Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 34

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Several Wilmettc men are members of the Evanston Legion, Druni and Bugle corps pictured above wbich will go to Rockford .o.ldy,. August 28,, fo compete for the Illinoi s state drum and bugle corps championship at the state Legion convention ini session ini that city August 26 to 29. The Evans- ton corps hopes to recapture the state award formerly beld by the north * shore group but taken last year by t he Commonwealth Edfison Post of the American Legi on. The Evanston corps has annexed high honors ini several competitive events this season. It was scheduled to play between. balves of tbe East-West football game ini Soldfers Field this week. M rs. Frank Gerouki- who bas bcen visiting Mrs. Frank Ketchami of Ken- ilworth and Mrs; S. Loomnis Ilypes of Glencoc at their sumn r bornes in Wisconsin bas retunned to Kenil- worth. Bier daugbter, Patricia, is making a, longer stay with Mr-. Hypes. Més. Ira C. Darling, 256 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, bas had ber daugbter, Mrs. George V. Hollsnian froni Dayton, Obio, as ber guest. Kaufmnann-Pia.bry Photo Boarding Departmnent for- ChiIdren Added to Sehool A boarçjing 40partmetf or tcil- dren is the new venture upon whicbi the National College of Education fs embarking for the coming year. This unit, conducted by the home eco- nomics department and the dcpart- ment of parent education of the col- lege, will provide a demonstration in homie care and guidance, and children between the ages of 3 and 12 will be ,accepted. The fall terni opens Sep- tember 20 and during the day the boys and girls willattend the chul- dren's school of National College of Education, which is recognizc'd as one of the outs1tanding detuonstration schools of the country. This day scbool now includes nur.sery achool. kindergarten and eight grades, and the curriculum is guided by research directed by Dr. Louise Far-well. Those cooperating in plans for tht children's boarding departùient in- clude Miss Clara Belle Baker, -di- rector of the children's scbool; Miss Beatrice Billinga, director of. the home economics department and nu- tritionist; Miss Martha Fink, director REtURNS PROM ENGLAND 'The.Rev. John ',G., Hindley returned last week to bis home at 1035 Lake avenue froni a trip through England. Hie came on the Empress of Britain,, which landed fil Quebec last Thurs- day. He had been preaching fil 5ev- cral cities includung London, Brigh-. ton, and Derby as well as visiting Rotary clubs, and seeing the coun- try. This Sunday be will resume bis preaching at the .First Congrega- tional churcl ini Wilmette. Mrs. C. H. Crocker, 93 Robsart road, Kenilworth, her son, Donald and ber guest, Miss Dorothy Strat- ton of Michigan, have just taken a trip to camip Kooch-i-ching, Ranicr, Minn. Kenneth Crocker is a member of the camp, and Donald will be there for the next three weeks. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Jones, 325 Richmond road, KenilwQrth, rnotored on SaturdaY to the Deils of Wiscon- sin, with their guest, jean -Snoyenbos,, wbo wfIll meet ber family and return witb them to Mendovi, Wis. __o- Thtursday, August. 24, Mrs. Alexan- der Reicbniann of Barrington ficn-t Grid Game of -Cenur on Schedule Tonight, Two A1-Star. football teanis, coin- posed of the finest players that Coaches Dick Hanlcy of the East and H-oward Joncs of the West, could- recruit, wfl meet tonight at Soldiers, Field ini a game that for tbri Ils,- ex- citement, and excellent playing, promises to set a new higb for'Chi- cago football fans. SWithout a doubt, this will be on e of the finest games ever playcd, amateur or professional. Each player is young enough tô possess the de- sire to win; each is. in good physical condition; and the, infersectional tinge has accentuated the players' and coachs' eagerness for vuctory. In case of rain, the game will be postponed tili Saturday aftennoon, at Dyche stadjum in Evanston. Mrs, Stephen H. Harrington, Jr.. of 77 Indian HilIl road, Winynetka, %vilI return Thursday of this week from Ashevi île, N. C., wbere she has beeà spendfng a month witb ber parents. The first of September Mr. and Mrs. Harrington are expecting to move to Commonwealth avenue, Chicago, where they have taken an apartmnent. -a-- co*n .partyfor Phyllis Trump, Kenilworth, bas1 siting ber froin #« .,a, week 5 Cumnôr road, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Parsons aud -o-- ly Tschappat vi- two small sons, 310 Cumnor road, Frank T. Cutier and bis daughter,. Miss Dorotb.y Wilson, 729 Green- und Lake, Wis., have returned from a,-week at Boot Frances, 1001 Lake avenue, will spend wood avenue, bas taken ,an apat 44ke, Wis. another week atWbite Lake, Micb. ment. in Evanston.p1ar .4

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