given over to meetings of the depart- ments of the league and chairmen who will preside at these. sessions are: Mrs. Guv A. Tawney, Urbana; Mrs. Louis Bro-wnlow, Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde, Mrs. Roy C. Jacob- son, and.IDr. Rachelle S. Yarros, Chi- cago; Mrs.Mare A. Pollak High-' lafid Park, and Mrs. E., C.. Schmidt, Urbana. The program ichairman for. the, convention is Mrs. C. P.. Fowler, Ev- anston,' and menibers. of her: coin- mittee are: Mrs.' B. F.* Langworthy. Winnetka;ý Mrs. Kenneth F. Rich, Chicago, and MrÉ. jasper King, Win- netka.. The. program, committe e will have an.announcemùent shortly for a thirteenth convention on a thirteehth day of a.thirty-third year. An *,informai dinner' meeting is] scheduled for, the evening of Octo-1 ber 13, and the clixnaàx of the, con- venition will. be a large luncheon Oc- tober 14 when Miss Frances. Perkins, *Secretary' of Làalor,, will he. the! speaker. RETURN FROM SUMMER-.TOUR Capt. and Mrs. Allerf E. Towntel of Evanstôn, who have been stopping at the" Lake Shore. Athletic club, Lake Shore. drive, during, the suim- nier. moniths are returning to their Evanston apartment for >the winter. Mrs. Townetogether with ber* sister.' Mrs. C. E. Arnouild, 729 Nfaclean avenue, Kenilworth, returne(1 In August via the Cunarder Berengaria from a visit in England and a short trip to the Continent. Mrs. Arnould and 'Mrs. Towne had the pleasure of an airpiane flight over London and the Thamnes during the IIenlev. re 'gat- ta, in the privately owned plane of somneOxfordî friends, and were enter- taiined. t the Hanworth Air, club, where Mrs. Amnelia Earhart' Putnam w .as so ;eithusiasticafll feted follo,.%- iIîg her,,su-ccessfulflight. Tlîey were! also entertainied àai the, new -L'Aice de Pique" club, outside. of London,. wVhich %vas .recently opened with Lord Semiple acting as grand mraster ofi ce rermonies. eneratjons' (Psalmns 1135- Among the citationsi rised the -lesson-sermon, nearer, de h co-niatter is the fol- (p. 239). I un iver~i1v to. us, Spirit'; ~WR'LBE 0OVER LIN A jIFFVY!" * With:the.telep hoet do yo)ur ,errands and extension telephones. to s ave time and steps within your home., you can7-do 'ýmost everything,"in a jiffy!" An exten- skrn telephone ini the bedroom, in par- Bickilaniof 429 intn street returu- ed last week from a summer spent acting as councillors atCamp AI- gonquin, Algonquin, Ill. They will leave next Monday for Grinneli col- lege, Grinnell, Iowa, iwhere Margaret will be a junior and Emnma a fresh- man. be ga to help you place your order., iiiýic nas i universitv t. --ý'