Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 3

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lage ago is ta years ýY, 500ai and of ry pre- paratry LU 'ts, uevciopMntas àa nat- ural park., A specîal Kenilworth 'Civic Plans commiittee,ý with. the followingz per- sonnet. is working on tbe prqject: Mrs. A. R. H-odgè of the Kenilwortb T-ome and Garden club, Mrs. Rufus, Stolp of the Kenilworth Garden club. Mrs.-Clyde Ross of tbe, NeiLybborç of Kenilworth, Mrs. Leon T. Ellis of the Kenilwortb, Historical, societv and Supt.. E. L. Nygaard of the. josepb Sears scbool., Jensen Conduet*s Pr#oject This conimittee bas engaged Jens Jensen.,noted landscape arcbitect and, a leading advocate of *tree and, wild flower conservatio*n. toý draw tbe plans for itbe park. Tn generalý, it Ws tbe intention of the commnittee to; transform tbe old -farmi into a bird sanctuarv and a wild flowcr preserve. Tt is also pointed out that the de-h velopment of tbe tract will provide a buffer,.beçtween the "No Man's Land" crommercià&V area and the residential section of Kenilwortb. Tbis. the sponsors of the project believe.. will enhance tbe value of Kenilworth pro- 1perty in the vicinitv. Clear Land This Fal The plan is to develop the area as rapidly as funds and matenials. are supplied by the varions Kenilworth organizations, or by individual citi- zens, supplementing sucb worlc on the project as the Village board may bave done froni tume to time. The opportunity to obtain labor free froni the ranks of the unemployed. through the.Work Relief division of the Illi- nois.'Emergency Relief, commission, bas made it possible to clear the land this fail, and in the spring the fiist stepswill be taken to recapture on tbe old Maboney hcmestead somne of the-native loveliness in flower.. tree and shrub wbit'b once abounded ini this vicinity. Commui~nty Enteprise *The great value of the project., nue, Wilmette, of the Evaniston Coal and Material company, who organ- ized the party; joseph J. Kutten and Frank Kutten of Kutten Brothers, Wilmette; John F. Hoffmann, Jr., of Hoffmann Brothers, Wilmette; Earl Weinst 1ock of the Win netka 'Coal and, Lumber company; George 'Mar- tin of- the E., C. Weissenberiz. Coal company, Winnetka;. Robert Steel of the Mercer *Lumber ,üômpanies,; Elmer Nilles of the Central Coal and Material company - Evanston; Wil- liam Roland -of the Consumers com- pany; D. E. MoMillan ofthe D. É. McMillan. Coal'company, Evanston; John Pbillips of the, Marquette Coal and- Mining company, Evanston; Earl Craig of the Skoki 'e Oil and Coal company, Niles Center,- and Ralph Edinger of. the Evanston Cash Coal company. The Party left .on: the Iron. and Copper Country express of the Chi- cago and N4orth Western railway Iast Thwrsday. Victor Metzger of- Wil- mette, assistant freight claim agent of the North Western railway, 'ac- companied the group. Barber Pole Broker's Story of Deal le Flop George Englrami, 1614 W. Fifteenth street, Chicago, who was arrested recently charged with having stolen a barber pole from in front of the barber shop of E. Borfe, 815 Ridge avenue, was held to the grand jury Monday by Police Magistrate J,'Ii , Peters. The pole, whicb wvas foinid adorning the front of a Chicago bar- ber shop, was restored to \Ir. Horre. Englram ,tated that hie was a dea!er in barber supplies. atid that a cti,ý- tomner had asked bim for a certain kind of pole, (that certain kind -being exactly the pilfered pole). As luck wôuld have it,, Englram said, it was only a ;week -or so, thereafter that *a stranger a pproacbed him desiring to seli .exactly that samne type of barber pole. So, baving a purchaser already in the bag, he just turned an honest dollar liv dninor a little hrokering. Put The floor of the assembl.y Toom has- been laid, the electrical andplumbing work is new under. way anid the church hias great reason to rejoice in tbiese strenuouis days that the above work bias been paid for or the money is in