Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 34

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Ph. ni. 933.Gr. Wimete -132 - WTD. TO PUY MIICE14ANKOUS lwoui rafly appreciate it if any. 11. 98LTN184tp V C N B y WANTED-WARDflOBE TRUXNK, IN' 9ne wdvho'has such a 'chair would loa 1 __________________________________good condtom ebran aylilftto us-. ,It W-11 be welI taken car'e Owner sacrificng 80-ft. lot ln exclusive Wlflnetka 1165 Saturday or Sundayof and we cati assure its return inx ** WATNTED To RENt-*IOUSES section of Tenilworth, close, to transp. morning. 132Ll8-l1-)( odto. h elhCne FOR NOV: ISrr OCCUPANCY, A. 5 OR and schools. Highi ground. GOOD USED I3ABY BUGGY, ENG-godcnion Th HathC te 6 room bhouse wlthin 1 mile of W11- IARD & 'V A NEmc 1h preferred. Wînnetka 1207. may be reached by telephoning Wij - mette Business District. Must be veryBAR & RN RIc 132Ll8-ltp mette 2402 between the hours o reasonable. Address B-33, Box 40j 550 PARK DRIVE, KCENILWORTH ad2i'teatron Willrnette, 111. 99LTN18-2tp Kenilworth 4785 'ann2iinwtreth 5566n I14LTN18-ltc NOTICE 0F ATJCTION, SALE_ WANTED- IOUS ES 0OF GOODS A meeting of the board'ôfdie- W e have-reliable clients wanting . SUMMER CAMPS To M.,,^dMs.J H. Dunham, Lot No. tors Of the Wilmette -Iealth ene a)Attrac 3 Bedrm.* 1 Bath .. . $75-$80 BEYE ANýD. BEYE PRLIVATE SHO 258MranMr..H.athwwill eheld aï h ene b) 4 Bedrms. 2:Baths .... $100-$115 and camp. -Marcellus, Mich. 131v-, Schoessling, store y .B.Kudson orninig, Septeber8,t10occ. c) 6 Bedrmà. 3-4 Baths...$125-$Ë00 girls 3 to 15. Camp-July and Aug. Lot No, 2350; Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Fried- All memrbers are uirged to attend t 1 e List your homnes wi1th us.,for prompt S9chool- Sept*. 8.1 8 grammfar gradea, mani, Lot No. '2038-bincoin cëoup e, mo tor Esatservice, IflCte. Accommodationsntri for high No. 465898, erial No. 933550: meeting. schôlstu-etraining S ntriomste- ou and each of you are hereby noti- 553Licoî Aefle inntk 340 ciece 11LT16-tpfied that the tiffne for the payment of Tie Infan elaeClinic -il]b j ~ 55 LincolnAvenue_________3450_BcOur lien upon the propertyhereiflafter hl Septme 27fom 2t 4 99LTN18-ltc - - -described having expired, after dued me 27foi2t 4 - ~124 ACREAGE eND -ESTATES ' ie notice thereof ha -bengîven you 0 e co ock in the afternoon. Ili, FOR BALE-HousES BUY. ACREAGE NOW will cause such property, to wit: in, theý beautiful SunSet Ridge Area. bureaus, chîffoniers, beds, chairs, rock-, Tedna lncwihxiib SPECIAL~This sectini vr tractive country eris, dressig tables, divans, dining rooin h dna ci h It is seidomn that we .are able to offer and yet close to the lake and trans'- furniture,,paribr and library furniture, conducted for the benefit of -the Sucha wll uilthom., rms, 2 poratin. Pice frm $20 t'$300okitchen. utensils, refrigerators, trunl<s school children, will hlot Open unitil baths, brick, corner lot, good location. per acre, according to locationan and în nte si rware, wenga A real oppotnt M.Hri.slie. Do. not delay if you are Inter- p pprtnity Mr Haris. ested in a home-site or .emaîj estate parel, picturegs, paintings, boxes and ment will be made later. BAIRD& WA NERInc.barrels containing ýbooks, china, glass- m . In this beautiful area. The, supply le, ware, brlc-a-brac, 'Contents of .