fnounced- pext ek Dr. and Mrs. Allison have returned froin their vacationi ln Colorado, and &TTENDS HOUSEPARTY they invite and urge menibers of the Mrs. Rex Eltoli Fair, 510 Fifth, carongea.nt ~ihfona ttestreet, returned to her home last Mon- parsoage.day f rom Stoney Beachi near Lake .i'icbago. She l'ad been the guest M eth distÇh«rhý.of Mr. and Mrs. 0.. L. Cook at'their Rev. Oscar Thom ni. , .i, sun mr home.HeenWtsn fEv- minstr.aniston, a.composer of music, was aiso we wll eléme to he ulpt iexia guest at' the houseparty. Miss Leota We ii wecoe t te pilit ie t Cobes of 'New York and M rs. Alma Sunday rmorning :our own.iinlster, Doctor Oison. His sernmon themee wîîî Carlson of Dallas have beeîî guests of be "The Cosimie 'Chriet." The service Mrs. Fair since her return. Mrs. Fair is a il 'clok. s agai eving Friday té continue hier * --.' ,...' .. IviSit with the Cooks. T5eV MIUS5 IC rl'ext si iiI>E ioriEIE willi be as follows: Organ: *.Largo", ..........landel CON VALESCING «In Paradisunli" .... Dubois1 Mrs. -George H. Sc.hiibach, 1006 LIake- Offertory Solo: "O bû6na Patria" (Froni1aeu is reported to be recovering l"Hora Novissima") Parkeraene Miss Grace Parniiele aéfcori oiwing an operation Organ Postiude: "Alleluja". ~î,,~performed Tuiesdav of last wveek at St. TheChucb choi wll esue is ss-Joseph's hospitaliniii$t.. Paul,',Mrs. Thens Sunday mchornig. e4pitem es- ,Schiibach is with .her married, .daughter at 9 :30 o'ciock. Chiidren and pa et n on-ini-law, Dr. and 'Mrs. H. R. are urged to'keep this- date inii >nd. 1 rigilgas inho ilve in St., Paul, -and There are clases for au1 ages, froni thel. she %viiI go to thei~r home to' eoivaiesce nursery to the aduit departnient. tor severai ýveeK-s lefore returning to The Woinan's Aid, cey iihoid \Vil mette. its first meeting of the new year Thur-s- day, September 7,. at 2. o'clock in the Mr and Mrs. R. H. Nason. 1200' andà Social meeting. Your 'Favorite B randi IMMEDIATE DELI VERT PHtONE WILMETI"E 410 WINN. 2476 2471 gaveo ec peCR" by driving t. 1440 Sheridan Rdà., Ne Man's Land NORTH HOME DI Greenwood avenue, and Mr. anid Mrs. Charence Burpee, 815 Linden avenue, returned Suûday froin a threeweeks' motor trip to Montreai, Quebec, New York and through the New England states. Sancy and Bob Nason visited the Swans of Evanston at their siumi- mier home in Holton, Mich. 0o Mrs. Paul 'Knaplund, Katherinie and Paul, Jr., of Madison, Wis.,. ef t last Ihursday after a two weeks' visit wvith Mrs. ICnaplund's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. King, 611 Forest avenue. Mr. Knapiund is spending the summer in -0- Ruth, Harrison, 30 Abbotsford road, Kenitworth,. who has, beenl spending the summer. at. her parents' suminer home in Lehand, Mich., is visiting friends in Kenilworth this week. 0o Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Foresmani, 515 1of gran jThe Val Sniths, 1309 Chestnut ini the avenue, have been ini Celina, Ohio. in Higi' to a famiiy reunion, Mrs. Smith and inclding IVal, Jr., remaining a week longer, Rusticar Mrs. George Weber, Estelle Mae Chicago Weber and Jane Ruth Smith return- pany1 is ing to Chicago. Ralph Chambers amid *Thèe Bud Owen of. Winter 'Haven, 2Fia., operas1 are now-the guests of Douglas Smith. mfost PC Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis H. Utteli, 1239 Elmwood-a.yenue, Evatiston, are moving, Septem-ber 1, to 2121 Beechwood ave- nue, Wiimette. Mr. Littell resided ini Keniiworth before hlis marri age. Mrs. Litteil is the former Lucile Tatham, of Glencoe.