fresdoubles: W.. Sherrili and T. K Kmb all, Shawnee and Exrnoor respectively, defeated William McCoy, Jr. and Merrili Johns, Jr., both of South Shore, 4-6,' 6-3, 6-1. H. Hixon, Knollwood and J. Beach, Winnetka Tennis club, defeated Frank K Jucld, Uîncolnshi-re, and Willis Pennington, Womeîî's singles: Miss Helen FuI- ton] , Indian Hill, defeated Miss MIildred 13106m,' Lincoltus hire, 6-O,. 6-O. Mrs. 1Franklin G. Clement, Knollwoôodý, de-' feated Miss Peg gvy Dietrich, La Grange, 6-O. 6-2. Womjren's doubles: Miss L. Tiétgens,* Wininetka and Miss. MarjQrie Miller,' Sko(kile,,defeate M'.iîss Mary Clavson, Medinah and Miss Fdith McKinstr-y, South Shore, 2-6, 6-3,-6-4 M ixed doules: Miss -Elizabeth Sutherland, Indian Hill and JonC h1 don, Skokie, defeated Mrs. K. Thore- sen and J. B.Spaulding, bnth of Olv"ni- pia Fields. 6O,: 6-1.______ in an inter-league meeting at the In- diaîi Hill Country club last Su nday afternoon. 1Heretofore, w,%hen the two leagues tilted lances ini hattie only one club fought for 'each side but this year the Newý Deal shuflled thle lineup so that a representative from each cl-ub saw. action. AI Winston, of Indian Hill led bis north shore cohorts hv Subduinig Philip Boddv, L.incolnshire,. ini the, feature. NO.> 1 singles match, 0-2, 0-4. ,Facing one of the fastest, serves he 'las met .ail season, \\inston did iot trv to drive back the streaking halls Ibut lobhed deeffll instead. Tis b)it of :strategy 'coupled. witl1 deep sliots that kept BoddY aivaY froin the net enablecl the taîl v uth, t(P capture both sets at scores Itiat do not indicate the strugglc made hv flic visitor. In- thé No. 1 doubles event,, William, Slherrill. and T. Weller, of 1Shîawnee and( Exnmoor, 'respectively, met a pair of. sturdy foýen1ei in William cy, Jr. 'and' Merri1lý Johns, McC, oto South Shore CoUntry clh. Unlike most v uîgteMécoy ,and Johns did îîot attcmpt to has their oppôlnents. off the court with mightv drives but lifted slow lo)bs tlhat drifteci Ôver 'their rivais'. 1heaik. to 'take .tlhe first set,, 6-4. 13. placing thieir -smashes instead ofl tryinig for outriglit points ()n them, and 1) 1itn mrsteadilv, Sherrl n Kimibaîl securççl the next set 0-3 and tbn ai thiroilgh the third at 6-1. 1 Exculpt for one mnatch, -the wonien 1s eetswcre one sicled victories for the players of the Skokie valley. :\riss L. Tietgens, WVinnetka, and "Miss Marjorie 'Miller, Skokie, encounLiltered dl'imfculty in overcoming Miss Mary Clayson,. Medi- liab, and Miss Edith1 McKinstry. South Shore, but .inally, t-riumphed, 2-6, 6-3. 6-4. Men's singles: Albert W'inston, In- (hian H-ill, defeated: Philip Boddy, Lini- Fine Arts A cademy Opens for New Term 1.25 ftable appointmenss that .have arrived from foreign lanids,. These future wedding giffs are the fore. ...runners of fashion, fbe--smart new crea- tions of, the day TTMAN (Nationally known for: Wedding Gifts) Davs Street EVANSTON 625 N. n.- to 3.5, two-story murais at the Evanston High school are graduates of the Evanston *Academy of iîne' Arts. They are Miss Eleanor Currey and 'Mrs. Anne Reeves of Evanston, and Miss Ruth Robbins of Highland. Park. They may be seen atm work a*imost any day at the higb: school. Shop at Edgar Steveus ..fer exciting New Fai Silks Truiparenat Velvetg,. forgl- our, in Your wardrobe (Try a flattering tailored version for daytime.) ... unusually fine quality. . ail silk back ..40" wide. 2.95 a yd. Satin C epe. .e another fashion leader plain or pebble ... complete color range in. ciuding pastels...4', wide. .iý yd.