-burea h cetdii ilb odce L CG E WIpÎS T. DODDS s natz thezCi:::ý tïzzcoie i sti 'Sothest linetk 72 -l-mStret inntic ~ u ri.ht pianos, chests anid. grips, grand tute, which.is affiliated with the -W-l- Sotes 2LN8Ieknown as household effects, stored by M ron etme 8 Exceptional 6 room home, extra lava- 'You or lu your name or en your accounit Mnday afteron etme 8 tor Bt oo, iDary ENDene NTi (or in which- you claim an înterest> InThcin j in charge, of ..Dr. J ulius. tytforr, nd brarast ed in Advantages of country life with City the Rensch FireproofWreoethe-oa, edaliecrofheC- prh ndbefatporch, garage, transportation. Large plots of.ground snld. at publc auction at 521 ain Tuericaldrco'ýf eCi H. W. heat. Price. 1 0.$1, 800 a uleaciOt 2 ancago i cash b~Ince$40 er mnt- ove 10 on concrete rd. 20 miinutes walk to Street, Wilmette, Illinois, on September uoi nttt. year period. N. W. sta lai good suburb., Tracts of 15. 19,13, at 10 a. M. and continuing until SMITH & GO-SS, Inc. acre. See exclusive agents. pe are satlsfied. r odo nî h in Seeks Permit.t Build r725 Elm St. Winnetka 3500 R. %I. JOHNSTON & CO. RENSCH FIREPROOF WAREHOS o e nN rh etAe 111LTN18-1t,. 340 Linden Avenue Wilhiette 521 Main St,, Wiimettp 124LTN18-1te Lî,7-2t<' In a letter addresqsed,.to the Wil- $10,345 FOR $7,715 0 ________ _______ mette Zoning Commission A. Luke, Nine room bouse on beau, lot 50x2l,,-,128 EXCHANQE-RgAL EST^TE '- Hearel stt dalr t224D 1nl full of oaks, elnis, wildflowers and WANTED-HOME ON NORTH SHORZ E. ees B.rief i ograpnv aTa sat elra 21 e l perennials is offered ait 75% of today's 5 master bedrms., worth today.about fr u- -orth avenue, askedfor a ruling on a physical Value. Some thrifty family $60,000. If possible, about 12 acre f of Roert Montgomery request for Permission to buiid two will get a xnoney maker here, careful gorund. Prefe etwrho nian Rbr otoey h s~ hou-ses on three 25-foot lots at the analysis proves,. Close to .- gehols, Hill section, To exchange for fin(c; starred %with Ann Harding in "When corner of Elmwood avenue and churches, stores, North Shore and Chicago. propetty, practicaliy clear. Ladie s Meet -" was born at BeacoýTet-is street, which, it isst- Northwestern. 5 rooms down, 4 roonis Will add cash. Address B-32, Box 40, COu,- Up, could bouse happily two families, Wilniette, 111. 128LTN18 -ltc SJeW York, and was educated in mili- ed, would be contrary to the zoning Caîl or phone- for data sheet. . tary schools. Family -1reverses - sent ordinance. The- plans. call, for one' BIt<LS REALT , me. 129 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Mfontgornery to work i riloa ouse faci-ng o lwo vne h OPEN VENIGS AD SUDAYS DOUBLE DAY BED, OLD ROSE SILEK yards and -aboard ou tanes e oother tobface on Twenëity-firsîsre No ans LndWimete 740 veou, Ai ondtin.Wit mtte li e turned to the stage. where he won .and toe built on the rear of the __________________111~'P18-tcoutstanding ucs before makïtg lot. The mnatter was 'bropght befor EAS-T* SIDE FOR SALE-CLOTHES; 2 SANITARY1 his film - debut in "So ThisIs o- the Village board Tues day night i cots; iCe box; complete dining room j lege."o der that it muight reacb the Zoning. New whlit e brke. colonial on - acre, set; girl's bike; full-sized bed. Ph. commission_______hog .te re ha- wooded. 9 lge. rnis., 3 baths, 011 bt., Wilmette 4230. 