of coal near Linton, Ind., and Irom' h there they followed the course of a Lincoln's life from his birthplace in- I-odgenville, Ken., to Lincoln City, Ind., and then to Salem and Spring= feld in Illinois. At Lexington, KIy., the travelers inspected a number of horse farmns in- cluding theý home of. Man-O'--War. They explored Booneshoro and, sawý the Kentucky legisiature at Frank- fort in action and from there. visited the Mamrnoth Cave, returning home. through Illinois. Several Injured in. Collision on Highway A report, early.Suniday afternoon. of an automobile accident. at the inter- section of Lake avenue and Skokie highway took Officers Schmidt and Poppel fo the scene. There it was found that a. cardriven.by Miss Lena Krus e, 23 *ears old, 135Eal ae nue, Chicago,* had collided with an- other car driven by Miss Mildred Watkins. 17 years old, 1216 Chestnut avenue, \Vilrette. Miss Kruse was 'going north on Skokie highwNay, .and Miss \Vatkins east on Lake avenue. \Vith Mfiss WVatkins were her two sisters. Jane. 16 years old, and Bar- bara, 12 years old. WVith Miss Kruse1 wvas P. J. Heirty. Miss Kruse and Miss Watkins were taken to the Evanston hospital 1)3' Ned Kelly. 1100) Elmwood avenue, EÈd Bowers, 1619 Washington avenue, an(l Jack Estes,, 819 Sixteenth street.] Janc; and Barbara WVatkins and Mr. HeirtY Nwere taken to the same hos- pitai by Officer Schmnidt, using the police ambulanlce. There it was found that aIl were cnt and brnised, but none of the injuries . were serions. Mildred Watkins received a cnt un- 'der the right eye, while Jane suffered a cut on the right shoulder and -Bar- bara was cut .on the, right elbow. Miss Kruse suffered, a severe cut on the Ileft arm, white Mr. Heirty- was cnt on the head. Both cars were considerably damaged. The police departmnent reports that wvhat mnay have been a contributing factor to the accident is the fact that niother. Mr. Wilds returned Tiuesclay. --0-- *Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Austin, Jr., and their children are moving October 1. front 1316 Cbestnut avenue to 1213 Forest avenue, Wilrnetté. )fltllu Vs, time and AnEdit-or Writes ..frolm..Experience!