Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 38

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a ' uuO uut: a. 1rcllus, viIe. iBoys, * gfis '3 to 15. Cainp-Jp;y and Aug. Schol-Spt. . 8granimar .grades, accredlted. Accommnodations for high echool atudents. V. S. nutrition sched- *nie.. Manuùal training.,and domestic -science. i 18LTN1 6m2tp 124 AcnwAitAND XéeUTATe ,SMALL ESTATe 0P 20, AtèRES WES¶Ï of. Wlnnetka on high land overloolc- lng the Skokie Valley. 6 roomn bouse wlth hotwater heat. Aiso > 3 rooni cottage. Want.offer. QUINLAN & TYSO0N, mIc.. 1571 Sherman Ave.- Univ.. 2600 _______________ 124LTNli-lit WANTED TO BUY-GENTLEMANS estate of,20 acres or more on North Shore wlthln. 30 miles 0 f, Chicago. MIuet have modem b'ouse anxd good outbulidings and be attractlvely priced.; Addreqs nf-19, Box 4Ô. WiI- mette. 124LTN16-ltc OWNER OP COMPACT 7 ROOM, 2 *bath brick bouse ln perteet condition aud excellent location wants a larger bouse lu exchange. He ivili pay cash for difference lu equities. Address B-16, Box 40, WilmetteI 1 129 IFP B ALE-HOUSI1OLO D O~ MUST SELL SOL. WAL. DINING, SET, bk. case, hi-boy, drapes, odd chairs. Beds: mahog.; dresser to match; antique walnut; white enamel, spring *mattresi, -a.id sprlug-, others. Child's bed, hair niattress. Very reas. Ph Wilmette '935. 129LTN16-ltp 2 RECONDITIONEID FRIGIDAIR~ES. 1 lKeviator, 1 Zerozone, $39.50 up, Al.3o geveral' floor samples. 658 Center *street. Wlnuetka. 129LT16-ltki BEAUTTIFUL CHINA CABINET, LOVE seat. lbrary table. lamps, dishes; about 1,000 books. 810 Lake Ave.. WiI- F'OR SALE MAHOGANY DININfl. table, 2 arm chairs, 4 side chairs, Duncan Piiyfe style, a real bargalun. Phoue Kenll. 4774. 129LTN16-ltc 4 BURNER GAS RANGE. APPLY AT 1106 Illinoi s Road, Wiluiette. 129LTN16-tp, 131 FOR SAL-MISCELLANOUU $10 COMPTTE DELTA WORKSHOP Outftt $40. Wallac'e $50 4"Bech1 race '.." sertes tor Star class sloon'S at- urday, Auzust 19. In the absence of Skipper Max Hayford. th- hoat vvas niloted jy Tom Waage.. crew on the Star "Pegasus» of Cbicago Yacht club. Waage, assisted 1wv "Twinkle. Djtoé'"regular crew, jay'Titcel worked out a commanding leati an d camne in a minute ahead:of.,the second boat, the Pirie, Brothers' "Gemini." A moderate s-hifting east wind, madé two. interestiie beats to h 3-mile buoy from the 'twin b uoys Off Gross Point light. The race. was marked by the presence of a visîtinc« Qlar. "Bot- toms'Up," Paw. Paw Iake's entry in the Great Lalces cbampionship seri 1es heldaA CeA jnt,,cr of Prg'irrr.çs*- Àn. g ust 5-7. Stuart Hell and Sain Siegel, with Paul Date c'f Sheritian, Shore' as extra crew. finisbed in third place, but is not consitiered in the scoring of the local fleet. The twelve local y achts finisbéd- as follows:: 114 FInih i. Twinkle Dltto-'JI'oni WaAge. ja>y Twitceiul, M. How. 2. Gemini-S. C. Pirie, Jr., L. M. Pirle, Abbott. 3. Smack--Chas. Pajeaqu, W. B1., El- lis. Allan Cook. 4. »lummer Il-John Denison,(lr don Jones, Mfrs. Defllson. 5. Fram-Frank Manegold. WVýesleY Bnwnian. Wm. Crollus. .6. Ali Baba-Harry Richter, Bud GIbson. .g;tanley Pranzen. 7. Glider-Howard Jones, Wmi. Ni- hie. Mrs. Jones.. S. Bee-Harold Reeve. Mrs. Gallo- way, Allan Klin. 9. Carol-HardId Elllott. Nýoman Norse, Mi'.. Elllott. lù. Hermes-Albert Binghain, Mrs. Bingham, . 11. Waimus-W. T. Stoclcton. 1,yi4e Smith, Monroe Turner. 