Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 33

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HOME DURING VACATIÔN Mortimer J. McCbesney, Jr., who bas been attending summer school at Pu rdpe university. returned- to Wil- mette last week to spend bis vacation IN1 itb bis mother, Mrs. Berenice Mc- Chesney (Berenice Viole)' of- 114 Third, street. Mris. McChesÉney's. miother, Mrs. A. E. Viole, wbo bas been passi ng.the suffmmer, with her, leaves Saturday for ber borne in La- fayette, Imd. Miss Harriet Ha-mm 123 Meirose avenue, Kenilwortb,, 'returned on Wednesday of last week from Ecbo Bay, Canada, having been tbe guest of :Mr. and* Mrs. Parker Davis at their summx.pace. .Her brother., Peter Hamm. is back from a business t ,rp to Wasbingtcin, D. C. Murray Wilton of Toronto, Canada, who bad been thie guest of Mrs. George Jones, jean, and George, Jr., 318 Oxford road,, Kenilworth, left last'Sunday for bis bomne, Delivered ICIE Cod Phone Wilmette 53 Wilmette Ice Company Yaur Favorite Brands IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE. WILMEITE 410 WINN. Î470 -247-1 Save 10e per Case by. driving. to 1440 Sheridan Rd., No Man's Land The statement says tbat this move will ackl substantially to )thxe ex- penses of the company but that increased work will begiven to pres- ept part-time çrnployers- and former emiployes willbe, recalfed as rapidly as 'mnay be nïeeded.' Inasmuch as tbe company operates twenty-four. bours a day and requires. highly traitèid and skilled men, the adjustmne-nt .of hours presents many difficuit. prob- lems which are now. being worked out by the 'operating organiization. In a .'statement issued- this wee k, the com 1any's vice-cbairman, George- A. anney, said:' "The, Public' Serv- ,ie comùPanyis in full sympathy and~ accord with, President Roosevelt' program for industrial recoverv."p MOTORINO THROUGH JEAST A. 'S. Van Deusen, Jr., president of the, Wilrnette Chamnber of Com- merce, left Sunday on a mnotor trip through the East. He wilI joîn his wife and daughter wbo baye been visiting Mrs. Van Deusen's, parents at Barrington, R. I., in Providence,, R. I., and they will return home* by way of Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- mont and the other New England states. *Mr. :Van Deusen will also visit B. T. Clark, the former secretary of the Wilmette Chamber of Comn- merce, at Danielson, Conn. Mrs. Johin Carpenter and b er daughter, Sue, of 239 Essex road,. Kenilworth, are. leaving Friday for a fortnigbt's visit with the forrner's sis- ter and ber farnily, the James Schades of Akron, Ohio. Later they wiil goi to their summer home at Bluemont, Va. and then to Ithaca, N. Y. to see Mrs. Carpenter's aulit, Miss Eva El- liott. Herman Bilauf.. 913 Thirteentbi street, left Saturday on a motor tour of Kentucky. . Hle was tbe* guest of M rs. B. A. Poizin and the latter's two sons, Frank and Bill of 1241 Forest avenue. He will be gone for about a week. hditor, W IJMETTE LIJFE 1: The August .17 ,issue of WiLmErnm LiÉEic ~arries a copy of a letter re- ceived by :the president of the Wil- mette Park board f rom an "Iold timer" upholding the present beacb manage- ment. I have read this letter- with'pleas- ure -and satisfaction, and arn moved to express an audible and fervent "'mn"and to'go even further and suggest that you might encou rage or invitemore statements of this nature from Wilmùette .residents., It would seem'only right, for those entrusted witb beach management to know, there, were- many people who tboroughly appreciate tbe problems encountered, and ,rnost beartily ap- prove of the rules and regulations ad- vanced to meet them. We are not old timers, having been- hère only six years, but we were not slow to recognize Wilmette's beach as. one of, its greatest assets, and -to know that by the restrictions im- posed and omly by thern could it be s0 maintained. It is outstanding on the entire lake sbore and-as the writer to Mr. Gillison poi nts out-not having the protection afforded nat- urally to Winnetka and Glencoe througb lack of the. "L,". could 'very easîly and quickly becorneanother Oak street if tbe restrictio ns were, not diligently enforced. Perfection in pleasing people can neyer be attained, but certainly it slrnuld be apparent that thxe beach affords tbe greatest amount of pleas- ure and benefit to the greatest num-. ber of Wi1iuette residents, and the nxost credit to the village itsel f as it HOME FROM MINNESOTA Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunn and their son, Ray, 225 Dupe. place, returned to Wilmette Sunday, evening, from northern Minniesota. They spent two weeks at the National Forest lodge near Ely,ý Mii. Prior to that they had been to Philadelphia to attend the f uneral of Mr.. Duinn's- mother, Mrs. 'Emina DunnI, Who died on july 27. detracted irom the neacu and las been very annoyîng, but that is un- avoidable and teniporary and should be so regarded. There are sme folks who always "belly-ache" just on gen- eral princi ples and others. who in- stinctively rebel at authority even though it operates to their'advantage, but. on the whole, I think the -criticism a 1nd complaints corne from those who have flot seen the other side of the, picture or realized how. intoierable. conditions would become, were the restrictions removed. If those of us who, take this attitude expressed our- selves half ýas f reely as the complain- ing oncs, I arn sure we -could -ma- terially assist our beahgrdad attenidants: and our Park. board in their efforts to keep Wilmhette's beach, orderly, - dean. and safe!1 Yours very truly, Gail (Mrs. M.. C.) Rosenow, 718 Ninth, street COURTESY AT THE BEACH August 14, 1933 Editor, WILmeTTE L'PE: Recently a newcomer to Wilmette who purcbased a home here asked if it could bc arranged for his family to use our beach under the saine condi- tions as resident citizens. 1 A request to our beach matron pre- sented by tbis newcomer was received with a sincerity of welcome that caused the newcomer and bis wife to say to us that Wilmette was. a friend-' ly town and they were sure tbey 1,ad cbosen wisely. Very truly yours, C. E. Drayer F orme r Kenilworth Man Dies in California Aug. il Charles Macklin, who 'had been a resident of Kenilworth' for nany years,. died, at bis 'home in Beverly Hilis, Cal. August Il.- He hadbeen one of the original.pftes nthe firm of Newcomb, Macklin Picture Frame Manufacturers of Chicago, from which h. Jxad retired before go- W.ukesha Spring Water FOXBAU SALES COU OF EVANSTON Exclusive Dltrlbutors fer WillUtte and Evasn. Mahersf et/e beragres'tter @ver qr 020 MadsSt. vmhf at ONWENTSIA CLUB Powo FIIBLD, LAK E FoREST 6 p. m. Thursdtiy, August 31 Geniral Admission: 50 cents SéeThose English Stars in Action!1

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