Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 30

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properties. :Stella B. Happ has sold 6Y2 acres Except for two y.ears, during the in Woodland Park, Wiilow roacl, to Worl wa, wen e wa intheNa-S. R. Logan of Winnetka. Mr. Logan val service, Mr. Jaeger bas residedpln obidmeialy in Winnetka since 1914. His long Hen ry Wabls has sold eleven acres residence in the community and, bis to Meliville E. Latimer of Winnetka. aine years.in the real estate business hspoet asalrefotg hasgivn hm, e biieesa to.on th e middle fork' of the north ough knowledge of real-estate'val- brnbo h hcgo river, just east ues ,al ong the niortb shore.. and he of the Sunset Ridge.Golf club. feels' that this, knowledge, coupled A Chicago syndicate basý puchased with his large number. of- personial Seventeen acres from, Minnie Haut and business friends, 'Place hlm in an on the soutb sîde of W'Ilowra excellent position to be of réal serv- .,ust. east of ,the. Skokie boulevard. ice in the> real estate profe.ssion. 1 This poperty is being resold by Mr. While real estate is still moving Dodds in building sites at prices of slo i ycmaio ihpe- $495 and up. depression davs, M .\r. Jaeger feels Joseph Selzer, Peter L.. Happ, Rose* that the recent sales and.-very con- Happ and Leona-Suel bave sold one- sidierabie rentaI activity, are but a haîf acre of beautiful woods, with .al forerunner of. really active market in impro vements, in,%,on the north side the comparatively near future, and of Willow .road,-east, of Sune ig he is firmiy of.tbe opinioný that nortb road, to Elias Johnson of Glencoe. shore real estate wilI comne back Edw.ard A. Happ baàs-sold, two acres more quickly and surely than. in most on Sutiset- Ridge road to MilardE other localities.* Elmes', Chicago attorney.' This prop- erty is On the east, siie. ofStne R e d t e W nt. ds Ridge road, just south of S-Vilio BEERI Delivered ICE Cold Phone Winmette 5 3I Wilmette Ice Company FOX IIEAD HIER Made wItb WankotIs SprI*g Wate. PNa Head Beer-Ulit or 4d* Ginger Ale Carbonated Wat.r Wkuksha 8pring Watr FOX HEA.D SALES CO, 426 Madison St., Evausten GO 49e. S j DEER Ybar. Favt# ratg2tds IMMEDIATE DBLIVERY PHONE WILMETTE 410 WINN. 2470 - -2471 Mm. Dodds reports that moSt prop-. erties are being purchased Ofor cash and for iminediate use by the pur- chasers. Prices are in line with otber cominodities, showing a decided me- duction from the boomn period of 1924 to 1928. The government's develop- ment of the Skokie park project is also a deciding factor in tbe acti.vitv in this district, Hans Griesser Purchases Beautiful Winnetka Home Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Clark solId their borne at 900 Mt. Pleasant ave- nue, WVinnetka, to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Griesser. Both Mr. Clark and Mr, Griesser are arcbitects. This flfteen- oom re sidence, consisting of seven niaster bedrooms and four batbs., sit- u4ted on over, an acre of ground, bas long been recognized as one of the outstanding homes, on the north shore. The exteior of the house is fasbioned after a manner typicai of the Herefordshire section of Eng- ous ideas. The mode! is -o f _a- modern TheI newer and modern flouses for house on a quarter-inch scale and rent are beconiing scarce. The de- contains four bedrooms with two mand for the four bedrooru, two bath baths on the second floor, and on the modern bouse for $100 or less quite first floor livinig room, dining room, exceeds the supply and niany unsuic-. kitchen and attached two car garage. cessful bidders are renewing leases. The first and second floor facilities in apartmeifs. Many bids are be- were specified by the North Shore ing refused. Likewise, the demand Real Estate board for an t for houses at$5 to $60 bas about, ex- turl omettio mcetl lI1~~byetihausted the supply of acceptable The two ideas combined in: the, de- .o e.I b rce rM$10t signaremodeni an speialada $125 there bave been rentais made for tabilitv to nortb shore needs. 