Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 1

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NRA CAMPAIGN Joseph W. Lechner, Wilmette General, Says Village Will Finish Job in We Rapid. strides, are being made in, the local .NRA organiization, anid the gen- eral in charge, Joseph W. Lechnier, .1445, Wilmette. avenue, reports that every- thing will be in readiness for the open-, ing of the drive.next Monday mnornying, provided'the. necessary supplies are re- -_ceived, f rom. Washington. ý The national administrator has urged that the-work be completed by Labor Day, and Mr. 1,echner states that..Wilmette, ill fin- * sh her job *in six days, endiig Saturday' oif next week. Must Provide 'J obs ,Amierica has gone to war," said Mr. L.echner. -Yes, that's exactly.what bas happened. We. are at war aàgainst 'as cruel and malicious àù 'énerniy as ever attempted to riddle 'Old Glorv.. just t,-hink, 'or 'a moment' of the suffering and death that have corne f rom this, irightful depression of the last four v cars. \Ve sirnply must get (ur people bac'k t;o k" the (irectt>r continued, "and 4nis pre,-eit drive will du it.~ Here in WVilmette wve hear words of praise and encouragement on every' hand frorn those whio have studied the plans and * realize that. they are practicable ai-,( economically sound. 'I refer, of course, to the two plans for the adoption of the industrial codes and thie so-called blanket code. How Plan Functions ~.eybriefly the situation may be explained, in this way : In order to, build up the nation's buying. power to keep pace with, the increasitg c,-jmmod- ity prices, there mnust be wholesale re- employment-not someti4ne in the near future but right 110w.'" S0President Roosevelt, acting under the Industrial Recovery Act, firs.. entrusted to General Hugh S. Johnson, the organization -of Sears Sc.houl to Resurne Classes ýMonday, Sept. Il The joseph Searb sc'houl in Keîil- worth.will opeiMôonday, September 1,Supt. E. L. Nygaard anniiouncedl this week. An enroîlme nt of appràx- imately '450 pupils is expected. The téaching staff will.be -the'same as Iast year. Teachers in the lower grades arc:. MrJorie Stanton, kindergartenà;,Ca- roline -Littier antd Etta E. Knudseni, first grades; Edna R. Mayer and. Mar- garet Luscombe, seco nd1 grades; Neli M.. Littler and. Leab Clark, third grades;- Lillie T. Bittingand Bessie Stark, fourth gra des, and Florence, E. Allender and Emma W. Billing- ton,' fifth: grades. Miss Liiscomb)e,: second grade teacher, took 'thé place last year of 'Florence Tatro, whe Miss Tatro:was irried. Departinental teachers in the sixth, .eventh, and eighth grades are: M rs. Mollie K. Foreman, mathemnatics; Anna M. Pemberton, English, Edl*th M - Stryker, social science ; Margaret Davenport, music; R. J. Finnigain, mnanual training;' Tolita Hanson, sci- ence and domestic science;, M. Louise Robinson, art; Robert W. Townley, director of physical education, and Miss Elizabeth Macauley, literature and assistant director of physical edu- cation. Miss Aitha Lyman is the scbool nurse. 'Adelaide Howard Brownell, secre- tary to Supt. E. L. Nygaard, will con- tinue in ber position aso. Miss How-' ard was xarried to Baker Brownell, Northwestern university journalismn professor and author, recently. Penalty for Tax Delinquencies to Begin Septemiber 1 Approximately $60,O0 of the second instaliment of the 1931 taxes were paid to Sanborn Hale, township collector, during the ten-day period, terminating August 19, permitted for this. collection. Recovery General, Mathew Francis Photo Joseph H'. Lechner, 1445 Wil- mewtte avenue, has bene assigned the 'tatk of dire ctin.q the drive to piut Wilinette 100 percent behind the National Recoiery Act Pro gram. Mr. Lechner, recently chosen "gen- eral" of the Wilmnette organization,. expects to complete his job ze4witin another zveek. or weIlI bef are Labor Day,' the, date set as the goal ta get the Rec-overy pro grai n f ull swiug. In <zother column. of this issue of Wu.iLmETE it E Mr. Lechner ho,. some pertinent things to say about the campaigit he is directing. Consider Two Routes, for New Watcr Main Asked about the location of the 24- inch water main to extend from the water pumping station at the foot of Lake avenue to the intersection of Ridge and Lake. avenues. President. C. Citizen C i r cula t e Petition .Requesting, Goverument to Buy Banük Build.ing A group of Wilmette citizens headed. byJ.ý E._ Worthen bas againtaken up the question. of, a site- for the new Wilmetteý postoflice. A petition is being circulated this week protestig'ga gainst the expenditure of *$180,000, by the, govermnent for the. construction eof a new building and urging that the build- ing formerly occupied by the First Na- tional Bank of Wilmette be .purchased and remodeled td meet the eequirements of a miodem inpostoffice. Tbe petition. reads as follows: "We, the undersigned property own- erg and residents of Wilmette, Illinois, respect.fully protest against the expendi- ture of $180,000 of federal' funds for thé establishment of a' ùew postÔffice in this village which would be approxi- mately - one-baif mile f rom the present location and entirely away from the center of our business section. ý"We do, however, urgent[y request the purchase of the First National Bank building for this purpose at a cost qf not more than $100,000. Such aétion will not materially change the locatiqn of the postoffice where it now servçs the majority of our population rnost conveniently. This would also liquidate at Ieâst $50,000 i deposits of the closed bank for the benefit,. o depositars who greatly need such an appreciablç por- tioni of their savings." SIt is explained by leaders of the group that the suni-of $100,000 men- tion in the petition includes the cost of, remodeling the building' to meet. post- office requirements. Police Warn Reuidents of Bicycle Thievelry The Wilmette police departmnent bas * TEAL 1,5W GOLF BALLS ý _ The "Hole-in-one" practice 'golf Miss Mabel 1, Park of the Wilmette course' at Lake avenue and Hibbard publie school offce .and Miss Màtalea road reported toatbe Wilmette police Brown, fifth grade teacher at the Cen- department that sozne miscreant had tral schoul, have been spending a vaca- entered the pretuises and nmade away tion at Deerpath lodge, Mikana, Wis. with IP500 golf balîs, S0M of which They made the trip to 'the lodge by bore an orange marking. automobile, leaving on' August 1. iiiva; on: -Mrs. 'A. L. Grinnell, chairnian. Note:-- eonomy Shop is conductedl B by the Woman's 'club of Wilmette. s PINED TO HOME ndeint -of -Police Henry, is coo.llned to bis home .om a lainefot

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