the bank for tbat purpose .a s soon as the work is completed. A* tentative date for the entrance and occupancy *Of the newý churcb bas been set for Sunday. September 1.7, ýandý the:work is being presscd ithàht end in' view. Since the burnitig of. the .former, cburch building the -services haveý been held in the Woman's club build- ing. The pastor of the church is the Rev. James T. Veneklasen., Local Legionnaires Go to Roddkord This Week There will be an appreciable exodus from Wilmette Saturday, wben mem- bers of the two posts of the Ameri- can Legion and their auxiliaries move upon Rockford for the affluai state convention wbich convenes Saturday, August 26, and closes Tuesday, Au- gust 29. The Evanston - Wiltnette Drum corps will go on Monday. Wil- miette Post No. 46 will be represent- ed officially by David C. Leach and D. J. L. Walther,, delegates, while tbe delegate representing Peter J. Huerter Post No... 669 is Michael Cliffor~d of Glencoe. MOVE HERE FROM DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Hillis and three children, Susan. Nancy and Scott, have recently moved here from Birmingham, Mich.. a suburb of De- troit, and bave takenl the bouse form- erly occupied by tbe James Badger family a t 512: Central avenue., The Uillises were former residents of. Mimette and lived in the thirteen bundred block on Chestnut street. tcauingsia mesane as nt was Iast year. No new teachers have been eim- ployed, and all of those on the staff last year are returning, it was ant- nounce-d at the :. schci office tbli,, weekc. When the ý1933- 1934 terni openi Supt. J. R. Harper will'be starting hi& twenty-sixth year as head of the Vi,- mette school systemt. St Reffistwraf i baya New pupils living in lbe section oà "lhe village east of the railroad tracke mnay register any day fromn Monday to Friday inclusive at the school of- fice O Tenth street, it is announced. Poel . Todd. principal ofthe How- ard school, will be in bis officeon Wednesday, TIhursday 1and Fniday mornings. September 6, 7 and 8 fro; 9 to 12-o'clock for tbe registration of new pupil t h. Howard scbool.ý Flling isa complete list of the Wilmette Pub >lic school faculty mnem- bers. togetber with the grades or sub- iects they teacb: [Jet Faculty Speciai teachers-J. R. Harper, super- intendent; LOweii F. Todd. principal (Howard school); V. L. Replogle, alst>m-, tant principal (stolp sehoo); mlw'. Grace Gayton, librarian; Miss Maria n A. Loag, assistant librarian; Milss Ker- nie Woodley, domestic science; Mrs. Gertrude. Fanckboner, Mrs. Olga Balil, Dudley Stone and Daniel M. Davis, phy- sicai education; Mrs. Edith M. Vîvian, miusie; Mrs. Catherine Wagner, orches- tra-; Rex E. Fair, band, and Miss Emmna Stopka and Miss Mary Green, achool nurses. -Howard school-Mrs. Elisabeth Heese. kindergarten; Miss IElsie Lln<ipnmeýrer and Miss Ruth Siown, first grades; Miss Apollonia' Petrie and Miss Mary Reose, secon~d grades; Mrs. Margaret Joyce and Miss Ida GundersBn, th-ird grades; Miss Pearle Olthoff and 'Mrs. Agnes N. Jones, tourth grades; Miss Mildred VanHorne. Misa Orrel Davis and Lester P. Balil (mianual training supervisor>, fifth ierades; -Miss Viola Theman, Miss Aleda Larson and Miss Mary MeKay (music supervisor), sixth grades; Mrq. Clara A. Grovea and Miss Violet. Madsen), seventh grades, and Mra. Agnes Clark, Mrs. Pearle Jones and Miss Mildred.ý Plaakered, elghtb grades. diately rearrested on a Chicago war- Sunday atternoon, August 27, at 3 :30> rant charging non-support, and -hil o'clock in Foundation hall,, Baha'i abandônment, He was turned over House of Worship, Linden avenue to Chicago officers.> and Sheridan road, Wilmette. i Call Wilmette 43 00 Ask for A.d Taoea ne was visitng friencis înere. Mirs. Kirwan spent tbree weeks in Sprinsz- field while- Clarke was recovering from a concussion of the brain. He is convalescing at home now and is reported to be much impiroved. cin

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