Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Sep 1933, p. 24

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Thne annuai announicement of connnig ter,. Chicago--.ý u1V11Xýlc The North Shore Chamber Music e vents with the Chicago Symnphony or- Fortune Gallo will open a four- association looks forward with enthusi- * chestra at Orchestra hall is at band. week season with his San Carlo asw to the beginning of its eleventh The truistees proclaim with jpIeasure the Grand Opera company at the Aude:- season when it will present four con- fact that the season will open on Oc- ýtoritim, September 18, George A. certs of the same high standard as tober 5 and,6, a week early on account Kingsbury, managing director of flie hitherto, and these will be held as usual of. A Century o f Progress visitors; theater, announces. The repertoire ýat, the Kenilworth Assenibly hall on that nio curtailment is made in the for the first weeék schedules, Sunday afternoons.1 number or quality of soloists; no short- onanihSpe er8,Cr- The- program plans are t complete enin ofthenumer f cncetsandmen" witb Ina. Bourskaya, -AIaNo but the comniittee Weil choose ensembles a rdutio ii sasn tckt pics.vella, Mario Valle., TuesdaY, "Mme-, fr o m the ,f ollowing:' Philharmonic Bot ol ad nw nme apearonButterfly,' with Hizi rKoyke,' Dimitri String Quartet.of Chicago, Mischakoff, the soloist list as anniounced. There areCadoFiel.Wde String Quartet, Hart House Strin sonfie tweity-odd 'artis'ts Who, %vil1 ap- day, "Faust," withý Ina Di Martino', Quartet of Toronto,, Canada, Jacques pear in the coming twenty-eight weeks Thursday, "Cavalleria Rusticana" and Gro tigQatto e ok of Thursday-Friday concerts. Amonig -"Pagliacci," witb, Aroldo Lindi,_ Alba and the Elscbuco Trio, of New York. them are, Dalies. Frantz, Ossip Gabril- Nvlao te o al.Fia The support given te the: concerts Owitsch, Rudolph Ganz, Vladimir Horo- "'Rigoetto" it EeaoaDmr, Iast year provedt teasoiation that, witz, Gunnar Jobhansen, Guy Maier and Amund Sjovik,, Di Martino,. Onofrei. f a aeadsic otiuint Lee Pattison, Guiomar Novaes, Egon Saurda feno,"Hansel -and n thesialof te of thecomunity, and Petri and Arthur Scbnabel, pianists. Gretel," with Biernice Schalkeri, Fox pt ftehnia ne hc Mischa Elman, Nathan Milstein. Mischa Stefan zakevich. Saturday night, teascainwretesao a Mischak6ff and Joeph Szigeti,..violini- "lTovatore." Sunday night, "Aida," 'e-o t otscesu.Oigt ists;,Gregor Piatigorskv -and Daniel with Bianca Saroya, Dreda. Aves, tedfficty ad uppart of *Saidenberg, 'cellists; 'Grete Stueckgold. Lindi, Vall, othier. Carlo Peroni, chamber.music h ru oh ot soprano,' and Sir Hamilton Harty and Walter Sprv, concert lnsaist and director. sbore is highly praised by musicians Felix Weingartner, guest corductors j teacher, Ieft Evaiistopa Iast wveek for for its .work in.this field. It is the onlv On the Tuesrlay list are Pôl4-* Mild- iSpartaifriwg, S. C., Mo becorne head RETURN TO NORTH SHORE oranztnofisin inteC- ner, Egon Petri and Arthur Schnabel. o f fthe piano departnentataiCon,- MisEtleSgatclitnd aoae. pianists; Miscba Elmani and Nathan pecrs, oleg. her brother, George Swigart, violin- Announcements of definite'dates and Milstein, violinists; Gregor Piatigorsky. 1 ist, and Pauline Manchester of Glen- pornswl erayOtbrI\l~ 'cello and Sir Hamilton Harty and. Mr Spry has been connected with coc, pianist, returned to the north sao ikt r sud h fieso * Felix Weingartner, guest conductors. the Columbia School of Music for theoe las Wednesday from a sum- the North Shore Chamber Music asso- Many ofthese artists have plaed here *last seventeen years, making bis home mne r' sengageme t atNippersink Ecartof are ifllorts:rs. ert B. before whîle a number are to be heard in Evanston during al. that tume. He lodge. Ekato eiwrh rsdn;Ms and seen for the first tume ith the bas not only been one of the Chicago A. B. Spach of Kenilworth, secretarv: * Chicago Symphony. area's outstanding teachers, but bas held AUTUMN FESTIVAL Walter Marx of Kenilwortli, treasurer. This is the forty-third opening .Of the. a position of prominence as a concert The Illinois Federation of music The executive committee is composed symhoy sasn, hetwetyninh n-artist. -. clubs is holding its autumiu festival of the following: Mrs. Richard Stanlev der he capabl, htenbtonofFreint k n- e was accompanied east by Mrs. and conférence in Chicago October T thill and Mrs. Philenrnon B. 