j; Driaiwas 41 Nlefl- fnecl for the past two year-s. -Ntr. orial Park eemetery. Van Deusen, who woulti have bý_-n 73 years old ibtis Suncday; hiat been Mr. Balmnes, who was 70 years olti, iii. for several years. wvas bot-n near Coblenz, Gerinany, on Rot-n in' Wor-cester, Mass., MIr.\Van Junie .24, 1863, and came to ibis couni- Deuse" wenit to Detroit with his par- try with his fathet- in' 1866, They enits when a child andi laàrcm ostldo a- in, Gross Point -Chicago as a1 young mi.ail. Hé' estab- (now a part of the village. of XVil-, lish-ed. the Van Deusen grocerv 1.i mette)., The fat-m wmas located on tivaniston in - 1891, renting a storé the not-th sitie of what is now known- froti Nothweteri unversty. as Happ t-oad, west of Skokie roai., .fr m N rth estrn rnv t-st.A brother 'of Mt-. Balmies, joseph. l'lie present Van Deuse.iigr-ocer 1l3almes, stili lives thet- at Central, avenue and Twelfth sti-ecit in ilmtte~vs aquiet it 194. After spending bis childhood dy Thestoe.1. as nlrge toiplu w ain Gross Point andi t-ceiving his edu- The tor. ws elat-ed o iclue acation at the Gt-oss -Point' school,Mt-. meat, mar-ket inii,1915, andivrin Baimes wenlt to. wot-k in Chicago otliet improvemietits have been matie when lie becamne a youing mati. He' fromi time to time. we nt wNest in 1A884 andi took up, a Mr-. Van Deusen operatedbi '~v-homesteai Wallace, Lincou coun *anston 'and i liImette stores joîtîtly Ity, Nebraska. In 1889 he returneti to uintil 1920, wlîen the 1aston gro- Chicago on a visit, andi there met and cet-v was discontinue{l. In 1929 Mr. marrieti' Mat-y Feltz. Thiey returneti Van Deusen -retired hecause of iii to the homestead and' ived there un- *health, but retaineti bis interest in tii 1894, then came back to Chicago the Wîlmett. store, which is now anti resideçl in the city until1 1896. operateti bv bis son, A. S. Van Deu- when Mt-.'ÉBalmes took up. farmi*ng at Store Reniodeled ini 1928 threeyeat-s ltr eunt oC * The Van Deusen store wvas reniod- cago, wvhere he Nvas employed until eleti in 1928, andti welfth street W 10,adthnwn oafa-itfa- lvieed by twvelve feet to allow,.rirgton, retîîaining therc until 1913. greatr fredom or sopper ~ Il that year lie retireti anti momei to to ,the store inî tîeir autotuobîî . 'vilntancrbs lihm.iJ T -liestoe clebate it foti(1 hati livedt-i tere co ntituowsljvsinice Thv tor celbraeti ts ortiil11913. ànniverýarvini October, 1931. No Wjdow, Six Children' Survive other grocer ini Wilmnette lias al, Mr. Balmes is surviveti bv bis \i- prochei tis ecod. - dowv, Mrs. Mary Feltz Balmès, fouir Mr. Van Deusen %vas active in thec sons, Hart-y of River ogMc. WVjlmette Chamber of Commerce for Patrickç of W,ýilrette, riliRoeWicn- miany yeat-s anti-,vas .a. meml)er oi netka, *Peter of Detroit, two daugh-. the Wilmette Rotary club. ters, Mrs. James SeIzer of Flubbarct 1Hle is surviveti by 'his wvido\v,~* Woodis anti MIrs. William Schwall of sons anti a dtighiter. The sons, ar- Winnetka, a sister, Mrs. George Archibalti B. Van Deusen of ý\*Vfl- Kotz of Chicago, anti two brothers, .mette atnd. Art .hur S. V'an Deusexi. Michael of. Glenviewv anti joseph of Jrof Evanston. The daughter i, Vlmte Mrs. Catherine Van Dèusetî Law of Evanston. Hans.Haniseni, Gardener, Funeral set-vices for Mr., Van Dell- Dies at Zeutschel Hom seni will be helti thi$ afternlooli ie (Thiursday) at 2 :30 o'clock from hi- Hans Hansen, a gardenier. who. bat late residence, 1613 Wesley avenue. liveti in the olti Gross Point section of Évanston. Mr. Van Deusen hati liveti Wilmette about twefty-three years, in Evanston for forty yeat-s. Buriai tiieti on Wednestiay, Septeniber 6, at will . l) private at Meniorial Park the .Henry Zeutschel resicienc, 2O1, cemetery. . Lake avenue. Mr. Hlansen was býot-n ini \Vae inn tS. uog ;Uvlyo Lon C. Hill, Ir?., and Manley and Elsie Wineta.Dean. Five great-grandchildren also, Mr. Dean was the retired manager survive hini. H is wife, Elizabeth Pope of the western office of the SpringfieldDen ie sealyrsgo s Fit-e andi Ma rine Insurance company; en ids1evrlyasao Siaice his retirement from active busi- . lI YOUR LINOLZUM ness on january 1,' 1931, when lie was' 18 it duil and, dirty 1ookinS'? Wté Igiven the" titie of resident director. cean irestoré its, original heautY., Our prozess guarantees satIsfac- -le, hiad-ideývetd hiniself tu sttîdy and dion. Estlmates furnished on re- wrt9g Il h author of the quest. present fit-e. insurance rating ssem .P. KESLI NK sytéý' Room 1213' Tel. .State 4820 an a1e isrtreeteditedi two. I6 NO. miehisan Ave. Chiengo books on insurance. His hest known IT HFE- SOTSO tD.w HUBBARD WOODS. 976 LUnden Avenu. * Jaiy r rivai,ý FALL APPARELI inrludliug Sunari-Twiu Sweater e PLANT NO,.6 MU PHYMIE t- OÏL01 COMPANY Wilo uaw ioai, W est o! Yko ie I$lvd., Winnetka cerne Mrs. Orville Daily, 618 Tenth street, entertained at a bridige tea Monday of last weck in lionor of «Mr. and Mrs. Er Scott of Buffalo. Mrs. Scott'is a sister of Mrs. Daily. WILMETTE CAFE 1181 ýWILMETTE AVE. Oppsit Vllae 1.1 West Strot Phone FDIVKRSEY (ail de>argments) Stret e, 1Il. :