Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 40

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BILLS REALTY, Inc. 930 Spanish Ct, WIlmette 3740 lIlLTN17-Itc *'LL MAKE MY PROPERTY THE best buy on the North Sl4ore te the right party, even ne l Iit for lés thaýn 10,»000. So get buuy !'.1 ust quoted from the owner. His house laa veryj, céomfortabIle.7 nu. residence, nicely located. Here lsa ra opportunIt'y te buy a barggin. BAIRD & WARXER, lue».. 22 Davis Sit., Hllycourt 1855. Greenieéat 1855. Mr. Hart. l11LTN17-lte REU BRICK, COLONIAL, EXCELLENT LOCATION ON, QtJET street. 2 blocks to laite. Just redecor- ated and In new condition. 6, moins; 3ý bedrooms; breakfast porch; Vapor heat. Very âine lot 50x240; wooded.' Owner will osol at less tlian cost un- der lot aut.ge. at $ 10,000.00 wlth. yory small down payment and monthly payments oqual te rentai value. SMITTH& GOSS, mec. 725 HlM st. Winnetka 3500 1ILTN17-Itc j WINNETKA COLONIAL HOUSE, 4 BEDRMý., 2 tUle batha,. oll heat, attached. a. open porch off liv. rm., but. pant. 1 blk. to sch., 4 short blks. te transp. An attractive homne, a good buy,l Real Estate Service, Inc. Christine Baumann. Florence S. 'Cook Louvia Pittruan 553 Lincoln Avenue Wiinnetka 3450 1 lLTN17-lte -MODERN BRICK HOME, EAST S IDE Wlnnetka, 5 bedoms, 3 baths, oil heat. PrIoed to ell.t 84J. L. FLOYD CO~ 34Conter St. Winnetka .3003 lllLTN17-ltc BARGAIN - FOR QUICK SALE2. 7 roomn colonial homne, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths., double garage.. Fine. ahadte treos and abrubs. $9,800. In Wiu- notka.- Address B-2 1, Boxt 40, WiI- meètte. 111L1-ltp 7 RU. FR. BUNGALOW, 4, BEýDRMS. 2 batha. H. W. ht., gar., 4 biks. ta., 3 blks. sMooel. Frigidaire, ste. $8,500. Owuer. Phone Winnetka 93 piano, and a 'few antiue. canb eý seen Bat. atternoon at 2247Lk Ave., Willmette, or ph.,Wnntk1i490. 121.LTN 17-1tc 4 FReNCH DOORS, PEDESTAL bathrm. washstand, :porch furnitiare, electrlc washer and Simiplex Ironer, and other household good%. Call Wil- mette 2053. .I . 129LTN17-ltp PR! VATE SALE, COMPLETE HOUSE- hold furniture, oriental rugs, china, glassWare, ln .estate being admàinis- tered. Phone'Winnetka 685. 129LT1-ltp FOR.SALE - HOUSEHOLD VU'I'-. ishinga, Thursday and Friday of this week. 1046 Elmwood, Wilmette, IMi ii9LTN17-mltp MATiOGANY DINING ROOM SET- 6 chairs, table, buffet. E.* D. Graif, 495 Ash street, Winnetka h106. _____________129LTN17-ltp 131 Foie BALE-MIBCLLANE@US USBD KLIEEN-HEAT OIL BURNER For sale ccmpletely Installed with 275 gal tank, automnatic controls and thermostat. $75. Quarantçed. Cali Berkshire 7347., 131L'TN17-Ite FOR -SALE - 1 NATIONAL, CASH register. 1 Corona Adding machine. lieasonable. Call Wihnette 3562. 131LTN17-ltp TRANSITONE AUTO RADIO $15. Johnson Standard Twin Outbeard 131LTN17-ltp TIME l'O PLANT. VIRGINIA 1BLUM,0 .bells, Cali Mrm. Huribut for plants, Wilmette 856. 1311TN17-ltc 133t WTO, WO UUY-MUSCELLANWOUs 2 WHEELER BICYCLE FOR 7-YEA1R- old boy. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 925. 1321,TN17-ltp LARGE SIZE BOYS BICYCLE. REA- sonable. NMone Wllmette 4416. 132LTN17-ltp NOTICE 0F AVCTION SALE OF' 000D 'Pa Mr *nA Mpm. H. Dflnham. Li* NO. 1 assciepatronin 8th e vvest ana Myrtie Mae Hopkins as conductress in the South, and Helen J. Cook, past matron of our chapter, as guest of honor. Caroline Co)nverse,,our worthyma- tron, will serve as honorar y organist on SepteÏmber 7 at Perfection, chap- ter, and as wortbyý matron Septiember. Il at. Lincoln.wood ehapter and as guest of 'honor at Campbell chapter -Highland Park on September 20,, and as worthyimatron at Winnetka, chap- ter on September 25. Dorothy 'Kuelzow .