12. Fanny- Henry Warren. D'ek Sues. Point Positions Change For the irst time, Càrot's leatiing IoOSition in the season's point scorînv, has been usurpeti by another boat. The count for.the tien'out of twelve races now stands. Twinkle ýDitto 114 peints. Smack 11,1 poinits, anti Carol 108 points. While the sailors N"ere covering the lake, the wornen niembers of the club held their' reizular hi-weekly card rize is sail et for by Lake Michigan and &on by Geo. Dalseg's tgo Yacht club, after ieing neia n y oavr'aai bhor lot, six consecutive years. New Trier Graduates High in Seholarship Gordon' Ray and John W. Huddle. graduates of the New Trier- Town- ship high school, b)ut now living ii Bloomington, mfd.,. are inifluded on the bonor list of 82 Indian.a unirver- sity, stu ,dents making ail A grades ýin work taken during the- second se- mester of the past school. year, ar- cortiing to the announicement of John W. Cravens, registrar. Fifty-seven c f the honor students were untier- graduates wbile the- other 25 were postgraduates. Twenty of' the "A" grade students were. of the sopho- more class ' 15 from the junior q1ass, 12, from 'the fres hmanclass andi 10 frôm the senior class. Ray is a freshman and carried 15 bours work. Hutitle is a pQstgraduate and car, ried 10 heurs., IF. Dewey Anderson, president of the Wilmette State bank, -and Mrs. Anderson are returning the end of this week froni the Minnesota lake region where tbey spent several. weeks fishing and playing golf. Mr. anti Mrs. Anderson joineti Dr. B. L. Mitchell anti Mrs. Mitchell, of Wil- mette who have also been vacation- ing there. .1 Mr. anti Mrs. James J. Guina i, their daughters, Marian anti Aun, anti son, jimniy, 417 Abbotsforti road,. Kenilworth, are leaving the middtle of next week for a two weeks' out- ing at Charlevoix, Mlich. .Mr. anti Mrs. Guinan recently visiteti atAHar- 'bor Springs, Mich. Mr. anti Mrs. Earl W. Sm'ith andi claughters, Virginia anti Betty, anti son, Earl Jr., cf Peoria, Ill., have been spentiing a week as the guests Mr. Holland of Evanston, who bas been elected an honorary Muember of the Century of Progress Employees' Chess club, was present last, Sunday and playeti-a simultaneous regular chess game witbh a man f rom Rogers Park and one of our Wilmette citi- zens. He won one anti lost. the other'. ThWe Century of Progress- Chess club is expecting several repr esenta- ti.ves. of the South Chitago Chess club.at the ches museum in the Hal of Science this Sunday,' August-27. M.rs. Liddy, Haase Sehuiz ýTakïen by Death Thursday Mrs. .liddy: Haase Schulz. inother of Mrs. Robert J. Hildiebrandt. 92, Robsart roati, Kenilworth. dieti at St. Francis hespital in, Evanston last Thursday. She was 72 years, old.- Mîs. Schulz was born in Chicago and had spent ber entire lîfetime th erc until seven years ago.when she* mo%- ~ed to keuilworth with her dautîer. She had made ber home with her tiaughter for the past eighteen years.- Bgesides the tiaugbter, Mrs. Schulz is surviveti by two grantisons,- Thomas Hildebrandit and Donald Schuli. The funeral services were held Saturtiay afternoon at a funeral home at- 1458 Belmont avenue, Chicago. Burial wvas at Montrose cemetery. Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur L. Rice 518 Central avenue andi sons, Arthur L., Jr., anti, Reginalti W., have recentlv returneti froni Miamni, Fia,, wherc they. spent 'the past seven mentbs. The family went to FMéridla because *M.Rice had been in poor health. anti he is reporteti to be much im- proveti. Mrs. Rose O'Brien of Kewanee, Ill., the sister of J.P. O'Connor. 718 Elmwoôod avenue, was a guest at the O'Connor homeIbis past week-end. M&r. O'CÈonor returnedti o ICewanec with Mrs. O'Brien on Montiay te spenti several days at bis fermer homne. .flfl.V hatuuiy g a %J ... . -. --5 bt*# ÇCOn 0 o- There will be no races ever the 0 o J. Robert Fletcher, 910 Oakwooti home course until September 9 when Mrs. Mary Kummer, 1625 Elmwooti avnue, returned Sunday from a the third race of the "C" series will avenue, enterlaineti the Grode club #1umr spenî a Owakonze camp, be helti. On August 26, the Star fleetf at- cardsata her ho~me, Tueuday eve- Ontarl'o, CÏiaâawili saili 10 Chicago tb compete lu the ning. ~5EKV8IIi 8THEENTIRE I NRHSHOEI For Infrmaff CoU toi ]Linde* *Te.. waette M31i vis sben. 5<. *kambo. 404 t 'i il

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