Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Aug 1933, p. 24

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eighteen noies in the morning tht a rds showed that Miss Katherin( Durkin of Glen Flora was winnei witb the.score. 'of 94. Miss M. hI gram of Glen Flora with 96 won sec- ond* low ,gross. MN1rs. H. G. Sébult7 of Mission His. with >& won first low net. and Miss j. Miller of- Evans- ton with 80 %,.as the 'winner of. sec- ond low net. Glen Flora mnember. witb 459 won'the low gross foursome, and these included Miss A., L, .Mut More. MissGrace Leary. Dr., Stone f and Mrs. J. Durkin.' Another Glen Flora group. which bad 357, won the -10%vo. net foursome. Thig group in' cluded Miss, Katherine Durkin, Mfiss Ingram, Miss M. Herves. and Mrs R. Hussev. Consolation prizeso'wenl to the foursome from Mission His- -Mrs., F. C. Dressel. Mrs. K.'C. Bec- kett. Mrs. F. J.,Scbidtan Ms R. W.. Barry. In the drîving contest held after luncheon. in whicb each contestant mad theedrives. Mrs. R. N.'Winsý- low of Evanston proved Io be the winner (450 vards), and Mrs, Nus- sey of ýGlen Fiora wvas second (445. ~yrs)~Dr. Stone and Miss Mult- fmore, both of: Glen Flora; were., respectively. flrst and second winners in the putting .co'ntest. I. The prizes for the "mystery event". -__using one club for three holes- went to Mrs. Cor des of North Hilîs (first);. Mrs. E. Dresser of North His (second); Mrs. Durkin of Glen * Fiora and .\Mrs. C. H. Kreger tied for third place, but because Mrs. * Durkin bad thre lowv handicap she was given preference. f It was unfortunate that events at their own clubs prevented Park Ridge and Wilinette women from heing present, but, otberwise there ivas a good reprsentation f rom the various clubs. Westmortland Club. Miss Dorotby Bell of Evanston is' the woman's'chamnpion at Westmiore- j land Country club, winning in tire three-day.medal play which was run in three fights on Wednesdayi, Tbursday. and Friday of last week. Mrs. J. Lawrence Hagan of Kenil-. worth was runner up. The second and this, includes Mrs. Henry Lustgar. : ten of Wilmette, ' Miss Vera Anderson and Miss Edna Sol- omon of Winnetka, Mrs. Max. Wallace of Highland Park, M a nd dMrs. 'Dudley, Lester of R og ers Park. Tickets. may be obtained f rom any of the committee or at the door. The pro- ceeds will go to >the families who are be- iing taken <a-re'of by the league, the terri- tory including Rog- 9 ers Park to High- land Park. The Northshore Junior Welfare league. was organized last spring with thirteen memfbers, aiîd'it- now lias tweinty-ýeight. It meets twice a nîmontb: at the various . homes, each menîber serving as hostess. . Thre group bias aided other charities, and bias especially lped Arden Shore with its important summer work. The member have .also voluinteered on.the occasion of several charity tag days. Mrs. Dur gin Chosen .Vice, Regent Pro Tem Mrs. Randolph Buck, first vice regent of the Skokcie Valtey. chapter Of the DJaughters of the American Revolution. bas rented ber home on Scott avenue, Hubbard Woods, and; wiil be away during thre coming fal a nd winter. Her office in the mean- tîme will he filled by Mrs. William A. Durgini of Wilmette. Under the direction of Mrs. Janmes K. Farley of Kenilworth members of the chapter have been collecting reading matter for the Skokie Valley Reforestation camp. Those who have contributions, for the work are asked to commu nicate with Mrs. Farley. Mrs. Edward L. Scbeidenhelm and Mrs.. Walter Gore Mitchell of Wil- mette will serve on committees for the 1934 State Conference of the. D. A. R. to be held in March at Ev- anston. Mrs. Frederick M. Bowes of Wilmette will be chairnian