enurch home LU visit Us. Te Uv O ss sion is at 9:30.- The Beginners and 1li- mary departinients mieet in their build- ing at the rear of the church, and al othèr depat'tments wii eet in joint session ln the Intermediate rooni dowvn- stairs. *There will be. a schooi orchestra dlrected' by Mrs. Eulalie Kober Siadio, greettigt-, from Supt. Z. A. Parkhurst and Dr. Allison, and,.a "get-tq(uainted" perind for thie'classes-. .Morning worship is held àt il.o'cloek, and there wili be suitable niusic and a sermon to Young p3eople "What is the (i.o0od of Religion.." Those planning to go aWay to collège are especially inv-ited. to hear this message. Miss Lydia Koeh wiil preside ai the organ and 'Madame, Gllderoy Scott will direct the choi r. Young ehildren have a ls during sermon -time. Ail interested in the miusic of tWîý church will be. glad toô know that we have Miss ýKoch and Mmne. Scott witli us. The first reheai'sal of the choirtis tonight, Thursday. MeNlnibers are ex- pected to be on hqnd. TeYug eples suciety s's its fali program with a meeting at 6o'lc ln the, Auild room.. Many neW members are de iTiýd tQ keep the work up to pre- vnous standards. Our ne%,.,offiers ill do their ~ part. . On Wednesday.% next, the Mdwk * meeting begins a study of Alva Taylor' s timely book "Christianity ,andld idustry in Amneica;" This book m-iil cheer you heart and iii give you confidence.in.fthe future, as, well as interpreting thée ne- iigious a9pects of National Recovery.ý Commencing. September 17, D)r.Aiso preaches a .challenging series of ser- mons entltled "Religion and the Blue Eagle," discussing spiritual phases of the natlon's problems. St. John's Lutheran Wiimette and Park avenues, Wilmetti. .Hermnan W. Meyer, pastor 406 Prairie avenue Téléphone 1396' Church telephone 53~79 Tbirteenth Sunday after Trinity- 9 :15 A. M.%.-Flr-st service and sermon. q9:30 A. M.%.-Sunday- s c h o o 1 and Bibli- cla-ses. 10 :30 A. M.-Confessionai s e r v e for commluniçants fl 0 A. M%.-Second service and, Hlly Communion Sermon: "Co and do thou llkewistc" NIME ENG Thursday, September 7, at 2-Ladies' Aid Thursday, Septemnber 7 at 8 - enioýr Y. P. S. Friday, Septemiber 8 ai 8 Junior Y. P. . Tuesday;, Septeriiber 12 ait 8 Voters' Thé Womian's Aid soclety will holdj its first meeting of the year- today, Thurti- day, Septeniber 7, at 2 o'clock in the Wonian's room. This will be a bsns and social meeting. Tle Weýsleyan Service Guild Book Re- viwclub wili, meet 'Tuesday evening, September 12, at 8 o'ciock ln the Wom- an's room.. .Miss Grace Roe wiii review "AseUicEarth Turn-4," by Carroll. First Presbyterian Wonian's club moime. Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue.' Janies T. Venekiasen, niinister. The ninister . %ill preach Sunda'y on the theinle "'The Beauty of ýHoline-ss,"ý at the wrorsbip) service at Il o'ciock. We invite you tt.,,N ,orship with us at this service. We. hope to welcômie back nitr menibers ami friends who have been aw a y on v acations, and wve cordia ily in- vite visitors lit Wlrette to wor.shi'p with us. The Sundav sehool ne ets ut 9 :30 ocokin, ail classe-, and departinents. We ilNvite you to join uls. TPhe uomblned Aduit Bible classes -wiit nîeet at 9 :45 o'ciock, with thé pastor ,a s teacher. We are studying "The Prin- cipies of JeSUs.- XVe hope.to enter our.new church at Ninth and Greenleaf for our firsi; serv- l'e unySeptemiber' Il.-The Suinday Sehlool wili mteet at 9 :3a aid the church wvorship service will be held at Il o'clock. Efforts are being mnade hy the' men and boys to have everything in readiness for ibis. opening. The service- on September 17 -wili be a communion serv-ice ami new -niembers wili be received. Those wýho plan to joiri th-e church are requested toidvlse the l)astor hefore that date. During the rnonth of September mon'- bershlps in Howeli Neighborhood -House ýAuxiliary miay bc secured through Mrs. Moreton and Mrs. McCorick in place of Mrs. Colvin. There bas been a fine responsé on the part, of the members in the purchase of chalis for our Àsseinbly hl.Thoseý who haveéflot as yet respond ed niay do so through tbe, pastor. First CondLregattýonal John C, Hindley, niinister. Suiiday, Septerniêr 10, îss Home Coni- -A Hou,-e 40f Wors.ehip" R-ev. David R. Kabele, pastol'. SUNDAY SERVICES Early service..........ani Sunday schooi........ ........9 .n. Second, service.........na. ni. The Wc;m-an's society wýilI meet this afternoon (Thursday) . t 2 o'ciock at th e parsonage., Mrs. J. H. Hopp will pr ement the topic "Under tie ma1pie Leaf," deaiing with , oui' . Lutheran church' in Canada. An invitation !,- extended ti> all the wvoinen, to melet with US, Choir rehea rsai Friday e ve ning a I 7 :30. o'clock. TFhe ChUrch councii willi.hold its reg- uiar monthly mieeting Tuesday eveliing, Septerniber 12, it 8 o'dock. of IEdith Ray Y oung was heli Wed- nesjay afternoon at Miss Yoting's studio. The prograni is as followNs, Alarching..........Curtis Winidiiill........... .. . Curtl.s Ding Dong...........Curtis . Bttv U*t'k ietude Sw'i ng 'Song....... Soldiers tMarcil .. ..... Busy Fingers Allegro Vivae....... Fra-n(es 1Dahncke Luilaby . Dandel ions W altz .. ... lietty Bc Marchi of the <lGoblinis Spriing Zephrys - Rii ypiond Anibler Hiappy Fariner làallade - Gy)y-Diance FrnJ );thn«eke. .Curtis -Seh unia n n *.Brett Alurtis *Cu rtix C urtis Scuriiti Ru rgnu lier *Brett Next Stindity ill lie the iast Su<Id.a R-ayinnlf(j i Abler- of our summfer schedule of servic!es. A ('i'ius Story f . ucie Beginning Sunday, Septempber 17, oui' llarp andl Organ.... Brett services will be lieid as foilowls: SUli- -Fi>i'tsihn dayschool 9:-45 a. in. Morning worship CoiTIe -f the Frienciy Chiurci t-he Wai* l-aile -Pl-ain. we i'c' Legnn 3xiiarE, Wiliiiettc Unit No, 46 Thursday (tonight) at 8:15 jp. nm. the executive board meets at the home of Mrs. 0. G. Dalyv, 018 Tenth street. Saturday,' Septemiber 9, Cook coun- ty council annual luincheon, 12:30 p. nm. at the Union Leagueclufb, 65 W. Jackson street, Chicago. Monday, September 11, at 8 p. ni. the regular annual meeting of the unit wilbe .held at ,\frs. Fred LUp- pen's, 1220 Lake avenue. It is hoped- that ail members interested iii the uniit's activitiîes will atteni(I this,;meet- ing to hear the annual reports of the officers and comnîittee chairmen. Wë aniticipate the pleasure of once again hearing.,Mrs. Alice Heniderson, .Whose lovely soprano vo ice is not unlkiloNNn to Wilmette. Under the auspicies of its. Amien- canismn commînttee the unit secuired ten workers for- the Ihouse-to-hiouse, No rthridge Notes l'he first meeting of the year 1933-34 of the. Northridge W\oman'.s club u' f W 1'Vimette . will be field at the Iv imlet, f -Mrs. E4dward Dev.iini, 20.15 111< nwo I( -a venue, Mondayv, Septemnber il; ut 8 0 dcock. The newv presiderit. M\lrs. Leonard 'Van Deursen will presidc. . Stan-. ley johnsoln, flrst icepus nt Irs. H. B. Ingersoli, secreîarv, and .M rs. Xilliamn Hughies, treasuirer, arecfthc other oficers installed iM june \v1vî \vill take up their work \vith tlîis meeting. Mfrs. John .D. .Kinnear \viI1 hiave . charge of the programi. h will he re- membered thiat the club eacl .,%ear lias had a remarkably intere sting prograni on sornie phase of bomne econiomics. This meeting is .,another lM the saffie serres, sù to speak, landti prunirses. to be just as interesting as pr-ecedinirneS. 1.n addition to the speaker, M.!rs. Paul H. Gathercoal, graduate of Noirthwc\st-, ern universitv School1 of' Spechl and pupil of Mrs. Ethel Swift of IEva:rstun. will give a reading ertitled *qoinc- work." LEAVES F'OR COLLEGE M1iss Catherine M. Wri,îhaini - -great.chance for people wflo want to ing a convention as welI organized The organ music for next Sund,,y make their lives count and mean some- miorning at t-he %orship service at il thlng. The minister will be glad to and conclucted as was ibis one. 'ciock wiil be- as follows5: confer wlth any lnterested iln this- vital. Prelude: "Andante" undertaking. . Mr. and- Mrs. J. H. Weedon, 110 (V Symphony)--------.. ý-.. Beethoven -hr tet eumdStra rt Postlude: "AlIelutaeFir>al" *- Bossi The Woman'ýs Guild wil bol us first aThinetrtounn atndaIslaro, autumn meeting in the ehurch Frlday afsigtpt Dumn sad The Church schoql-wllr neetsses3- September 22. it wiii be> ln the nature Mich. *Grahami Fitch, 416 Cumnon road, Kenilworth,. returned Tuesday froni a six weeks' visit to Ely, Minn. His sis- ten, Margaret, .bas returned f rofi Clevelantd, Ohio, where she, played for two montbs in a-stock comnpany in a Cleveland- theater. 1-