to the United States ail the- way froin its home in Paris, France., It .mu st. have been a 'long; diffi cuit journey because this f amous World %var painting is composed of- more thaýn 18,000 square feet of caln v as an d it weighs tIWelve tons. It is the larg- est paintingý in the World, consisting of .6,000 life-size portraits of World wvar heroes and*leaders. It is now on exhibition at A Cenitury of^ Progress, and, the fact that people are flock- ing. daily to see, it. is> proof of their reçalization of jts inestimable import- ance. *While gazing upon the gigantic, painting one is moved'and 'awed be- yond, words. The figures are so realistic that you feel they are coin- ing right. out from their places on the greet you. The.perspeç.- tive i5s so accurateiy and so excel- leîîtly done that it. is difficult to, be- * lieve that objects themnselves are flot real-ýo clearly do they stand outý be- fore your eyes. The paintiagwas be- gun in 1914 shortly after the Battit of the Marne, and was not coin- 1p leted until 1918. It reposed for mnany years in Paris, where it was seen byhundreds of American touries. Di*oided Into Sections- The picture, is divided into sec- tions, the larger, ones of which are devoted to France, England, Bel- gium, Italy, the United States, Rus- sia, Serbia, and Rumania. The dominating. featiure is the impressive bronze winged Victory, standing. on a pedestal in front of the Temple of Glory. On the steps of the Temple stand more than five thousand French heroes of every branch of service; while at the feet of, the Vic-. tory stand the great French generals and' leaders ncludmng J offre, Foch, -Clemenceau, and President Poincaré.. Passing to the right there is thie sec- tion of the.Pantheon devoted to Eng- land.' Here' there are many famiiliar faces such as. King George, the Prince of Wales, Lord Beatty, Jel- lico,. David Lloyd George, and Lord Kitchener. An iniposing group of ieees ertlal period: - rresident Wilson, era Pershing, Generai Wood. Herbert Hoover, Ambassador 1Herrick, Miss Anne Morgan, Evari,- geline Booth, andi many others. Four striking figures in. the foreground, represent thue business man, the cow- hoy,- thé workman. and Indian, upon ai of whorn the country drew. so heavily. I ExecUted by Huge Staff, The artists and executors of the Pa ntheon de la Guerrewere Pierrel Carrier- Belleu se and Auguste Fran-] cois Gorguet, who had under thern a staff of some hundred and twentyp- eight other artists.- Nearly, fifty yearsJ ago- Carrier- Belleuse made a ýgraphic representationi of the Battie of Man- assas. of Civil war faine. which as as ho of thousands oi users can, andi tell y..! CERTAINLY YOD 'wanr automatic .heat, but you ;want, Ceconomy., roo. Figure i on any bass-by - he year, by the day, oras the engineer prefers. by the B.Tr.U. (heat unit) -ou heât is the lowées.:cost auitomatic heat obtainable. Oil-O-Mati. which burns the low-cost fuel ois, heats more. homtés tban any other oîl burner, in the wodld. GETSE Ask Us for aFree B.T. U. Heating tuve Faetory rancb las51N. ýMidi. 1vd. -E T N Ph. SATE ~Ph. WiIumtte 2311 Factery Braneh. Ph. GIE. 800 Buy YOur DRY CLEANING As Youl Do Your EGGS * CMracleal Quality Dry Cleaning at a Fair Price; C LEANING qultîs just. as easy to: measure and weigh- as, aà dozen eggs. If the cteaning y'ou buy faits betow your, ex- pectations, from any staÉdpoint, then you are flot getting fuit value. Miracleàn guarantees, you full meastire in cleaning. It INC. 1215 Washivl 85C n Ave., WiImtte I. lu t.,v [ýV[.J, Y O.,E