name aa aaaess orine witer. Arl'tice.S ior Pub>- icatjnn must reach the editor by Tuesday noon to insuÈe. appearance in current aisue. Resolutionst of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- aries, notices of entertainmfents or other affairs where an ad.m.ttance charge is 1ublisheýd, wil ho chareed at regitiar advertising rates. It is notewvorthiv that at a tinie hen the building -industry- is virtually at a stanids-;till, twu ontrcton lrojects, of first rate-il]Portance DUHUig CLare going forwvard il, Wronder Temp le \\îlmette.. One is the ý%%aterNorks. t h e cost of NhîChIso be defra,,,ed froin water revenues. l'le other is the- Baha'i tempille. hnanced through freewill offerings of ad-- herents of that faith in eerv coun1trv on *the globe.' The former of _major local ii-ý terest, the, latter of a l)roacder influence that emibraces the entire western wrl One designed to suirpass i ap)earance and miechaiîical apI)ointilints anvs- snillar plant nu the Chicago iniet.ropolitan areaý, the other to achieve ini the, grandeur o.f its settin1g, the originalitv -)of its desiguit sub)lim-e b eauty, its sNvmblolisiis. anîd Spirit - ual interl)retations onie Of the structure mnarvels of ail t iie. If one imiagines that in drivngb the Baha': temple and viewing it fron ic wvindows of a m-oving automobile lie lias really seen that imposing creatiannin steel and stone and cancrete,. ane. giimpse of the inside will denm on strate his errar. F-or the -exterior gives'but a faint conception of the marvelous-beautyanid tlrill ini- miensity that' the interior reveals--an ii,- teirin w"hich the- mystic arts- of the orient have been superbty jind itth structural skillof the occident. Although. interpretative of a religious principle as old as religion itself, it is Ultra modern in all its architectu.ral .ffitail.- tation bv her pastor, observed: "I've listened to evervth-ing you had to say and 1 stili want to Th e continued aggressive and effective .be a Chiri stian." - war on crime by the Constituted. athori- ties Of Cook countv* gis-es rise to the hlope Century of Progres note: In the Oriental Vil-, Good- Work that at last thelw lage. a barker extolling t he. charmis of the girls, in. GodJ'r;aîiding elemients of this the' slave market... a smnall, dark,1 person>able KeepIt p! ommnit ar tore- girl on the Platfor while he barks.. is she one tin hnt ersentsome> considera-. of the charmers- w.. e are quïckly disillusjon.ed preentdrveonoutlaivrv *"This young %'vom!an» savs lie, "would neyer 'vas first. inaugurated. doutit,:%%a$ freelv wvin a prize. in an oriental slave mar.ket. Here expressed as .to the 'Sinceritv of th e au- ïs- one of those you'll see inside."' thorities as Well as to their ah)ilitv -to sUC- And witîî a grand flourish lie, ushers. out a cessfullY cop)e with forces so stronglv en- Scandinavian blond. The small girl maintains 'a trenched and. backed bv- the Powerful stoicai expression. 'Merely another in st ance o .f ioli.t.ical allies.- that seeiînlglv- dictat.ed to. the unpreferred.brunette. l)oth. cou1rts -and juries. Indications now -r rl aethat, the backbone 'of the offesi' niOVement of. lawýlessnless against societ,,. _Xo%-el means 'Of > ttracting attention on the bsleing1lroken. and ti-at Jife and property, printed page or via the >movie hanuseý front: Ad- are in. a fair ,ýav to r ececive, protectioin vertising, a well Pul>licized ýoasis on: the groaunds -JtIdg"eS. of the crinlliinal courts are doing their duttv wîthl comniendable Courage and intllgene.Prosecuitors ar~e albandoing)', the old habit of .'tlro\Ving" cý as. ue ar a re re t v a a e n n to t h e f act. t h at thev ow'e at least as niuch ta their fellow cîtîzenis as, to organ1ize(l crime. Thedet pen11alt v is 1) ei n g m e t e d ot tao siav e rs o(f J)eace officers. Long ternis of imprison- metare l)eing imposed uiponi viciotIs crinm. nals to the end that thev shall never agaîn enjay: a fre.edom thev were tit- wvorthv to possess. Ail of these things, and especiallv the death J)enialtv, are ptitting tlhe fear of Gode into the hiearts of the dissolute'and criimi- *nal-'inided. The prosp)ect. ofa seat in ani electric chair or 199 -,.arsii the penitenti- a rv' is not an alluring anc. The. morale of. *organized. 1anditry is being broken., Even. bandit "queenis" are losing their po%ver ta s'vav juries. These things, which prove that crimie can be conquered, nmake tus wondèr why .it was perinitted to secuire suchi a holdutp- %.,i.ul 0 u1-Ogcs uuuv irled no, cover cliarge'-OtYt--a theater -front: -Heli Below" - 70 degrees cool' insidte."' MUSI1NGS 0F OUR NIGHT EDITOR AFIER THE 3UMING 1 OERIfYOU Ijea.r a sour voi.ce. over, the phone, don't %ince. We too)k up golf during vacationl--to get a niew, gril) on Ilife-and ail weacqui red besides.callused bauds and lame mîuscles vvas the realization thiat our gane i s just full of.."ifs, 'a nds or putts." Rememiber that book you gave nie when the facultv booteci me out, of high school. scarcel.N4 1 iving.rme tim e ta gra lb a diplina ,aon %vay out . The boo k was titled "'The Atnericanization of Edward'Bok." WelI, I read !Bok's book, and got so týloroyughlv Americaniized a mail, by the pseudlonym of M'Naque mlistook mle for an Indianl by the namie of Yap-ýpa-hoo-tee. Yep, hie calle'd me an Indian without reservations. Ani.waiv, it -,va s a funny coincidence that he should have, called me .by great grandpa's maiden naine. wnere it will. be economically- usable.' Every thing about this structure, which is, to be the shrine of aIl followers of the Baha'i faith on the western hemisphere, is. so enthralling in its appeal to the' finer cautton and to keep off hea, streets as rnuch as possible. mit your child to take chances.', A serious accident penalty of carelessness. iJon't per- unnecessary may be the, tnis, tliat and 'tother only to make the del ight ful discovery that there's iiothing like an occasional deploring fest, especially on a particularly blue Monda3'. Try it somne timne for your appetite's. sake. -Mgique.