Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 36

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cents a U~' ne. Advertlaements uD l I trepae to the lino. No blacké face type used. 20% digeoant ona al'cash advorUe- monte- when broutht te our offlee at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette. or PI., UAncoln Ave.. Winnetka. 16% ulseonit on ail advertiaements run four conuoetle stues. C lIled l- vertiements wIllI bo Dealsn fo Iserson-cpted" up to Tuesday 9 P M. for wiLun-CrTc LIFEC or &l three, papers; Weduesday 9S P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thurday 5 P. M. for GLECNCOU 1NKWB. Telephones: Wflmette 4800. Winuetia 2000. OGreenleaf 4300 or ShMrk 67 SLOST AND POUND - LOSTTRAVELING BAG SNDA containing imostly chlidren'5 lothing. Reward. Phone Wilmette 2401. 3LTrNI6-ltp DARK BLUE DOLL 11,*CARRIAGE with. yelloW teddy bear lost Saturday. Please return to.639 Lincoln, Win- netka 716. SLTN16iltp LOTABLUE ROSARY SUNDAY, EN the vlitnity of Elm and C'enterstroets. Cai Wnneka273. 3LTN16-lte la aUSINESS SERVICE SAX OLWMAN~ JUN I tEALNR Pa&lr 6,er 0 Ibq. Magasines 70c per lOOIbo. #ilmetté 5417, Winnetka 3623. -Rats, Roaches, etc. UUDELýHOFEN, EXTERM1 engineer. -Ph. Wlnnetka_ 5 42 PAIRNTinS ANuD DCORATINSý Paint, Paper-4 Rms. $24.50 CEIL.INGS CALC. $1 UP. ROOM wallpaper cleaned 50c; bathrm. enam- eled $à up; kitcheu painted $5Up-; outside window frames painited, 1 coat, 35e* up. We also do floor refinishlng by, machine. All work perfectly done. by expert men. Appreeiate your cal for any amount. Best *refs. furn., WILMETTE 5034. 42LT7N1-ltn ANGORA KITTIES. TWO PURE WHITE AND TWO OR- ange. Call Winnetka 1184. 44LTN16-ltc 45 PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING $.UP- rlght or grand; also repair -WoÉk. guaranteed. 16 yrs. Stelnway, N. Y. H. C. IPhornas, Park' Ridge 69!)-R. 45LTN14-4tp 5$53 BWI40'MACHNIES EPAIRONG 1-11GH SCHOOL GIRL. WILL TAKE care of chlldren and assist with housework. Phone Wllmette 8068. ____________________ 68LTN16-ltP REL., EXP. GIRL WANTS POSITION as nurse, or second' maid, part or ful time. 'Also laundry work.; Good refs. Glencoe 1004. > îLTN16-tiî COLORED GIRL, FOR GENERAL housework., Part or full time. Good cook., 3 yrs. North Shore refs. Phone, Greenleaf -3789. -',, 68LT16-tp EXPERIENCED WH-ITE W O M'A Ný *lshes 'second or general work by ,hour. day or week. Refs.: Phone Win- netka 1066. 68LT16-lip GENERAL HOUSEMAID. COLORE,, first clas ecook. Winnetka ref. Zadel *Turentine,. Drexel 5531. Forrefer ence eall Winnetka 1531. ý68L6-ltp COMPANION ' HELP WITH ýHOUSE- work, teach piano to children. r-tefer- ences., Write to 11-42, Bo0x:40, WiI- mette.: 68STNI6-ltp 69, SITUATION wANTED-MALE TRAINED HOSPITAL ATTENDANT,. houseman, butler. Best 'North Shore referenees. White, single, sôbèr. A-'ýe 3t8. Write Veterans' Administration Geiieral Hfospital, Milwaukee, Wiscon- sh. rnest R. De Camp. 69LTN16-t COLORED CHAUFFEURS WITII 5 TO 10 yrs. experience. Aiso housemen, or %vork of any kind. Johnson's Empl. AÀgency. Phone Wilmette 4144. 