-wilI -serve a s Adah at Paul Revere 'chapter on- Sep- tember 5 and August J. Kuelzow Will serve as associate patron at Glenview cbapter . kn 'September & Joseph Converse will serve on SeptenîberIl at Lincolnwood chapter, Evanston. Pentaipha chapter, Evanston, wili exemplf the work in our cha pier at a later idate. Clara Harrison, chairman of the sewing commiittee, aslcs thLt aly 0one who can crochet an edge on pillow cases notify her soon as possible as the work is for our sale tbis fail. Our' worthy grand matron. Lulu C. Grimes, urges ail wbo intend to make reservations at the Drake botel for tbe Grand Chapter Session to do so at once. A splendid report was given of the luncheons and card parties held at the homes of Minniie Kuelzow, Edith Kloess,, Caroline Converse . and the Northwestern Golfclub. Anicc sum3 of money was turned over to aur secretat-y.t Edith Peters of 1139 Central ave - nue has returned from Kew Gardens, N'e* York, having accompanied Fert daughter. back east. t Earl E. Orner will be among theE home. coming guests at Franklini 9 Grove, Ill., (bis former home) onP .Labor Day.p ti Mr. and Mrs. Peter- 5. Barton, 257a Kenilworth avenu e, -Kenilworth, Mr.d and Mrs. Fred Bulley, 220 SheridanÀ 'oad, and Mr. and Mrs. George Mfoody of Evanston, formerly of. 17 seconds. The "course was a tri- angular one starting across a lifle off the end of Navy Pier, south to a mark off A Céntury of Progress at about 38t11 street, out to, a mark two miles northeast and backte the start- ing line. A very large crowd wit- nessed the races from the pier. Orcler of finish-: FIrst-Bottoms Upý, Paw Paw Lake Y. C. Seeond-Gemini, Sheridan Shore Y. C., Tbird-Twi 'nkle. Ditto, Sheridan Shore 'Y. C. Fourth-Jàne 11, Columbia . C., Ftfth-Pram, Sheridan Shore Y. C. Sixth-Pegasus. Chicago Y. C. Seventh-Smack, Sheridan. Shore Y. C. Eiggh--Fanny, Sheridan Shore Y. C. Ninth-Hummer Il. Sheridan Shore Y. %C.1ý. 'Te nth ..-Pat. Columbia Y.. C. E1eventh-Sparkîer, Chicago Y. C. Twelfth-Hottentot, Jackson Park Y. C. Trhirteenth-Nan1cy Lee, Jackson Park Y.C. At the preste momeýnt, cmillil stands disqualifled for being over thc line at the start, but a protest ha.; been filed by the: skippers, S.. C. Piric, Jr., and L. M. Pirie, disagreeiing wvith the decision. A .hearig has been set ýfor Tuesday night at the Chicago Yacht club. The Sheridan Shore boats returncd to their borne port at Wilmette har- bor on Sunday. The Shipping Board Trophy races, open to aIl Stars on Lake Michigan will be held off Wilmette harbor ini- stead of off Belmont harbor as orig- Lnally planned. These races take place Saturday aftemnoon, September 2, Sunday afternoon September 3, and Iabor Day morning. This trophy is one of the most famous and most valuable prizes sailed for on. L<ake Michigan. It was donated by the United States Shipping board, the Naval Auxiliary of Veterans of F'oreign Wars, and the American Le- gion Naval Post for one design com- >etition. Since 1927 it bhas b.een comn- peted f>or by the Star class. It is a rep- icaof a,,Spanish galleon with parts .ssembled from sources 94 hi.storical interest. After being Won b y Sheri- dan, Shore for six consecutive years, iwas last .year won by tbe Bee, then i WILMRT S YARK oTNI7-litp Jthe, Mrs. Charles 'Kfrtley 'and ber 7317 daughter, Marion, 927 Greenleaf avec- nue, stopped recently at Fish Creek lLake, where Marion spent a week.' - I z p t t q

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