Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, 4b

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Edltores note: The Bayreuth fE i Grmafty are attended annual many Àmerlcans, lncludlng north mugie lovers. The folloiing aceo this year's performance (the fourt serles) bas been writtefl exclusive thui paper by George McClay, N atten41ng the festival. F'urther dN tion; %Wlll tollow later. Watch for V .By George -McCtay Tt is the cùstom at Bayreuth to pre sent Wagner's imusic-dramas coni- Mencing at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. withlon2y intervals between the acts. Thé, tradition is, a very ýcoMmmndab le ont. These works.demand :much of. the istener, partly. because of their great length-needless to say, neyer a note is cut-and, the. slow-nioving character of the action,. and, partly because of the. richness of the mu- sical fabric, and the coniplicated sys-, teni of "Ieading motiv.es." Tht pauses between the acts are put to good use by Most of thet members of the 'au- dience ' in partaking of refreshment, either of 'the traditional German lh- quid variety or of more sub&tantial nature. Within the theater, however, aIl is seriousness and dignity. The utmost silence is observed during the course of the performance, and only at the end of an act is applause per-ý mitted. Another unwritten, taw is that the singers neyer appear before the curtain. Praise for Orchestra The work of the orchestra is de- servîng of high praise. This remark- able organization is composed of 130 players, the crearn of Gerrnany's in- strumental artists. Aniong the violin section are six men, each of wboni is regularIv concertmaster of an or- * chestra. The string section is notable. boîli for the, beauty and, sonority of its tonée h brass.section is superh. *and fuillir maintains, thé repuitation which Giermapl plavers in. this depart- ment have always lhad. The saine r anno. however. be.said of the wood- -%yinds. liich do flot ecualiii beauty of tone ýand ini accu rate intonation the nl1avers in ttht best Anierican orches- tras. The conducting of Kari Elmendorif above the Rhiiie. Here the chain of events is conimenced which will lead, in, the endi, to Siegfried's downfall. The sinister figure of Hagen dom- inates the scene, the. part being effec - tively presented by %Emanuel List. The Gunther of Jaro Pruhaska, was likewise a fine characterization . The part of Gutrune was take-n by Kathe Haidersbacl 1 ,: a youthful singer pos- sëssing a voice of much charmn and freshness.. It is the second act,, undoubtedly, ,Which.caused Shaw.to give utterance to bis. iconoclastic but' penetratin g opinion. For here the powérful ethical idea andà the prevailing nobil- ity of tone of the earlier works give way, finally,, to the ekigencies of -the plot.. The circumnstances surrounding Siegfried's,,betrayal have thus been the source. of a great deal of discus- sion';,and the difficulty can only be r econciled by accepting this, and the remaitider of work, as pujrely 'theatre." The appearance of thé chorus composed of soldiers and re- tainers, impressive though the scene is, only helps tocernent this impres- sion. Dîraqiatie Triumph Nevertheless, the third act remains a triumph of dirmatic and musical expression. The emotion of grief, .finds its most poignant expression in Siegfried's Death Music, a passage whicb, impressive though it is in con- cert performance, is overwhelming in its etTect as part of the draina. Froin this point, events moire swiftly tc their inevitable conclusion. The im- miolation of Brunnbilde, Gunther's ,castie overwhemed by the Rhine, fi- nally Walhalla itself in flames, bring, the drama to its majestic close., Mr.,and Mrs. GuyOsborn, 330 Cum- nor road,, Kenilworth, have returned f romi RockRapids lodge.near Hayward, Wis., where they spent the week-end and Labor day. Their son and daughter- m-law, the Junior Guy Osborns, were. aiso there, but left to spend two weeks to make definite plans wîth Porter Fox, president of the World's Fair Horse Show association for the foreign army riding teams to be here for the horse show., Major ROY B. Nordheimerý,-man- aging director, announces that an-in- vitation ba s been sent to, the Rigbt Honorable The Earl of Fingaîl, Kil- lian Castle. Country of, Meath, Ire- land, to act as one: of the. judges in the. hunter division. The Earl of Fin- gail is ont of the'. oldest peers in Ire- land4, dating back fromi 1403 and it ýis fully expected, that thet present tarI will be on hand for tht World's Fair Horse show,. in view of tht fact that he is,:coming to this country to visit John E. Hughes of Lake Forest. Tht Earl will make an exkcelIlent. judge, ýit is said, inasniuch as, he had twict been a rider in -the Grand National Steeple- chase, and, is* also a, Master of the Meath Hounds, so he should - know bis horses! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson and their daughter,, Barbara, of Onmaha, Neb., left Monday after a visit with Mrs. Johnson's sister, and family, the Staver Mouldings, 934 Oalcwood ave-i nue. Mrs. Johnson and B3arbara were here two weeks. Mr. Johinson spent tht last week-end with his fanihy. Billy and Annabel Seaboucb of Cape Girardeau, Mo., were tht guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zibble, 1225 Washing- ton avenue, last week. The Zibbles'j son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zibble of Chicago, returned Monday f rom their vacation at Suigar 'Bush, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Soûle of Brooklyn, N. Y., were the guests ofý Mr. and Mrs., Jesse D. Trumnp of415, Cuminor road, Kenilworth, over- Lahor day. Ms. L.. D. Shane, and thre chil- dren, 556 E arlston road, Kenilworth", returned on Sunday f romi a ten-day trip) ta Des Moines, where their have 'been neV conIven also are V ves A ini Chairman P. F. Brautigarn of the' convention- management made the announ cement- this w*eek, follo*inig a meeting with the Daily Fet associ- ation. chiefs, at Oak Woods Golf club. Included .are some of the flnest golf courses in tht midwest. They are within easy reacb of the, bousîn quarters of the, visiting Legionnaires. on al three sides of. the city. The tender of1 tht use. of, their grounds by the Daily Fee association is the. largest single gesture ,of cordiality and courtesy yet made t o the. oncon-' ing véterans. A list of the clubs thus thrown open to'the citys guests is as fol- lows: West. Side-Antiers CountrY' club tin Ogden -avenue, Glenbard Golf club on Roosevelt road, Harlem Golf club on Rooseveltrmail, Hilicrest Golf club on Northwest Highway, Indian, Head (101f club on Jolie't toad. Whiïte Pies Golf club on York road, Woodbridge Golf, andI Country club on Route 43. South Side - Chicago Meadows Golf club on Cicero avenue, Cog-Hil Go1f, and- Country club on Archer avenue, Ever-. -green Golf club on.Western avenue, Golfmnoor Golf club on T9th street. Hick- ory Hilîs Golf club on 95th street, Kins- man Golf and' Country club on 143rir streèt, Oak Hills Golf club on 131st street, Pipe o' Peace Golf club on Hal- sted street, Walnut Hilîs Golf cl ub on- lO3rd street, Westgate Valley Golf club: on Ridgeland road. North Side Big Oaks Golf club on Lawrence avenue, Columblan Country club on Milwaukee avenue, Elrngate golf club on Glenview road, Lake ave- nue, »ay-Nite-GoIf club on Harnis road, Mid-City Golf club, 3800,Western ave- nue, Northbrook Golf club on Dundee road, Pickwick Golf on Lake avenue, in .Glenview, Techney Fields on Waukegan, road, Vernon Country club on Deerfield avenue, Peerfield. Mrs. Kirk Taylor, ,575 Cuninor .road, Kenilworth, bas had-her brother-i.n-lIaw andý sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hoxie of Grand Rapids as bier guests .to sce A CenItury of Progress. lMr. and Mrs. John P. their son, James, are aga. home at 944 Sheridan roc Harris and iin at their ad after a ýrn Wiscon- 'Ple drama no'eniç *ith a- prelude v.hjch show- it"ý f4hree N"'-rns spin- ning the "ee) of Fate. 'Althiouç-h im- Pressive in idea, it beconies rather tedious in actual performance, and the listener welcomies, the appearance of 'Brûnuhilde and Siegfried, and the a LwLD weet~iIIUoior tour inrouUgIIme,~ East. -0- Mr. and Mrs. George Butler Martin, and their son,,George L. Martin,, for- merlY oQf 1046 Elmwood avenue, have taken. an apartment in NiUes. renter. is here visiting his triend, Tom Hilde- nue, returneu bundaaY irom a tour. brandt of 92 Robsartroad, Kenilworth. wetks' vacation at Lake Marie, Anti- Ht will stay until Septernber 18. och, 111. 0o 0o- Beverly Bouchard, 222 Oxford road, Homard Jordan, 320 Cumberland Kenilworth, is leaving. for St. Mary's avenue, Kenilworth, returned last w eek School for Girls'at Notre Darne, Ind., f rom a two weeks' business trip to, on Wednesday, September 13. California, flyig eut and back. I.'&

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