- 1 (a short mast and long boom) and Atth rder of ArroW 'Eight members of the Order of the Natimmbrsofnthe Ma-Ka-Ja- fot lgbetcopeinner AtteNational Grand Lodge Arrow proved theniselves to be pré-e ih ebroftM-aa- club regattas, but when Kendig sails meeting of the Order of the Arrow, pareci in case of ernergency last 1 Sun- Wan lodge of the Order of the Ar- ber ini the local races he always fin- *Boy Scouts of America, lield- Septem-- day while returning from the Na- row arrived home Sunday froîn a ishes well at the top. Fram, skip- Grand Lodge meeting of the Arrow, pered by Wesley Bowman, was sec- ber 7 to 10 at Camp Owasippi near tional Grand Lodge meeting beld at hl etme 7t 0adatnded ond, and Twinkle Ditto, piloted by, * ~ biehllMih. Ca GrteychefWhitehall, Mich. Four. scouts, from hl of the local CarM .Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan *Chicago, traveling a few miles abead 20memesfo aydfeetMxHyod assis 'ted by two skip- lodge, was given the highest honor of 'the North. Shore Area counicil plcstr uu h ntdSaes ets r.Hyfor.d and' Mrs. of. theore bv be ing selected and group, consisting ýof Cal Gartley, Ed Carl McManus, George Bersch,. Cal S. C. Pirie, Jr., -brouglit -.their boat in' intitdinoe Tid eremei obln eog inadCal1-Grly Dc iha Eward in third place. Hayford,. therefore bership dintoth Arrw. Dgéem m a Kebnu, arvda h cleo oblna George, HadCr c-Grly D imnn atededwith 127 points, continuesto hold berhi i te Aro. ansatrve a te ýscneof-aas lMa-Ka-Ja-Wan dlgtef'ifrst place for the seson, which he Gartley, 23 years od, now assistant eaonclionbuttntmlsFrn Wichman,, Sr., and Ernest took foiCrlnthlatcurace. dsrcBo,$otcommnissione . orth" of Michigan City, Ind. The, ac- Bersch along. wi tb Mr..McManuS, as- Smack i' tl eodwt 2 ons dist ric toy soubciennhinocured boutto mn-sisted by transporting he g oup While Carol continued ler slump but Lak Fres, asbee i scutngutes before they arrived, but the per- thpaoir hc ws ed the Ch- OllSthr place with 115 Points. rine vea rs, starting as a scout and(osl ray ahre eetoo hor- teafi hc a.h.d tteCi .ls hr working up through the various.ranksrosrcentatcorigooh cago council's Owâsippi Scout- Camp The Pirie -brothers' Gemini was (lis- roÉChecagauksituatedtif therwoods nearb qualified when they fouled 'I'winkle' of leadership to the position he 110W sreswo state the scou - we e caitto for violatin ofethe ndengirin holds. For the last year' as chiefe hthlMc to viainofhÉre.vng (president) of the Mfa-Ka-ja-Walih frt otkeatinTheital amh. . -j-Wirightiof way for starbëard tack., lode o th NrthShoe reacoln- Thrèe- Chicago scouts were render- lTbe ritual0teamofM-- as!a' ~~~~~~~lodgeo h NothSoeAe composed. of Cal Gartleya The. race Was- postponed fiftecn cil, belbas contributed mucli to the ing9 first aid to tbree of, the victinsAlwtSkmn h cif ikImntst allou, Charles Pajeano success of this honor ýcainpers' while* one Scout liandled the job as Xichman 'as Meten, the nîedicine- repair a halliard which. gave wav as hrotherhood both in CampMaKa traffic officer, for crowds wvere gatb- raGog îna uietî the Smack ~a leaving thé harbor, Ja-Wan, and in home scouting, it is ering and getting in'the way'. mhas- guard, and Gere escas ic necessitating a trip to the top of the obs"erved. The object of' the Order of much as. six.,pensons bad been bhurt knt.t e urianof teras. igae as. tarting out -inia fairly heavS- the Arrow is to bielp scouts hetten to i h rstefu cus rn a demonstration of- -he first (legree i nontheast bloîvtels egwssie live the Scout oath and laW. Newi Chicago ivelconmed the arrivaI of the 0' 19r~erod Te ecie eoeth idi igtbe~ n iembers are selected îlot l)y those group froin the north shore. many compliments at the close* of'c hoppy sea, -whlich pnoved disastrous:. already in the Arrow but by those, Ed Koebelin imi-mediately, took the the ceremnonY. for -some of the iess-seasoned crews, who areflot vet- members. . job as fraffic mnanager*whileth the hr Te ih.i1to temetng as 11n the thnee out ofý four races in toaduîise f~s ad Tesehe n ghllt