the fest:, follow la 4uuwIng iLVuUUUIor nce (the third in a Lten exchuively fo' ,e IlcClay, who is 1.Ftrther descrip-, * Watch for thein! By George McClay The festival pilgrim finds Bayreuth to. be a city of much charmn and, interest. Wbile byý no, means a large City,. it is inucb more than the village. whicb the traveler is likely to picture, it in, imag- ination. The normal population, which is considerahly, algmented during the festival season, is about 35,000. Bay- reuth bias much of the aimosphere of a medieval City, although, it is less strik- ing in this respect than nearby Nuirem- herg. ts history goeshack to the twelfth cenitury. l'lie more modern huilding!f are' in go<)d taste and, the city thus pre- sents a happy blendof the old.and the, new. VstWagner Horne Visitors ini'Bayreuth inivariably, make apilgriniage to Villa Wahnfried, the homne of WVagner during the ]ast vears uf his life. It is fitting. ton., that they pay a trihute of silent respect at tbe grave of the miaster and of his wvid'o1w, Cosima. Siegfried WVagner, who died during tlie festival of 1930, is buried laqý the' Friedliiofe, wlîerc onie 1ikewise inds the inaisoleuini of Franz Liszt, the.i great pianist. who w~a., as wvell \\Vagier's fàttier-iin-law an(l intmmate friend. A visit tco the exhibition of \\Vagieriaiia collected 1w the i)iographer. ('lasenapp, i.. als<)(if great interest. Ovation for Hitler hle festival appearaiîce of the city il ini.part due to the large nuniber -(f flags atn(l1 iaiiuiei-s hich adorn it. manvý cif tlieni bearing the swastika embleni iuf the Nazis. l'he presence iii B3ayreuth> Cif Adoelph.iHitler. together w.ith several 'utler personages of importance'iii the! political affiairs of Germaniv, a ddsý much to the general .air of expectancy.. The arrivýaI of Hitler at the. Festspielhaus is the signal for a trenfiendous outh.urst of- popular'enthuisiasin. accompanied by the inevitable Nazi salute. It is signi- ficanlt that one of Bayreuith's streets, inanY~ of which bear the naines of biernes f roni \Vagiier's- operas, lias. recentlv beeni rechristenied *"A do.61 f Hitler-.' S±rasse." Irt of Mime, creating a c4ýr- re of unique effect. The clos- it of the act, where Siegfriedl h sefa sword fromn the of the blade of his f.atber, score-ýparts of which are fatniliar to concert-goers as the "Forest Murmurs~' ýis unique in. its freshness and color. The scene wherein Siegfried attempts to fashion' himself a i-ced with whiA1h he may answer the cais of the birds, was most, effectively.:acted-ýon.e of the fewv places -where. a toucb of' .humor. enters the work.> The appearance, of the dragon always seeis. to bave tbe op- posite effect f ro that which the com- poser iintended. Instead of being awe- înprng. it succeeds only in being hlgh- ly -amusing, particularly1 in tbe gro- tesqueneéss of its vocal efforts. Thé, Bavreuthdragoin Was as realistic as may, wvell be expected. Finale Triumph o f Gemius Thée thir.d act présent% -one of. the, inost. puzzling problemfs of style in al e e e e e e e i e e e e e e g e e e e e e e i i e e e e e I i *'Christ .jesus" was the subject of the lesson-isermon ini al *Churcbes of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, August 27.. The golden text was, "No maîi hath seen God at any time; thé oniy begotten Son, wbicb is initbe bosoin of the Fathi er, lhe bath declared bîm". (John 1:18). Among the citationis. wbîch comprised the lesson-sermon wvas the, followiîîg f romn the Bible:ý "For we have not fol- lowedcuniningly devised fables, when: wve made known unto you tbe power and coming of ou r Lord Jesus Christ, but werc eye-witnesses -of -bis majesty. For he.received from God the Father bon- wnicn Christ j esus Was the emuiodi- ment" (P. 333). GIVEN SURPRISE PARTY Mrs. ýAmelia Bess of 212 Cen~tral avenue, was gi.ven.,a surprise party recently on the occasion of ber birth- day. Thirty of ber' friends gave the party at ber home. Mrs. Bess and her two childreil.'Audrey and Arthur, moved, to Minmette about two months ago from Winnetka. S.N. Tidernan, 1025 -Linden, avenu e, has returned from bis 'Vacation spent in Canada and on the Great Lakes. Hie was gone for two weeks and'dur- ing that time visited bis son at Camp Owakonze. The latter returned from ramp Iast Friday. Doe sow starvation tut o? Herc'sprigsae You cannot hope to conceal thiaiasinl alartning' situ on froin A N ÀPARTMEN T HOT'E L 1625 HINMAN AVENUE. a /.w puces ,aorlh of Davis Street.