Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 6

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WHEE.LING FARMS Proua Farouto (Jonuwr ftes(7 Mues il West el 03W-2 Oleneo.) FOULTE&ý»t ÉES&BE to ORIEIEE the hoi There N Walter wereç -e, Fire Mrs. E G. Johnstone of St. Peters-. burg, FIa., is with Mrs. Claude Ham- ilton, 430 Woodstockc avenue, Kenil- worth. Charlotte Hamilton,. Marshall Ling, and the latter's mother arel enjoying Yellowstone Par k and,'ake Louise, A :NEW BEAUTY SHOP NOW OPEN I Ready- to serve the disçrim- 22"iug woeu ofthe community. To those *ho demn te work- in',ail forma o( beauty culture end the courteous trestment of experi-; «eed operatorsp, we extend our- sincere invita- tion to become âO quainted with this. new andi modern shop., FRBE We are otferlng a FRET SHAMPO(>) wlth eaeh wavre on your it visit to nur 4hoa. . Open Eve,>ige bU Âppoiïatnent CYRILLE BFAUTY $1401 417 F..rtk St. il.0.65 Cyrille I Winni i FoonIv f La arit Last Chance Before the Aclvanoe> to purchase your wiriter fuel1 supply at the prevaiiling rates. Act today! IIOF.FMANN DRUOS. 1208 Ceutral Avenue Pone Wilmette I131 mette cars, while the balance are from other north shore towns and f rom visitors fromn other states. In order to do its part in this endeavor the Village administration cooperates through the police departmheut,,which offers a large measure of protection against tbievery. Supt. Ciaffney Returns to Desk Next Week>. Supt. M., P. Gaffney- of New, Trier High schlool is expected back :at his desk about tme* middle of next week. He bas been visiting. relatives in New England. and also attended an edu- cational conference in Vermont sev- eral weàeks ago. Members of the 'Gaffney fanîily will,,return, with bim. Tbeir home is in Winnetka. Parochial Schools Here to Open on September 5 Tuesday, September 5. bas been set as the date for the opening of Wil- mette's two parochial schools, St. Francis Xavier at .Ninth, street and Arinouncement was made this week that the beach will be open flot later than September 15. If the f 001 weather continues, it miay be closed before that. Heaviesý.t attendance at the Kenil-ý worth beach this sunimner was during the month of July. The figuresý for that month show. a total ?Iegistered attendance of 12,040. August Attenance Smiall During -the, first ,twentv-çiglit davs of August only 5,614 persons were registered. The, entire month of August bas been comparativelv cool, while most of July %%as hot, and this, it is, believed, accounts for the dlrop- ping off in attendance. The largest single day's attendance for the, season was on Sunday, j uly 30, when 789 persons wvere registered. The second largest attendance for a single day vas 604 onThrdy july2. For a number' of yearls the Kepil- worth beach activities 'were uindcr the auspices of tjhe Kenilworth. club. This year the beach was operated. by the Village of Kenilworth. Linden 'avenue and St.. Josephs aà GE TO KANSAS CITY Ridge road and Lake'avenue., The1.Missî Mary, Winner Hughes, cl- parochial schools are opening a week1 dren's librarian at the imtePb earlier than the public schools. lic library* will take the remaining tivo weeks of ber vacation starting Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hianuiton.Saturday of this week. Sie ¶plans to 430 Woodstock aveuue, Kenilivorth, go to ber home- in Kansas City, Miss have returned from a tbrée weeks' Hughes took half of her ýmontb's va-ý trip through Minnesota, going as far cation earlier in- the sunîmer. north as International Fafls. M rs. Fred H. Lent, formerlv of 'Wiiiietka, Mr. and Mrs. Edward. H. Bu rge. bas been. a recent guest of Mrs. and Alison. and Barbara, of 924 H-amilton, and is now on bier m'ay- to Forest avenue, spent the week of New York, later 'joining her daugh- -August 14 to, 21 at the Congregational ter in Cleveland. assembly in Frankfurt, 'Micb. *They, -o--were joined at Frankfurt by 3ét. Dr. and .Mrs. R. H. Henderson, 2710 and' Mrs. W. E. McCormnak of Blackhawk road, entertaihed at diii-IAuoa the Burge's married daugh- ner at Shawnee Country club, Tues- ter and ber husband.,' dav, in bonor of their:house guests, o Dr. and Mrs.. C. E. Hawthorne and Mrs. C. A. Young and ber dIaughl- cbildren from Wasbington,. D. C. ter. jeannine, of 62 Warwick avenue, -o-Winnetka, are back from a fort- Dr. Jane Baldwin, the physician of nigit's vacation spent at Spooner, Vassar college, and Miss Amny Shaw. Wis. of Pougbikeepsie, N. Y., have beeno bouse guests the past week of Mr. Gary Briber of Denver was a and Mrs. H. E. Porotito of 901 )Eln- recent gues.t of his aunt, Mrs. Hobart North Shore 611 Main st., Wlmette Chevrolet Sales, Ine. Tel. Wilmette 4414 *ugv.m.v STUEFASESSEIUNOCARun VOIR W*RLD * ~amturduY YIA.lvM. KP.rM. TIe Bible snd Works of Mary Baker HaRdy. mmd .11 other authorized Christia, Science,. Literature may be resad, borrow.d or puchased, et the Resdiù~ Rooum. THB PUBLIC 19-MRM~ALLY INvrImDTOATIND Tim CHURCH OSVHZ AND VISE? THI UHADNO 10DM For More Thau ,Forty Yas M4 ,U

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