'Kobl- Stock. The orchestra was founded in Spry, and tQgetber tbe:, wil be guests 12 to0 19 saat, Evanston; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 1891 by Théodore Thomas, who died of the president of Converse "coilege * B. Mulford and Mrs. Erna'u Akely of in 1905. His, place was taken at that until they find a home of tbeir own. Wilmette; Mrs. Eckhart, Mrs. Spachi lime by Mr. Stock, who bas filled C uc and Mrs. Arthur W. Wakelv, Kenil- the position ever since. Fair to Have Program I .oloist *j worth; Mrs. Roland D. Whitnman, Mrs. * Itis urter nnonce tht te tcke of~~'** ___________________________Honmer E. Cotton, Mrs. E%'eIN La- sales fortseaoun cd ath tickets oenfMn& ieligtous MVusic * Salle and Mrs. Hildegard MrsW,~in- saemornga tboficsoeins Oesr. 1poram of ' eligious music netka ; *Mrs. Albert 0. OisonCece monn a h bxofieillrcest a be ree ind* the Hall of ,and Mrs. George jones, Highland Par.k. hall. The various advantages of ilvnîg SR-eigina etryo rgeso Robert Browvn of Keniilworth,'is the a season ýticket are stressed,:. the ecn, uday eveig September 17, from.jno hîmn m yof season tickets to the, concerts7bo_ y RteChcgoCouilo the elimination of uncertainty in ob eigious Education. CMOIIN ULSE taining 'seats forfavorite soloists, and Large choirs froin Chicago churches CMOIIN ULSE that by purchasing a season ticket oe ivili s ing historic hy mniiis. The pres- Berl nice V s iolg eo gnitnapia supports and sustains the orchestra. entation, combining music and dra- -ci In order to give visitors te the city matic arts of the chutrcb,, will be di- cmoe ntefedo aytah ed b Pro. H Augstie Smthing pieces., She had two nuimbers andirectounofyfifehartsng nnrelofiohe.rectaccepted -for publication last spring, nation's outstanding orchestras and con- ire ro ieat nrlgo'i and, only recently two more conipo. 'dutos, heorcesra angemnthas,'Boston. university, and for 16 years aurragdtoe the sehetr anament oga erad ieto f h 6 -tien aiso by a New York houýe. The arragedto pentheseaon wek oranier nd iretorof he ivelatter two are te bc used ini con nec- earlier than is customary, thus giving vested choirs of thé New FirstCon- tien with the Oxford Piano course. four weeks of concerts before the clos- gregational church of Chicago. Ms oehsrsne irtahn ing of A Ceintury.of Progress exposi- RACHMANINOFF RELEASES ot M iss Mil badresu iehr stcaci.1g tionoth priateland .t liericstdCon tien. ~Two new compositions, by Rach- Wîret tte neia o The coming sea$on, as , sual, will maninoff inclùdes a trajiséription of ietory i Chicago, where sh-e bas 'consist of twenty-eight Thursday eveï the Scherzo froni "A Midumerbeeni a favulty inember'for a number n iig, twentyreight ,Friday afternoon anid Night Drearn" (Mendelssohn) whie4ofyers twelve Tuesday.aftern~oon concerts, the wilI fascinate the advanced p . WLi s latter presetedI on the secotnd an~d and wliich 1is fuller ini~ts harinQnza- M~4iss Lolta. Bért1hig, attractive youig, folirh'Tusdays 'of-éach montithe is in hnaohr transcription' of '9'M 'Ilinietsoprano, wll sîigthe roli' -o O to e 1 . he s me wo k: t e .e n e fr m f M ice la ih e li t ree performarn es 1'fXSCA*5à ~th eb Fltb majo bats tfoer Vio- i of "Car*nêot" to le given tunder the conoepinaasse yAle o thatae ben o e dyGae~ormo 1o~g tteana ino 'amn iIicueann Gibspano, and Carl es hrus- Denton will . be given in the Autdi- ineetiig ý., thte WO"Iall/s guild of ber of Chicago singers. ton, violinist, gave a recital. Last torium, theater. Lawrence Tibbett the chuirch on MondI«y afternoon, 'Sunday the program in the Illinois wilI open the series in a 1recital September 18. Last MQnday afer- SINGING AT ALLERTON Composers series was given ly Ruth October 30. Serge Linfar"s Russian noon shte was the ,toloisf at a meet- Marjorie Sherman (Mrs. Harold R. Kiauber, composer-pianist, who was ballett will follôw on Novetuber 20. ing of the Mot her's cii-cle of the Sherman); mezzo contralto, of Wil j assisted by: Alvena Rechzeh and Tito Schipa and Elizabeth Reinberg chut-ch, which tvas held at the home mette, wilI give a program of songs« Kathryn Aniderson, duo pianists, and will appear ini a joint recital on of Dr. apid Mr£. Ernest F. Tittie at the Allerton club on Sunday eve- Estelle Hughes Felber,. soprano. December Il. inSMJEznGston. -ùing, September 24.

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