Curtains Values to $3.00 Pair THURSDA Y., AUGUST 17-STORE HOURS: 8 A. M. TO6P.M Pair Popular Priscilla Type. New Triple Flounce, 6-Pc. Cottage Sets Bathroom Curtains -Marqusefte Panels Grenadines-Nets Tail6red Panels, ýWash Frocks Wash .Suits Sixes 2 to 6. Years Gay liffle Print dresses with short steeves sud panfleslo match. Luttle boys' wash, suils of brooeloth, andci ehambray. 300 Stunning Fait. 'Hats DRAPERIES GLAZED-CHIN TZIDRAPES-Priscalla and pleat- ed. tops, 30-im. wide, 2'!, ýyards 'long, 5-inch t-uffle. While l00 pairs lest et >.............. Ïi I GLAZED CHINTZ for drapes aud slap-covers. 5 yards for SI1 RAYON REPP-50-rinches wide; -in. blue, green. rust, red ....................... yadS NOTIONS KLEINERT'SSILK'DRESS SHIELDS-wýhîte, al mies, crescent end regular styles ..6 Pairs for $1 COATS' .SPOOL :,COTTON.ý-whitel 30 0. yards to. spool.............. ....... .......12!spos $1 ATOUR. SANI TARY NAPKINS .7 for $1 MODESS SANITARY NAPKINS ...... 7 for $1 DELNAP SANITARY NAPKINS ...... 7 for $1 ZIPPER GARMENT BAGS -60 inches long, 8- germent size, cretonne ....... ..... i RAYON UNDERWEAR DAWN O'RAY-pantis, bloomers and step.inh.. AI] sizes, tearose only.................... 2 for $1 RAYON GOWNS & PAJAMAS-blue, flesh, tee- rose, ail uizes ......................S..I Chandu Crepe Slips-Cowns SeautifuilIace-frimmed and teiloied rnod.Is on a delicate shade of fearose. Slips have adjustale straps. Chandu Crêpe is gueran-- ie. iwashabI.. Sizes 34 to 44. GIRS'GIRLS'APPAREL sIRoS' TUB FROCKS-in new Faîl patterns for Hand-Woyen -Ru gs PLAID$ Regalarly,-75c I $ 1.50 Slize'30x54, Each $1 4-C. Hou SEWARES 4 CREFR.IGERATOR SETS- of green glass, hiandly sazes.... ........................ $ 5-.PC., MIXING BOWL SETS of green gloa, rolledl edge..................................... s IVOR Y CUPS & SAUCERS-with embossed lbor- dors ........................... »s for $1 BLACKSTONE TISSUE-2,000-sheet rolis. 0. rolis for $I ELBCTRIC IRON -6-lb., .guarenteod, complote with cord..................-1 ......~s 15-LB. ENAMELED ROASTER with self-basting' cover ....................................$1 CAKE OR BREAD COVER WITH CUTTING BOARD-green, ivory .....................$1I 12x48-INCH IRONING BOARD-on stand, Rid- Jid ýmake ........1..........................S$1 ELECTRIC SPECIALS-whil. they lest *ach $1 Htot, Plate & Toaster, Flip,Flop Toaster, 6..cup Per- colator, Heir Curleï-s. WILLOW CLOTHES IBASKET - smooth finish. with 50-lt. clothes line....................... $1 VARNISHED STEP STOOLS-well-braced, very sturdy ...................... ..........1 FOOD CHOPPERS--hous.ehold size. withi 4 cut-. tint blades.............. ............ 1*-**********.$I FIRESTONE GARDEN HOSE -ý non-kitnkable, complete. witk couplings. Sold only in lengths o! 50 feot............................. . 2É ff. for $1 2 OR VALUES TO $136.50... prints and colons . . . blues. reds and bIpk . .. suitable for F.lI wear sim 2 t. 20 lain Melot. Eerly shopping imperative. SecondPloor I Dumete FOU.NTAINS [AL TISSUES-200 shoots te box. FACE CLaTIIS--,solid oÀ 7 boxesS$1 tenu................. aditional taxex apemue aIprexjumstey 2% wl»l be 844. t. 911 PUI îQUARE LORD'S *ors with cootrsting pet. Lrebmses evevSe s I I I I I I s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I g I I I I I I I I. I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * I. I I. I I I I I I I I I g I I. I .1 I I I' for-