ofmktheOeetn thie "C" series t4îe counit now stands At tbe Grand Lodge meeting fthe thnee îîelpêd t Smaite fck 40th po tke-t n knts:r erofiFram 38 points. third degréée was bestowed upon 13M1r. and. to see that doctor and anibu b Arrow a part * of the NationaladTikeDtt,3 ons .Gatly aon wih iftenother ii en lances had been summioned. Because ouc, o SoutsofAerica. Ini Rslso h ae by*the New Grand Lodge chief, Trom th cn fteacdn vss is- the past the Arnow affains were un- ivrS race,,)Kndg~lar Carian of Philadelphia; Pa. The othèr tant froiii any town, it took about*a -e h upriino ea tN ivrsry-ti eàglar local Arrow membersý at the meeting haîf an hour beforethree-ambulances der te survisioofd a epnat Na 2Ritram- Wrsl Kend ian a 9tioalGrn 9Ldg roup of, menx. 2 rm -Wse on -Cha.~ * were George Berschi and Ernest and the doctors arrived.'The doctors In the future. because- of. the steps Gailoway. I3ersclh, Troop 4, Wilmette; George comPliniented the scouts on their ac-. taken at* this 'meeting, the brother- JeaTwnkle Dio-4l.\is.a Hayrd-Mrs Hini, Dck- \iëmat andFrak tons, for there was not ;.much left hood will be under the managemnent 4 Jean harles . Jean' Pi.rie. Wichmian Sr., Tnoop 33, H-ighland. to be done . of the National Boy Scoiu headquar- '* 11l1ck Cook. ' Park; Edward Koebelin, Troop 52,* Cal Gartley accompanied one of the ters at New York. At present, there 5, Hummer H - johrnDenison-Gordon _Deer.field and Carl McManus of ambulances and assided the vict.ins, are forty-n'ine Arrowv lodges tbrough- Jones-Barrett King. council headquarters. while George Hiinn did the samneini out the _coty'Wt theé h 6. Glider-Ww. Noble-Howard Jones. outtr. it te idof 7. Bee-Harol eee-r Gai Ioway. the other serious ceýe. -The victims new move, it is expected that the 8. Walru - Walteir Stock ton -Maynard R P"JVllDiecnii both cases hiad suffered gashes number of lodges -will swell greatly. Cook-Mrs. Quixn Ellis. A a il iec -1bout the body, in addition to broken 9. Caro-Harold FIliiôtt-Normaii Norse.. Iloosier-IIills Area bones and serious ,Skýull*facueEarly October to D Al Bba CresKh-Eln Theothr fur ictniswer no asi»rngClemnetsen-Mrs.Clemietsen. The otherfouNew TrainingereCoursesILHermes-john 1{alsted-Mac jiIl.son.. Il .Boltz, who bas be work- s'eriously injured. Ne. inn ,ouss12., OmàrBob Teare-Bob Whjtflýitl,. * ing in Waukegan during August Co- Uë râiga riigcussadg elw eiý(.C iiJ., pre operating with the Waukegan Sout ScUo riiga h optl h riigcussadou1 dfer lw- GeinCa(s.C. irqie . .M ii counilhasaccpteda prmaentscouts hel1ped to prepare the patients ship gatheni;ngs for scueadr wilRllnCsodiqaied position a~ scout executive of Theor the. necessary treatment. Follow- start in early October. O udyatnonGmn n Hosie-ionasscoAreaécunc ivofTh gteqetoigfnwpprr- The Council Training comnmittee 'Carol sailed off -their tiç for *first headquarters ini Madison, Imd. Mr. Porters, insurance agents and- police, frti eritnst fe pea- splacindthemfor rcesof the "B"id Botzrpote iiMdion 1 nwthe scouts continued on their journey ization courses which will be espe- sris, Thad aGei onshartioe catzpat Tuesday, sotenber 5. *home. cially helpful ini the operation of a m rn d the r egasasr tiane caact.Teda, etebr .troop. Some courses nîrea<v sL-ye o nce aoud heruartin'l in, 4 Às£aIouflce. In. addit those serving on the executive other council members are urged to: attend. et- bAn ci illlaiki 'vviscnsi aaus'-uua~LsteU i 1roop 11, Wilette, an will be. held Tuesday, and Winston Long, assistant scout- ;day and T.hursday, Septem- master of Troop 35, Ravinia, helped 20 and 21, at the Edgewater by members of Troops 51 and 52; iotel. North Shore Area.coun- 'Deerfield. Visitors ýto council head- be-represented at thé meet- quarters wiIl always bewelcome it is announced. ýe met on the basis of aIl traveling in one automobile and sharing the cost of gasoline and oil. Those interested in snch a trip are requested to caîl headquarters. The scout leader who missed out this Iast, summer bas bis chance here for a godtwo-dày outing, it is stated.