Royal White King Squa>s' For anqueots, Dinnor Parties, and Convalscent'* Menus. WHEELING FARMS Prom Parmeat, onoesmer C. :0. BalIIng. Prop. Phones ,I. 15 IWest et UWR GI.....) BUTTER, BEGO -and POULTUY DIESSED te, ORDEIR going to the Britishi Old People's home' The officers of the Camibridge chapter this year are Mrs. Thomnas West, regent; Mrs. Thursby, vice- regent; Mrs. George Carrington, secretarv; and Mrs. David Crabb, treastirer. Mres.. George Maàher, 424. Warwick road, :Keniilworth,, and her niece, Violet %!Id, who makes lier home. with' Mrs. Maher, have returned on the Juanlita froni a fortnight's holiday on Mackinac* Islan id. Wlile there Mrs. Maher made a, number of water color sketches of the iisland. EERlYBO()DY WELCOME tn the Dance Season opening. at the AURPORT TAVERNq West, Lalko Ave. ut eafit of Cu,.tls. FiyIn Field.,on RSatngrdiLy, Sept. l j souvenirs for everybody. Admission 50el ____________________________________Pevr coffles. VAng elI5ver-,>'at ..and Sun. Joyous Wholesome Schooldays Parents of Wilmtt. and vicinity can give children the possible oduc~ation in The. Chifdr.n's School on Sheridan Road, Evanston. This day school under the close supervision of experts of the. National Collage of Edlucation off ors ton years of sohool tIfe: Nursery School1 Kindrgarten and oight grades. Superbe instruction, scientific meioeds. Car.ful hoolth super- vision~. Limousine servce for day stu- dents. Doarding departmont ava1ilable. Visit fthe sçlool. Ws41'e o p ho, for cat.tog. Clr Belle Baker, Director, Dept. W. L.. Sheridan Rond, Evanston, Illinois. Teln- phone: Gren leaf 022 1. Rogers Park 1807. Thme Children"s, School.. National Collegýeà of, Educatýion Tise sorti shssore ix agy Oq ver tesplenidid shou'ing Masde' l3v Mari MWart h Gedgje(above) of Wiimnëtk*a,isthse zorld-zîide quest for soenseolle to eénact tise leading, role iii the screeii adaptation of thse classic, "A lice lt i'1opidrlaeid," LéwistarrlPs amous stor. .Paramýounii company, whlichi is con - ..tig t he searh, has received thousands of applications fromi this. and other English speaking nations of the Wýorld. That Mary Martha should have reached the fnals and is niow,% beîng seriously considered for the role of "Alice" is iii itself a note- worthy distinction. Mary Martha's close resemblance to Alice as portrayed in the book in- duced Miss Marian Keeney, witb *whoni she lias studied dancing in Winnetka since early childhood and ,who is, famiiliar with ber talents, to forward her photographs to Holly- wood. Thle child 's appearances to- gether with ber* unusual ability in dancing and draînatics convinced the. coast judge that she was a likely sub-~ ject. The local representative of Balaban & Katz, having interviewedI her, was so inipressed witb lier ýpos- sibilities that hie requested Para- mnounit to mnake a screen test. This was done and Mary Marth a is now av flnaiist for. one of the most coveted honors th at the screen bas ever of- fered. secretary'-manager oi the Lhucago office of the United. States Chamber of Conmmerce, was the speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Wil- mette Chainher of. Commerce Mon- day noon at Weeks' dining room. Thc meeting marked the resumptio.n of the. local Chamber's activities for, -the fait and winter.season. Me., VanderVries, -Who, is a mem- beùr 1of the advisory staff of, Gen. Hugh S.. Johns'on and Who lias beeexi 'active ii a.dvising the formation, of nayindustrial codes, explained the hakround of the national industrial recove.ry act. why and how it was passed, what its pri,.ncipal provisionýs are, what it hopesto accomplish, and owit is to be enforced. Newà Metho.d of Attack 'The depression which started witb the. stock market crash in 1929 is different from previous depressions in this. country, Mr. VanderVries said, and a different method. of attack is necessary to overcome it. Mie United ,States is now a creditor, instead of a debtor nation and it produees more than it consumes. as was not the case in previous depressions, MNr. VanderVries explained. The speaker, reflerred to overpro- duction as an evil that leads- toý cut- -throat competition, Whjch,. in turn, leads to iower prices, and lower prices resuit in lower wages. The purpose, of the national industrial recovery act is to reverse. this spiral, he as- serted, and in order to do this, those now in autbority at Washington be- lieve, the raising of wages must be the first step. Demauçi Fair Play, The reccivery act aims to eliminate cut-throat competition, Mr. Vander- Vries said, by requiring that everv line of business operate under a code. 1,t endeavors to see that every busi-' res s "-plays.the game fairly," and in order to accom»plishi this, it niakes :ompuls.ory codes of ethics which' business, as a whole has talked ab'out. for Years, but which .iidividual -busi- less men andt business, violated at will, the plained. * Seeks Cooperi Organiz atinqgu-h a concerns have s;peCaker ex- .O~M.I s.&U'nston opposite, £vaoshir* Hot tel t Ail Phones6262L UNI. Fail Terni 10w ojpn relative ApplicOg iOns ado Anv Time Iland Mi U4 Chureh StrOt Ilare -mi nei uýs zAngeles, DUt wiJI isit Mr. Barnhill's parents at [ail, Mo., anid Mrs. Barnhil's at San Antonio, Texas. Mr. R. C. Uhlman of Evanston, g into their'home. i j