11 the first year at an increase of about Th dsgni h eog Fred $10 a month overlast year with tbe Keck, who bas made a. studyotb second >rear as. nuch. as $25 over the development of the modernhouse irst Germ-any, France and Austria where The trend. above recited is derived this, syle ba me' wth.geninefroin soffe. one huindred houses rent- ths tlehs etwthgnun ed by, the. tio nortb shore offices. of ac ceptance., ir. Keck is'also design- Bills elvdrn h urn er er o.f the.fHouse of, Tomorr-on .Rat uigtecret~er exhibition at,,A.Century of. Progress Recent sales in the last sixt3' to toô see. which- thousanids of people ninety days have been' more th;Ïânl daiiv have paid ten cents each. double in number for the saie period Plan Mo&en Holise last, year. Sales prices have noict Accordinig to C. E. Drayer, vice-, stren gthened, h owever, and probablv preidet o Bus- ealy. c.,p!as vili flot until pro7pe rties ini liquidation are nowv welI shaped toward buildinghaebnasoedadutlhee- a modern bouse on the nortb shore inand for apartmnent refitaIs increases to ~ ~ ~ i e>oytebs da x the sev- to more ecqualvý mee't the suipplv, Re- eral designs at the World's Fair, cent sales are re-ported a-s folloWs: Plans bave also been drawn of a C. J. X1cGregor bouight of George commq.nity of fourtecin modern D. Ri chards, 855 Fair Oaks avenue, homes. Instead of the bouses being Deerfield. The McGregors wii11 take se -t in tbe usual checkerboard fashiçn1 possession, the 'middle of September they are, according to Nim. Draver. nid the.Rijchards wili move to Cali- grouped by a cornmunity park at the 1 rni. Ms ..Hlit~a street end of which is a space for ga- roker. rae.Thus aIl the bouses "face a Addson Brqown.bouight ot Albert S. page's. do tee n agrLouer, 1310 Chestnut avenue, XVil-. aette iTsteadoofda str00t and arger areas of individual ownership of land mt~ h rudi 0 etb 9 Can .be devoted to grass, garden, and fect, covered uvith p)rimitiv'e forest flowers thanl in the oh! type of la,'- and containing a Colonial bouse other which the Browvns plan later to re- If hr is., sufficient interest shown rnodel extensiveiy. The Brownis are by prospec 1tive bomne owners at this mo%-ing 'from, Beverly Hilis. C. E. ime, it is the plan of the promoters Draver was broker. of- the community of nmodern lbouses, according to Mr. Drayer, to offer for Braun Brothers Oil Co. aie modern homes' in, a modern Opens New Filling Station ~you. -- ~ .3Braun B3rothers Oit company, 812 Oak street. Winnetka, .bas. opened treet, bandled the, legal details for another filliing station on th.e vacant the purchas-er. tract, on- Linideni avenue, Hubbard Mm. Clark still owns a large loi Woods,' just>,ntorth of- the Packard djoining on the, west of the prop- building and directly> across the ýrty sold, and contemrplates erecting a street fromi the Hearthstone. Tea 'esidence sbortly. rooni. This is another of the chaiti of twenty filling stations *whicli the .EVANSTON TRANSACTION company announces iit plans to openi The attractive eight-rorm deluxe tbrougbout the, forth shore for the >ungalow at 1121 Dobson street, Ev- sale of Silver Flash, Bob Doepe.l's 'I Wliuete - mi&& JOINS CHICAGO FIRM rie!uew Peter 1.;Johanisený, wbo for the last me.eufuny 17 years bas been identified %vith :y bere la north shore real estate deveiopments, 83, on a~ has joined the sales force of Robert * Wbite and company, New York Life met$ moU building, .39 SoutbLa Salle street,. to specialize in loop and ýcentral realty.

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