129LTN18-1t, _____________cossio r.ue' eteroptaer ha ___________________________________$160. arbara Crowe, 234 Raleigh roadnl. M.Lk' etrsae that- 2-lcae rt., Skf.rm.e cpb - 160 . OLD WALNUT BED AND COMMODE; Kenilworth, has as ber guest, Misslie is acting for the owneèr of the MRS. FULLER & WMI. PICKARD- 2 children's beds, 2nd size; 2 11gb Katherine Collins of Grand Rapids. property. -à46Elr StWinnetka 122 chairs; muodern solid walnut chiffo- 746 El *l11LTN18-tc rob~e. Ph. Wilmette 4573. 129ýLTNI$-ltp On Wednesday of last week ant in- EAST -GLENCOE LARGE SIZED 1CR BOX; DARK OAK tormal reception' was given for ber JOIN NRA RANICS 'Georgiarn Colonial brick home, 7 rms,-.finish;. porcelain lined;' good condi- guest. On- Monday a school Iriend, The Blann pharmacy and the 111h- 2 baths, H. W. oil it.- gar., beamtiful- tion. $5.- 821 Prospect avenlue, Wi'n- Miss Ann. Easton, froni New Jersey, nous' Bell Telephone Comnpany have condition. 5 yrs. old.* $18s,000. nletka. 1026. 29LTN18- ltp arri-ved. Miss Addie Coe r been açlded to the ist fbsns WES G~RCO - BDR. UITSCHIS, BUF- Crowe's sister, f rom Q'woss-o, and conc-erns operating in Kenilworth 8 n. rame,,-large air>r rooms, 2 pches., fet, upright piano, davenport, and a r.ayfo Flnwhc hvésgete 2-car gar., H. W. ht., lot 98x210 -33 tew antiques. Can be ee Studay 1ty ro lnMich.,' are also wih-ae-indteNRA codes. bîks. b - sta.tioni, 1 blk..to schoo-l. $9,000. ait 2247 Lakte Ave-, Wilrnette, or phone gulests of thie Croweafniily. --In last week's issue of WUVMEI'rE LiEE W___________1490i____i____________ - a ist of the Kenîlot cnen McGUJRE & ORR Wilw 49. 19'N8-t bs sgape oth RAcoes 316 PARK C4,V-E. GLËNCOE 1,160-GALLON LOVEIKIN ISTANTA.N-whssintrsote R cds 11I.N181c eous gas beater.- Winnetlça M5.h -~ ea Vlu -1LTN1B8112tc N-1c ad been receiired tiP to thattirne ias - AACTV~Rea l O~alue N 4RONBE) BXSPRING, $8. DRESS- plsed er and mirror, $8.50. Chairs, $4, Be- Mrg. MVaryGxnghfon lt - -- scb~o1, muItrsis ~ b~r1is, îg rmoni suite, $40. mtten tes - pst.to I t4and tras;bedrms., Aping ~Overstuffed ouc ith sl; i0pfcover,7. ke City ha&s beent a, recent gues-t tI-of- oit i, 2 tile bat- ser sn p1ih, Plitonoefor an - -, - teaP1l Mrs. Conger, Reynolds 'of - yad 1,0.191 8-Itp 20-laiseton rç>ad, Kni' rh r Fracs WReynjojd$s sister and son, Mrs. F.--B'. isot RFIEAO,106, CAPAtC1TY, Mov~ing p Stpv.. .g . J '09 Wolf, and F- ederick, 90 plâeS.W ntqIZ6'7 fn oniin Vr he ne -and FrM eriek, iti~--' - No - -p Onin_(ýt hr. rser a ' G. Also rC1in~ton I5emmon, 310 Raleigh '-road, Aet877 EIm S. Tl Wirmn. 1689. sunroom fur Itfure. Inietta. 2727.e"W iu thRNSCH S.mo. Kellilworth, Ieft on~ Monday, for a fish- St. Te. 11LT18-tp 29L~18îtp ____ing trip in Wisconsin. fie leaves Sep- PRAL-AATKITCH-EN- RUMMAGE SALE AND tember17 for Drmuh $495 FOR A. 50 FOOT LOT wamhing machilne, rugs and many-0 In Ne-w Trier Townhp vrokn other article. Frlda.y and Saturday M: e Mr. nd MrsThmpoaWandy Sitoite Park project. Water. gas, aInd'i afternoons,, Sept. th and 9th, 720 Fifth73 lwo avne.hvertnd *lectricity availabie. Only a tew left St.. Wilmette. 129LTN18-ltp 521 MAIN ST., WILMETTE 3 lm wVS oO ahauebv ete at this price. poe LEWIS T.- DODDS ELCTR] IC W -A 3HOD G OACINE WILmmm32ITEmi 7317 Mrs. L. E. James of-, 944 Sheridan 726< Ulm Street Winnetka 3500 any make. Must be reasonable. Cal OI PARK' 4675 bod, as j euse fo W14 A S H I N G MACHter 243. 13LT INE, R.t returoad, justAurora l l 4 L r N x - î t N u s C n t e r 1 6 4 . f O L T 1 8 - t p h e r e , s h e v i s i t d l i e r n i e c e .

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