women. "lime was," reads a statement by the company, "wben everytbing about an automobile had to be done by the man of the family. This included driving and care and repairs. But tbings have changed. Now the women are doing a big part 'of the driving and the cold' facts 'compi-led by statisficians, indicate they are cloing a mighty fine job at handling. cars. In fact,- the accident record puts wonien in a very favorable light as drivers. In its advertising pronou.ncements, the Standard Oil company goes, astep fartber and allots. to the women of the bouse the job of keeping the car constantly in, a stat e'of good-repair, thus permituingthe man aotthe place to confine bis interests, to busi-z ness or golff scores, or both.. Modern service. stations niake it a comparatively simple matter tp',place the faily car in -the category, of, housebold equipmnent, the cofimpany assetts, and permiits th-e housewife to atteiid, in a supervisory capacity, of course, to such details as lubrication, tire requirements andý the general run of automobile uipkeep. .It is binted, tôo, that, left, to woman's care, the famàily car will undoubtedly .make a more presentable appearalîce Nvhen .'hie famnily sets out upon that evening or Sunday drive. Academny of HoIy Child .Resurnes CIass Sessins, 11cademy of tie Ho Iy (hild' at- 12011 N. Sheridan roai, W\aukegani. W.hile the .schôols coîîducted hy this order of Catholic Sisters are perhaps not, broadly known Ini jis. immiediatc area, thîs teachinigorderdirects scîo.ols inmanv eastern and Pacific coast States and in several foreign counitries. It, is especiallv well known for its college at Rosemotît, Pa., and itS bouIses Of study Mi Rome, Italy., Oxford, Ilgland, Netiilly-Sýtir-Seie, France., .and Fri- bîourg,. Switzerlaii. . Thes. o (lr-z i According to Mr. O'Brien, ail the erstwbile back structures 'of chairs, seats, etc., bave been constructed of a wooden or steel f rame to wbicb is'at- tacbed the upboistering spring and the covering material. Witb the f rame of tbe present invention the entire su pport- ing structure is..f abricated of relatively ligbt, limber steel spring. wires. wicb is attacbed to tbe upbolstering springs1 and covering material. TIbis:,back structureý for seats, is coni- pletely fabricafed in a, se para te, unit. whicb is attached to the frame by boîts ser ews or other bold-fast devices. B3ob Knauer, 166 Abingdon ,avenue, Kenilwortb, 'returned last Friday to the University of- Illinois for.> bis sophomore year. If _ Il v PETER V. Ross, C. S. B. of San Francisco, Cal. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Churuli, Tlhe First Church of.Christ, Scientist,'i. Bostoni, Massachuetts. In the Cburch Edifice, Greenleaf and Beach Rd. GLENCOE, ILLINOIS Friday,'September 22, 1933, 8:*00 P. M. To b. jiven I>y Firot Church of Christ, Scientust, of Gloncoe The Public is Cordidiby lnvited te Attend GRETSNAPPY :DAYSý WITH GARMENTS MADE NEW There's plenty of snap and style in last season's garments when Miraclean has its way. For Miracleaning drives out ail soil, renews fabries, bri.ghtens colors and leaves garments clean and *sweet. case. It asics a chance to prove they're good for' another season's wear.* Our employees plead for their chance to shape and restyle those gar- ments. And, your pocketbook asks for econo-, my'ssake, for Miracleaning -spells ample sav- ings over the cost of new apparel. Why flot greet snappy fail days with garments made new? Send uis your fail clothing today! À NY SI T1'T'. - "Tbe Dawn of a New Cycle" is the subject of a lecture tô be givenSunday a fternoon, September 17, at 3 :30 o'clock in Foundation ball, Baba'i House of Worship, Linden avenue and Sheridan road,,Wii.mette, by Mrs. Shabnaz Waite of Los Angeles, Calif. 1215 Ave.l 111.