Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Sep 1933, p. 20

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.in aurnIttazi nt regfijiar r by LuesUUy ImonR to Isue. ,rds of thanka, obitu- nts or other affalrs ts published, wIfl be rates. IGrade Separation Will Save Lif e Let-'s Hasten the. Day! .,,,Presenit throughout th e ceremiony at- tûcldant uI)of the layin.g o(f the corner stone of thée waterworks last Satu.rda-v.* biut standing un- Sees I-is -Dream ob~trusivelv _Nvit1îin /tMaterialize the shado%\s * wa s one wh is gener- -allv- cre(lite( Ni tvih ing the .fathier of the \Vilmiette wtrok project. Wilford W'. Deflerard'. former Village trtistee anîd sewer and water eniiieer of national repuitation. Finishing biis terni as trustee in April of, 1132, lie. consented, ini asplen- djd spirit of jIulilc service, and at the ire.-eý1 que st of, the. Villa'ge board1, to act as un - officiali member of the sewer. and water conîmittee., In ordler thiat hiýs knowledge. and expérience iniiglît he aa iabe plan- ning and completing the w%,aterwNork s. In the laving of the corner stonie le was realizing a drean. for which lie lad talked and labored for manyvyears. Mr. DeBerard had been invited to speak, but for some reason ,vas not called upon. and those present 'were in consequence deprived of wv-iat ý,voul d probably have proved to be a nîlost important contributioni to thie pro- grain. Public schools ii the, New T 'rier villages \vIlI openî next Monday -,\w i no fixed idea, -except perhaps in the inst ance of Win- ,.,, <,-n et ka - where must be realized fromi taxes, and, in the event of. tardy tax collections, fromn the sale of tax aniticipationi%,arrants,. Pending the opinion of the Illinois Su- :p reme court on, the vali.ditv of -the pro- posed, 15 I)e'rceilt horizontal redutction iný taxes, as applying to honies :and 'snall apatmets.paynient of the Second.i-1- staîlmnent of the 1931 taxes:has been seri-, bu sly hanîpered. Uîîder thé, circunîstances, tiien, ail of us wvlio ecari'afford to do so shoul(l con- tril)ute our jUst s1lare towvard .. r.ovi(lilg funds for; pub)lic sciool ol)eration.' I)id We- sav contrilté ? Pardonî us., it.'s really ,an invesnient. In(lee(l, a. sotind 'lbusiniess ini- vestinent tlîatber 6 p)ercenlt interest. An iînvestiie.it. too. in civic service.. Thle Neý\-, Trier Citizens leagtue xvicb. ini the public inièi:est is takingý-, an active p)art in the selection of a townshîip asses- sor to fil] ont the tin- Rendering a e xp1i1r éd t e rniof Civic Service George R. JIarbaugli« resignied, -is repo 1rted to have deteriiniied -uJ)Oflseveral naines to: suiggest to the township Board of Audi- tors, %lîich will inake the selection. These candidates, wlîho are profferedl bv the league in a spirit of hielpfu-lness aundxvith- out any officiai authority-,, are said to -be èniuiently quaiified to discharge the dut 'es of the office ni an-abie. impartial and( satis- factory mianner. It is feit that the selection1 -of ahy of the candidates wvill inisurle'evcel- lent service to the taxlpaye-rs of Nev Trier. Thle .Board, of Auditors ~il it i s sa id,. ni.make the- apploinitnîe.ntwith>iin afew day's. It is: expected 'that the disiriterested ef- forts 'of the league wiil be found helpful i discovering an officiai ýworthy to carry on the vvork laid down iibv Mr. Hlarbaughi. sters rrudging schooiward ..reluctant ieactiicr arriving at desks. busin)ess girdling itself for renewed effort... best of the year just ahead... gloomy icemen. . . grininiig coal barons .. touchy janitors . frugal housewives replenishing larders apd wardrohes ...Yepi it's Septenaber. -Maque. IN A- MORAL SENSE, YES The Story Hour Lady f romi the Chicago Tuber- CUlosis.,saniitariunl', paid a visit réently to the Chi-' cago Academy of S cience to id entify a st range, large, brightly-"colored býird %%hich o ne of the boys at the sanitarium had fouiid.. Af 1cr lier brie f de.-criptio1I., the museumn attendant hrÈouglht out a liandi-pa,înîted illustration of a.bird ini gaudy plumage. Wshlike this--" It wvas, exac.tlvý -You) I* iiidS the dîirector told lier, is a rare. l1unting crow froin -the aviary of Kari. Plath. the. Chicago bird artist," and prèpared t o revive thec -;Il nished visitor oecm by tlhe niraculous de- tet-tive agecies ,; oi the runseuni. A- phone callto Ir. Plath's home. and lthe bird asrtoe t M\r. Plaih lîad, upon the crow*s escape frointhe aviary a fcU days previons, painted its piicture- týhre1e t.uuîes and sent the illustrations toge ther Nwith létters, Stating his luss, to the lnicoîni Park, zoo, the :ICiago Academiy of Science anîd the Field Museum. 11DO1LS IT ýPAX' TO ADVERTISIE IN COL- ORS" fmoralizcd the gentlemienî~h sends us- îii truc siory. BOAT SONG 'Xcalhth e nellou'w orl0.d's fair nmooni Giiding downthe brighlt 1loo o Happilness oit brieg to me lia pizuest goll ding to me, Af ter ycors, thoîujh for auay iki my dr'a is, l'il lwar you sov, * ime is winging ailtooo sooln AX t h th e ,ne.llow W orlds loir noon, -The, Gondolici'. (To the lune of Venelian .Mýoon) Th'le smiali b oy hopeful of a Wilmette family had been spendirig a few days on a .Wiscons in farni. Recounting bis exploits to his mother, and as an afîcrtiiought, he wrote: "Oh, yes, marna. And 1 MikdP nf i, T rD c' completioin of the New Trier High school addition as providing money for current school Qperation. The recommrended $140,- 000 which it is proposed the federal public ýWorks administration shall provide, fôr not pleasant to contel tio.n should be contint when these are remov< too much of property utilities. igo lias seen ig by public We learn ec t'other evening that the correct pro- nunciation of rodeo is r-o-d-e-o, with the accent on all three syllabies. Football bear stories are now in order. L

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