of pages. Other committee members will be an- nounced later. Wilmette Girls Fête Winnetka Bride-to-Be At thre marriage of Miss \irgfinia Crewvs Bradford, dauiýhter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bradford, 956 Green- .wood avenue. Winnetka. to Earl H. De Long of Evanston on Saturdav afternoon September 2, at the First Methodist cburch in Evanston the following young meni will serve Mr. De Long as groojusmen: Garold C. Jenison, Harold Green. Ralpb Star- key, and Glenn C. Dildine ail of Ev- anston. Miss Bradford's bridesxnaids, -wbo were announced recently, are to, be Mrs. Garold Jenison, matron of hon- or; Miss Helen De Lon~g, and Miss Jane Calloway of Wilmette. Miss Bradford has been much feted since the announicement of ber en- gaizement. Recent.parties were a-mis- cellanous shower and tea August 12, tbe bhostess being Miss Jane Wilson, of Winnetka. On Wednesday of last week Miss Jane Calloway and Miss Ruthr King of Wilmette entertairied - Fme and Fortune building at A Cen- tury of Progress. Vassar and Raui- dolph-Macon, like the otiter inistitu- tions in the group. are assisting with the hostess 'duties at the booth. and every two' weeks assigui several alii- niae to coopérate with* the permanent hostesses in distributing g eneral ini- formation to the public, and in regfiS- teigthe many students and aluni- nae from the'seventeen' schools 10,u) make the bootb their headquarters at the Fair. Mrs. William Edwards of Chicago, is the general hostess chairman for Randolph-Macon, wbile Mrs. R.. J. Cbinnock of Chicago* is serving in the same capacity for Vassar. The ýRandolpb-Macon ýhostess days and those assisting through JIun.f!. July and Augustr have-been: June Il -Miss Judith Thornirill and _Nrs. William Baker, of, Chicago.; June 2 -Mrs. Thomas F. Young, Mrs. A.* R. Shannon and Mrs. -Frank Baxie ()f Chicago,, and Mrs. Carl H. Stroker of Oak Park; july 17-Mrs. josepht È-. -Nate of Wilmette, Mrs. James Lindsey, Mrs. Robert W. Dunn aind 'Mrs. T. P. Cross of Chicago; August 4.-Mrs. George B. Morris of Bevervý Huis, Mrs. Lindsey and Mrs. CrO'S.-, of Chicago; August 224~-Mrs. Robert .W. Dunn, Mrs. William A. Edwards, and Mrs. Thomas F. Young ofChi- cago, and Mrs. Charles Saunders of Evanston. .Those serving on the Vassar Vi'ýt for the entire period of the Fair li,- clude: Mrs. J. C. M1cQuide of \Vil- mette; Mrs. Martin Crane antd Mrs. Andrew MacLeish of Glencoe; M.\rs. Edmund D. Brigham, Mrs. Fre.derick Pick and Mrs. Thomas -Creigh of Highland Park; Mrs. Arthur Case, 'Miss Helen Chapman, Mrs. Philip Merrill, Miss Helien Hobart, Mrs. Roy Jay Cookeý, Mrs. F. S. Coîbu ru. Mrs. C. 'B. Fullerton, Mrs. Gordon McKeldin and Mrs.. Ronald. Kimibal of Evanfston; Mrs.. Calvin ,Trowbridge of Lake Forest; Mrs. Paul Jenkins of Libertyville; Mrs. Catherine Mr- Quarrie of Palos Park, Mrs. Jolhn Lord of Hinsdale; Mrs. Robert .0. Clark of Barringtn Roger ittle ol rvanston 5-4 in a hole match last Friday. In order to reacb the finals Mrs. Shipp had to defeat Mrs. W. E. Brochon of Ev- anston..5-4 and Mrs. F. S. Jones of Park Ridge, 5-4. Mrs. Iittleto reacb A guest day this Friday wiIl be fol-ïn--3fom 3 otlock u,-ntil 6 ln the garden lowed by aflothér one early in Sep- of Mrs. C. M. P'uhlman's home. 623 tember. The summer golf season will Washington avenue. Tea will be terminate with-a luncheon ,and white served in'the Mandarin bouse. The elephanit partyon September1. proceeds will to to Cathedral Shelter. The regular senior dance wbicb takes place at Sawnee Country elub. eacb moIt will be held Stur- day evening, August 26, with danc- ing froni 9 until L o'clock.

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