club and the Vîiage of Wimette, in which the formier hopes to enijoiný the latter froni building a water- *works which is niow iiearing comple-. tion, took place before Master in Chancery Julius H. Miner Moniday. How long the ýse ries - wilI continue 11o one knows, asý there apparently is no0 fthe number of gamies, and the Village attorney's sceen to have plenty of miaterial in the dugout to keep, going through the winter sea-. Sol]. Considerable ' as coîisunied at the opening hearing-iii introdu c- i ng docunîentarv evidenice, records àf 'Village loar(l% meetinigs, resoluitionls îassed, deeds to property purcliased l)y the Village, etc., the purpose evi- denitly beinigto show that thé re-, zoning of lots at the foot of -Lake avenue .to permiit, a mnunicipal titility was nothing new. Recites Distûrbances, The flrst witness -was Harry j acobi, ~)34 Shieridan. rod, who for;nierlv livedj at 935 'Michigan avenue., vhich is the second house northi of the Slhawn-iee club. Mir. jacobi's testinîolny tended. tshow that, the Shawnee club kept late hours, and lie deduced,- lie said, f romi the kindt of -nitsic plaved hby the - orchestra,, that people daiiced there. Funictions were hield on ai)n average three times a wele testi-- tied. Other contrihuting fa(-L)or5 to the annoyançe of the wtes lie said, were outdoor ice skating to the strains of a phonograph, and bowling. although the latter 'noise w,..s later s.ubdued. Iii response to qUestioins of the Village attorne ' s, -Mr. jacobi de- scribed parking conditions, on the streets north, south, east and wést of the Shawnee club, stating that it wvas very heavv, and that .~hnpr ties; broke up the noise froin start- ing. .niotors createil quite a listirib- ance: Mr. jacobi also (lescril>ed- the parking condition iii the late, afteér- noon and e vening durîîîng the bathiigý season, testifying that soine of the cars parked on the streets iiiglit le- long to, people patronizing the beach. On cross examination lie Stated that ALI CUaumscal ballet, tal TEF Wilmette Howard Publie isehool For furtherJ Shawnee club and the waterworks-, how much of the beach can be seen from the club cntrance and other techinical matters. that no doubt have sorne bearing upon the *case even though not now apparent. shows Cliaracter of Vicinity Mr.'.Alleni was recalled and his. di- rect testimony beguni. He.described al of the buildings, other than resi-ý dences, o ,n Michigan avenue and the lake front, and followed this with a deétailed description of, each resi- dence on Michigan avenue. andý somne on Forest1 avenue, the object seeni- ingly being to showv the character of the neighborhood and the kind of- unm.provements., At this point the mas- terý found an op ening and expressed theopinion that it was time to ad- journ. Claîima Property Enhanced * 'i'e hearing opened Wednesday with N\Ir'. Allen still. on, the witriess stand. Much of his iestimony was. duplication ofthat given-by other witnesses, He cid, however, classify 'different resi. dential sections of the village, and went into much detail as to the factors gov- cûruînig bis judgment. He gave a min- uedescription of the interior of the Shawnee club, and the view to be oh- tained f rom its windows. Perhaps the mnost important point made hy the ,wit- niess covered bis opinion. as to the effect. the building of the waterworks would hiave upon property values' in the im-, mediate neighiborhood, which lie said would. be enhianced by 10 to 20 per cent. Hie asserted that in his judg- nment the va lue of the Shawnee club Pýroletty would be increased 'by froni 1-5 to 20 per cent, Spenc er Booz, 9M Forest avenue, is, leaving this week to resume his sen- ior vear studies -at the University of Cinc innati. Hloward, Jordan, '320 Cumberland- road, is leaving Kenilworth next week for the Choate school, where lie will l)e a senior. ýp, acrobatie, ladieslmberiag and tap, and ballroom dancing. Rif OF 10 WEEKS, $6.50. Eases Re-Open Sept.. l8th winnetiui Comrnunity nouée, ]nformation phone W#Imette 08 man year at the University of Illinois, going early to attend ruehing parties. Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley and daugh- ter, Barbara, 234 Leicester road, Ken- ilworth,' are, again- back 1f rom their home at' Lake- Geneva, Wis. The ecilW. Meredith famil, 1 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, are again home after -a' summer- at Epworth Heights, -Micb. WILMETTE HOME BAKERY Peraonal Attet*4o% Lo AU Ordra i Oppoilte Village Rail 1193 Av.. WIL 545 ci1flhoufcemeflt Atter SePtember iOth ail business will be conducted from our main shJp at 1614 SHERMAN AVENUE, EVANSTON P'rompt delîvery service and the same /igh quality of flowers and artistic u'orkmanship prevails at moderate prices. We will be very happ» to continue to serve ail your flowe r pana's the saine as u'e have done in, the pas t. jUEiN WBILAND FLORIST ni Waves$ Thaf customfers rafyeoy WiIm.tte, 4582 1126 Contrai Ave..AL I ,one WILMETTE 2128, 1614 SHER,àmAN AVENuE WWEBOLDT'S -EVANSTON On Davis tree4 Wilmette I1100 Satisfaction.J G«qran te e