail organizations in ail ejl ae s on the north shore for the inauguration of a campaign to start iniediately. for the reduction of taxation on real estate, it is -stated. Explains Tax Statu& The, meeting is- being"pnsored lw the W'ilmette Home Owners as- sociation, and' is to be addressed by George. F. Nixon of the Cook-county b)oard of appeals., His subject will be, "The Iniside Story cf 100,000 Tax ~Coniflaints." Hfe vill tell the ';"why" of the 15 percent cut on homes iii 1931 and the propesed general cut cf 20, percent for 1932 and why a one p)ercent tax, limitation -should be definitely enacted into lawý in Illiùois... The Wilmiette Home Owners' as- sociation, wýýitlva inembership of over 500 WiI*mette home owners, lias ýjoined wvith ail other north shore or- ganizatiens and the Nýorth Shore Real Estate board in starting this definite camipaign and te the meet- fing w il .aise be 'invited, the repre- sentatives of the State Legislature froin the local district, namely, Sena- tor Arthur Huebschi, and Representa- tives Anna Wilmiarth Ickes, Frank E. Foster and Emmett McGrath. Chamnpions. Home Owners M'Nr. Nixon is a resident of the north shore and the flghting cham- pion of thFe home owners' question of taxation, it is stated. He is past president of the,Chicago Real Estate. board and the Illinois Association cf .Real Estate boards and is now chair- ian of the Taxation and Legisiation commnittee cf the. Iast named organi- -1-- " A ; ,%T - .