ý >Mr. anid M.ýrs. George W.T Mahonlev and'iGeorge, Jr., of Indianapolis were ,Nxweek-enidgujests of the Albert Pages, 901 Ashilatid aveniue. Mr. M.Nahoney isa c0nusir-cf Mrs. Page., t- (Ilhii Buirneit Cine of Marion. m id- shipin.an at Anînapolis, arrived Suniday to spend a week visiting Agnes Fraser, 645 Ahbotsford road, Kenilworth. MIrs. WA. 'V. )eniton .o(f Lawrence-, burg. inid., is. the, guest 'Of h erdaugh-> ter andj fanîiy, thle Walter Fûrrrs 1210 Greenwood avenue. ra 1s CeOrge S'ý.pina1ski. violiinist froim1 Madison, is.. was the g uest of 'Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence' James. 701 Wash- ington avenue, recently. Mic-h., is 'visiting Fier siste rs. Mrs ('N -urlùt.and i M55 Elizableth Ahnefeldt, 715 Greenleaf avenue.- Mýr. and MIrs. Earle 'A. Miller of 1220 Gregory avenue, were in Ceve- land and Ashtabula, Ohio, last week- end visiting friends. Mrs. Mildred B. Meshon and her sister, Miss Lucille Brady, 511 Wiliow road, Winnetka, entertained at four tables of bridge las t Friday. Ld opera pertormances given Deer field-Shields auditorium hland Park wvhen a double bill ig "Pagliacci" and "Cavalleria na" as thé vehicles for the io Cosmopolitan Opera com- soffered.-- çtwo*short, vivid and dramatic have. always been aniong the )opular with north shore pa- WHERE, TO GIET TICKETS Tickets for the operas rnay be I11- chased: ln> Wiimette from Miss lleb ,CC" Fitch, Wilmette 1647, or Mrs. fiaroldI R., Sherman_ Wilmette 1748.. In Winnetka froni Mrs. Arthur Dean, Winnetka 241, o)r at the Wal- green Drug stores.. In Glencoe from Mrs., (orge E. Orr, GIencoe 130, or t I Im1 ' Drug Store. trons of music. The ýdouble bill was schedu-e for severai performances every season at Ravinia Parkç be- cause of' the large attenidance iît al- waYs.evo1ced. The opera festival at Deerfild- Shields, began auspiciously with -Carmen'" last Wednesday. -The au- dinewas large, and enthusiastie and gave a -hearty Welcomne to the artists who have brought grand. opera to the north shiore o the firs.t tie sice the ciosing of Rýavinia two years agq. Artist of High Rank The double bill next Wedrîes dav %vill be given with the sanie artistry, Cine tnusicianshîp and excellence of leoduction that characterized "Car- men," it is promnised. The singers ire from the ieadinig opera companies ii America and Italy. Thiey are ai! cxperienced, routined artists. The costumes and scenery are from the stock of the Chicago Civic opera. The -musical director,: Dià10 Bigaili, his orchestra. the chorusmaster and chorus ,are ail f rom the ranks of the Chicago Civic opera;. A committee of north shore-women làho are known for their interest in fostering gooci music ini the commnu- itiy, is sponsoring thes 1e operas. It FOX HEAD'SALES CO. OF EVANSTON 620 Madison St., Evanston GREenleaf 6260 .La . -ý...... o usiay ,iiuruutx Tonlo .................... Cari Formes Silvio.- ..... Wiifred Engelman PePPe ..... .......... Carlo Hatvary Conductor ..Dino Bigaili Chorus Maeter,....... Gicomo Spadoni Asat. Conductor ............ A. Aster Stage M9anager..... -..Bernard Cantor 1 1A N 2070 s