1934 term opens next Monclay, W. L. Brown, director of reference and re- search, said this week. The normal 'increase in enrolîment a t New Trier is about one hundred a. vear. Last year at.the beginning of the: first semester about 2,100" ere enrolled. Members of the high school fac- u lty who live in. other parts. of, the country are returning. to the., north shore this week, and sttudents are l)usy purchasing their books. A meeting of the>,deans, depart- mnent heads and advisor chairmen is scheduled for Friday. morning of this week at 9 o'clock., At.the same hour on Satuirday. there will be a general, faculty meeting. The high school book store .îs a busy place these day3s. The store is in chargeý of David Johnson, a -meni- ber of the New Trier faculty. It is being kept open .Tbursday, Fridày and Saturday moicrnings of this week so that t he New Trier students cati pur- cI'ase their books.' Provide for Drinking Fountains at Plant .At TutsdaY-night's meeting of the, Village 'board the sewer and water conmittee brought up 'for discussion the matter of providing drinking founitains and hose connections at the iwaterwvorks. While plans for these had flot been definitely adopted, it %\as stated the cost would be ap- proxiniately' $650, and the committee %vas "authorizeci to prepare, a resolu- tion for' presentation at the next meeting, E'x-Chaâmber Secretary Receives Exceutive Post When B. T. Clark resigned as secre-. tary of the' Wilmette Chamber, of Com- merce. he did so, with the idea of going someèwhere and doing things. An indi- cation ô'f how thoroughly he is carry- ing Ôut that determination is revealed in the news that he .bas been' made as- at 5 o'clocac in tne mornïng, was cussed" at some length by the Vili; board at its Tuesday night sessi President Dubbs finally announ that he, had ordered the proteci an.d that the work had been dcône. approval*was unanimiotsly voted. Mrs. 'Gordon Wilson, 415, Nin.th street,' applied for permission to re- model a garage, raising the roof to provide for a studio on the second floor, with such conveniences as a kitchenette and breakfast nook, and small storageroomn. Through AI Jensen,, the Wilmette Battery. and Electric Service, 740, TwelIfth street, sougbt a,.,permit to build anaddition to'the. firm's build- ing to provide storage facilities. The plans provide for 8-ncb walls, *hile the building code provides for 12- inch walls.. The property is now zon- edcommercial, and the zoning ordin- anice limits garages' to industrial zones. After considerable discusskron.as to the proper action. to takte, both mat- ters Were referred té 'the Wilmette Plan commission. ýWilmet te Camper Burned When Fire Destroys Tent Disaster ended the camping trip of the Earle D. Lyons who are 'nowv at their home at 1504 Elmwood avenue, where 1\r, Lyon is recovering f rom burns received in a fire which totally destroyed their camp. Severest. in- jury wvas done to bis bands. MNI. and Mirs. Lyon, after placing their children at a nearby farm, were camping while visiting friends at Pat- terson lake near Hayward, Wis. A sudden change ini wind while Mr. and Mrs. Lyon were preparing break- fast on their out-of-door gasoline stove sptwrted grease from the bacon into the flame. The conflagration spread rapidly, destroying the near- by tent, equipment, and clothes. The automobile, while partially burned, was salvaged f rom the flames. WANTS ZONING CH,&NGE.D Hîattie Treptow has made applica- tion to the Village' authorities to re- zone her lot at the soutlhwest corner of Lake avenue and Main street. This property is now zoned commercial, tion SOMf it? - .. 1. II Note:'M Ecn myshop le conducted by the WomaneubI of Wilhette. Itration, are beingi this time. urgeu to doa il List More Signer$ ,.of NRA, Code' Here Following is a list of Wilmnette con- cerns which have signed.the blanket code 'and thus become eligible to dis- plythe' Blue Eagle, as reported by Wahington. officiais to the local, postmnaster during the past week. These are additional to the lists -for- merly 'publisbed:> Louis DelCarlo Candy Sbop;,Pea- cock-> Ice - Creani. Sbop; Spanisb Kandy Kupboard; Wilmette Food Shop;4 North Town Fruit Market; Sanitary. Grocery a nd Market;, Achille Dini Sweet Shop,; Wilmette Home Bakery; West Nortb Shore Dairy; -The Candy -fox; jay, Bos- lough; Frank Hl1avacek & Sons; Metz Motor Sales Co.; Wilmette Ice and .Teaming "Co.; Kutten Brcv. Coal Co.; Harry J. Himes; Thomas Dyer; Paul Kruppa; Charley Goon I.aun-. dry; Sami Moy Lau ndry; Ivan Lind Awning Co.; Illinois Bell Telephone Co.; Dr. George E. Eisenbrand. Police Hait Careers of Two Chicago Miscrea nts. Thursday afternoon, August 31, Policernan John Casseli arrested Bi. Jonnson, 1511 Greenwood avenue. The culprits bagi in fheir possessiôn, wben arrested a girls' bicycle stolen froni the home of R. J. Lascelles, 1639 Walnut avenue, Thé Czockaca boy was, sent. to the juvenule home. Pastern~ak was' fined $50, and .costs, whic!Ï he was unable to pay, and was confined in, the village jail over Labor 1Day awaiting friends whom he hop- ed would corne to bis assistance. G'all Wilmette 4300 Ask for Ad- Taker work 's oeïng comfpieted in j ig time, without ýiaste of effort or duplication of purpose.' The 'bouse-to-bouse cati- vass for consumer signatures to the code is being finisbed today, andi work- ers are, taking a breatbing spell while. awaiting instructions' f romù Washington as. to what' 'is to- be donc next. joseph W. Lechner, general in charge Of the, local- campaign, expresses him- self- as being. highly gratified at, the splendid response of Wilmiette people, bot h commercial'concerns and consum- ers. Mr. 'Leebtier made a personal sur'i vey; of the village Tuesday, and states fhat he. found practically every business bouse signed up, a very f ew being stili waiting 'for -special. industry codes. Among consumers the percentage was equally bigh, he said. Whol-Hart.d Cooramti..a "The cooperationi we have received. f rom the people of Wilmette is respon- sible for the promptness witb whicb we have beein able to complete the. work assigned to us,"' said Mr. Lechner. "In only rare cases have we found any reluctance 'to sign the code or tbe con- sumer's pledge, and in most of these cases we found the reason to be ignor- ance of the tiegning and purpose of- the plan. When these were explained aIl objections to signing up were re- moved. '"Another thing that' bas been helpful to, the successful termination of the work was the offers of' assistance coin- inoe to us bv mail, telephone 'and the numubers w opût n over iu-th'e saine time. And our message to 1resident Roosevelt today is, 'Whatever it is you want us 4to do, say. the word and it 'will-be done.' That is the spirit in which..the camipaign, bas been carried on.ý Is it any, Wonder that we have. won so easily ?" Arani K Ethe fore te for Workoe, festj ian, in active charge to prepare ; a resolution to tbat et- fect for proseutetion to _the state highway-, commission.