69LTN16-1 te EXP. CHAUFFEUR, 24 YRS. OLD. single, willing to do any kind of work. garden exp. - Part or full time. Ref. Ph. Swanson, Wilmette 5381. -_________69JJrýN16-ltp ki-ýXPERI1E N CED MA N W 1SHE S steady or odd jobs, also exp. painter. A-1 Refs. Ask for Ed. Phone Wil. *PAUL!NES EMPL. AGENCY 421 Fou rth St. Wilrnette 2171 71LTN16-Iic COMPETENT WHITE HELP wanted with good references. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon.Aç. Glencoe 0 .1 WH!ITEý MAID FOR GENERALý 1 housework. ýSmall famlly. Stay or go home nights. Near transportation. > Phone Wlmette 1436. 71L'rN16-Itp WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. No laundry. $8. Wnnetka 616.. 71L16-itp, 78 HÉLP WANTED-MALE CHAUFFEUR, J0OU SE M AN, CIAR- dener; white, single, over 25 year.si old., Must be fuliy experienced, well -trained servant. with first clases North. Shrbre or Chicago refe rences. Phone* Win- netka 2422. 72LTN16-ltc 73 ELPWT.-MLUAND FKMALE COUPLES WANTED WHITE r 100. 4ý aduit family, no laundry, haýve second maid. $100. 4 adults, rno laundry, 'no yard work. $100. Family of 4. Evanston home. $100. j ,dults, no laundry, s ,iaflhome. $100.. Eiderly people, prefer'couple 3'5 .to 50 yrs. old. $90. 3 in family, email home In Glencoe. $80.,,2 adults, llght laundry. $90. Small famil-y. have nurse, 'sf-c<,nd gWi, no laundry. We place experienced only PAULINe'S 'EMPL. AOENCY 421 Fourth Street MWililette 2171 73LTN 16-ltc- 77 FOR BALE-AUTOS MUST SELL AT ONCE '32 Pontiac Sedan, 6 wire wheels. Fin- ished in black duco :wtth vermillon wheels and stripes. Phone Winnetka WILL MAKE -A NEW FALL FROCK.. Aiso bring your old clothes-Claire Modiste will. make of them the, new- est mode.' Winnetka 147. 22LTN16-ltpý 80 INSTRUCTION PIANIST, PROF. EXPER., WILL AC- comp. vocalist, instrumentalist, *foi, practice, concert; reas. fee per hiour, *also teach French, Italian. harMony,, and nien'g Greenileaf4 AILRSHOP ng and shoes, ladies' hing, Fur coats. Ph. 59LTN16-ltp Confidential service, legal. rates. MOTOR *LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg.. Evanston.1 Gre. 3200 6SL.TN36-tfe Wi. 4411. 69LTLN1-ItP 70 ST. WTO.-MALE AND FEMAPLg_ KFENILWORTH WELFARE' COMM,6IT- tee wishes to place t'he following workers: 2 women for day work. 2 high school >boys for: yard woik. 2. men, as gardeners, housemen, or chauffeurs. References furnished. If you have posi- tions open, temporary or permanent,' please call Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chair- man of Employment Coinmittee, Ken mette 36. 1930. DE SOTO. $200. Phone IVil- 77LTN16 -1tc 77-A MOTORCYG"fs FOR SALE. -INDIAN SCOUT 45, motorcyc ,le« fully equipped., Ha.s been used very little so wilgive same -sat- isfaction as a new machine.- CalI ftr5 p. ni 735,Prairie Avenue. 1927 HIENDERSON, FIRST (-LASS condition. good tire., and new chain. For sale, mr wili exchange for good] used car, Cali Wilinette .4300 'btfore WHITE, WANTS Pl ny housework. Winnetk ieral hsewk,- inciuaing launary. 1 COMFORTrABLE RM. FOR a11 famuly, $7 per wk. 'Phone Wini- very reasonable. Phone Wilmg :ka 3018. . 71LTN16-lte 82L ýERAL HOUSEWORK, P LA IN. LARGE. R O OM AND SL )klng. white, ln good hnme. $7.' porcb. Meals.' it desired..fil meg 'Winnetka -243P. 71L16-1 tp *Winnetka. 82L F. .1. T'aint, Dec. Now, Sa VJRST CLABS _WiOURK A) &Md%. m â*.t Birchi, '16-ltc

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