Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Aug 1933, p. 26

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This is the land of opportunity -notwithstanding occasional pe-. riods of economie depression. If you,-are wiliing to do the work neCessary, to pay the price in endeavor and pepraion, youý niay enjoy, any place in life that'ý you May covet. But you Mu st begin rigbt. Pre- pare for success-get fready. to win. You -wilI take but one com.- mercial: course. Thatshould be in a good sehool,.-where there is every facility for fittîng9 you for. business life. *This, school offers every advan- tage-as good as any, better than many. The. nw terni begims Segptèmber 5, day and evening. Evanston',Business College Studio Building, 1718 Sherman Avenue, Evanston YOU (AN SAVE 10%ol -- ---- --.-.J.s...t ress club lost three regilar. che: gaines to Chapman, Sinisk a c Rothschill of the Edgewater Beaci Rothschill also defeated fleacli A Century* of Progre.%s ini angi chess. _lu a four-handed partne contest, Beaéh and Edward Fiel lost to the visiting. plavers, I iska and Levey. N;ext Sunday at 4 o'clock intere.ste, Fair visitors rnay witnes s the High ,land- Park Chess club ini a simila demnonstration contest, including -reg ular, ange.l and fou r-handed chess. Plan Viariety. Of Events a Fair Th*s Week-enc Acolorful three-day festival, mark. ed by the. most varied program oe events so far scheduled at At Cen- tUtv of Progress was atiniounced thli, .week for. the ýcelebration of the La- l)or Day, week-end, ýSepteniher 2.J and 4. l)uring the three days tlhere will be automobile parades; an autoinotive show,.' out-board motorboat cham- pionship races, boxing contests, baud concerts, a world's chanmpionshijj soft-ball tournament, interniational air races; a picturesque rodeo with. dIaily parades of cowboys throughi the' grounds ; national pageants in cos-ý tume, and spectacular fireworks. Labor leaders predict that all at- tendance records Nill1 be broken on - Labor Day, Mondav. September 4, when General LHugli johnson, adint- istrator of NRA wil! sp)eak at the aniual celebration of the Chicago Federation o-f Labor. 11iss Catherine Klotz of 550 Ridge, road. Kenilwortlh, and Mliss Mary L.ouise Dillon of 814 Prospect ave- nue, Wfiinnetka, were expectedý home thje niýddle of this week 'froin Land 0' La kes, \Vis., whiere th.ei; had spent three. weeks at the. Klotz sumnier place. lMr. and Mrs.' Charles Klotz returned a few days carlier than tlieir daughter and lier gutes-t. -0-- Chierrv Sue, Orr, daughiter of the Carey Orrs, 225 \Voodb.jie avenue, returmjed Monday of last wee- ri-i g-ers to. purchase new machines. Just 'SS as noticeable are the new imodels iid now appearing daily ini ever increas- Sing volume. The impo rtance of this ofrevealed upward swing in buyilng tmal, elbe. grasped when .the, fact !s consid- er ered that of al il oney received by Id1 the several states for the. support' of lit their governuments, 40 percenit cornes. ýfrOM Inotor car owners. E ventualh, this. source of revenue- *must have a. considerable influence on taxation. r r. Finance Busiess Spurta Automrobile. financing comp)axies dda total volume of business amouniting, to $56,937,616 duri.ng Julie of this> year, toppîng .aIl previouis jmonths of 1933 'and surpassing1 that of the same month last year. Those fearsome souls who fail to perceive thé plain evidences of busi- Sn"s recovery sh<ild visit the Northi 3Main street. Wilmette, where tlie hum of commercial activity and the. parade of cars coning- in and going1K out %ill certainly renmove front. their minds ativ douibts that the upward miardi of prosperity has begun. August Buasy Monti * 'I. W.. Stewart, the manager, is -naturallv mutch grâtified over the ont-_ look, and the, president, W.'. K. Egal), shares his opt-imism. "So, far this miontli," said Mr. Stewart last Thurs- day, 'we. have delivered more.'Cars than i n iv nonth since Our agenicv ivas establishied i Noveniber of 1930. Two factors. contribute to this grat- ifying resuit. First, the finie civic spirit exhibited 1w, the people of the uorth shore, --ho are genuinelv de-: sirous of l)atroinizing local concernis. WVithout thlis cooperation, of couirse, no one caii carry on a successfull buisi- ness, and ive are certainily gratefuil that ouir efforts to give theni supremne v alue i qi.ality and service hiave met ivith suc h ready réspose. The sec- onid faictor is of course,.the Chevrolet car itself, ,which is recognized as America's No. 1 car-in the lojw-price - fiëld. If this were not true. it -,votild flot -be possible for Chevrolet to self 47.1 percent of the three leading lov.- priced cars,- or almnost as ninv as the other two comibined. It is concl:usive CiIICAGO &NORTH WESTERN Rv.n SP#$. i, oct. Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Tideinan, meoo 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, uttlon left last Saturday for the Land 09 -Dp.sLakes to visit the Frank Ketchams. at their summier homne. On their re- LAjggturn after Labor Day theywill stop RAir, asr t M enonjônee for a week. j

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