Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1933, p. 32

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phy races neld iast wvviv'lu orm ie Chicago Yacht club course at Bel- mont hathôr, and thereby gained the Great Lakes championship of the ~R-clas for this year. The boat took second places in both the first and second races and won t he final contest to amass a'toôtal of. 16 ,points.*Gossôn II, which followed Ariel across the finish.by one minute in the last, race, was second, with 14, This victbry uinofficially makes Ari- el the chamhpion of. its class for-the United States, sinice among the boats it defeated were. Alert IV, Pacif'c Coast, Champion of 'two years ago ,which was shipped here especially to ryto beat Ariel this--year; Gosson -II,. Great Lakes champion last y ear; and Gypsy, Atlantic coast champion a year ago. Fifth Lipton Victory This was the ýfifth time that Ariel has 'won the Lipton trophy, its. pre- vkiou vietories baving been in 1922, 1923. 1927 and 1930. Mr. Sheridan bas owned the boat outright- for the last two years and previously. for two years. owned it jointly with Malcolm aiwho now sails Gosson Il. Winning,,theë Lipton tropliy was especially satisfying to its' owner. since Ariel is seventeen years old, the oldest boat in the fleet, and most of lier younger competitors have been deslgned especially to better lier per- formanice. As it is, Ariel can Iay prob- able dlaim to having won more races than any other b oat on- the Great Lakies. Arsi'. Victoriouis Record Here are just a few of Ariel's vic- Stories. Six years ago she won the Richi- ardson cup in the national R-clas' Schampionships, and when this' event is held again -next year she will again. ,be a contender, according to the hopes' of -h e owiier and skipper, She: lia% Laury nue,. e boat1 Mofett-Russell Photo E. E. Shieridan with Arthur Kohlbusch of Evanston, Fred J3arker of Minmette and Edwarcl Sclinabel of Chicago as crew. In the finish race they sailed tbe boat to the exceptionally fast time of 1:57.26 for the 12 mile quadrangular course. Gosson II beat Ariel1 across the uine in the first race, and Varya was the winner of the second. Compared with Ariel's 16 points, the other boats totaled as follows: Gosson 11, 14; Oypsy; 12; Varya, 9; Alert IV, 6, and Nancy, 5., tthof, 156 Abingdoný ave- Thue S. S. -Holden f amily, 527 War- worth, bas had Albert wick road, Kenilworth, are spen.ding It. Vernon, N. Y., and the rnonth of August at Lake Geneva, ?man' of Kew York, ýa Wis., liaving taken the Nellis summer as his guests: 'home there. the M eredïtt ts, .Mich. ry and Mrs. L. -1P lis have been oc- V. Meredith hou'-e road, Kenil.worth, is are at Epworihi Prof. and Mrs. H. C. Thurnau of1 the University of Kansas will arrive' the. end' of, the week eto visit the former's ýsister andfa.mily, the XiI- liam Schmedtgens, 710 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Clovis,. 314 - Oxford road, Kenilworth, returned Monday f rom a, visit of. a week with the Franik Ketchams at Land -0' Lakes,, Wis. 'Mrs. S. Douglas Floo IM133kenil- worthavenue, Kenilworth, is expect-t ing lier sister, Mrs. Anna. Boal Wickes,,from Washington,-.D. C., for, a few days' visit. -Dr. and Mrs. A.-B. Spach, 228 Leicester road. -Kenilwor-th, have.t been entertaining Dr. Spach's niece. Mrs. Elvin Norman MacLeod, frQln Hunitington, Imd. 0o Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bnéckett and their daughter, Betty Buckett,1 for- inerly of 730 Central avenue, have taken an apartment at 2133¼ ,Ridge avenue, Evanston. -o-- Miss Frances and 'Miss Rzuth KiiI:< from Dallas, Texas, who are here iî,r the Fair are visiting Mr. an'd. N.rs.. R * A. Whe'elock, 89 Robsart road. Keniilvorth. The J. H. Lawson family 330 Ster- ing road, Keilwoý-rth, who have, becen at their summiier home at Everett', resort, Eagle River, Wis., for two months, have returned to Kenilworth. -o .Miss, Violet G. Staeger and, Miss Ethel H. Barrett of B3oston, Mass., are spenidin.g, ten days,- withl1 the George Fraser family, 645 Albotsý- ford road, Kenilworth. ý--- Mr. and Mrs. John Magrie, Betty. Mich., on business last week. i ey Ieft Wednesday, Augfst 16, for an.- other business trip to Grand Rapids. Mrs. J. W. McClinton and daugh- ter, *Margaret, 1612 Highland avenve, left the middle of..this, week for a, three, weeks' vacation at' Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada- Catherine Collins from Grand Ra- pids, Midi., a schoolmate of Barbara Crowe, 234 Raleigh road, Kenilwor'th, is here attending A Century of Prt- gress,.and visiting Barbara.. Dr. and Mrs. Nelson G'eorge of .bondon, Canada,. are visitig; their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. j. Iugli Fos- ter. 921,Greenleaf avenue, and seeing the fair. Mr. and Mrs. George Gish and, M\r. and Mrs. Hubert' Patrick.of Roanoke, V.were guests last Wrednesday of their cousins, the Hector Dodds, 720 Prairie avenue. Frances Akely, 615 Lake 'aveniue, was invited. back to Nawakwa canip at South Haven, and will play thie violin in the musical come<ly which. the Camp Fire girls wvi1l present. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Wîllard Hif, EllenIl' and John of Minneapolis were guests, Iast week of the Julian Thompsons. 1044 Ashland avenue.' The Hiffs are on their w,,ay to Wabash, Ind. -o- Miss Effie Jamnes, 701 Washingtoni avenue, whistles over radio station KYW with the Drs. Pratt and Sher~- mnan, program every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 3 .30. MNr. and. Mrs. George Kih n their 'daugliter, Seen . f allas, Texas, are,guests ofMrs. Knight'sý .parents, the John F. Weedons,, 204 Fifth street uintil after Labor Dav. 0 o Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 Ab- I'otsford road, Keniilwor-t!h. lft Wednesday of last 'week, rnotoring 1to Peoria to visit. relatives. Mrs. Heniry. Riggs Rathh)o!n. a former Kenilworth 'resident noiv r- sidiniz in Sprinkfelht Tii h be n Miss Edith Ray 'Young, 1133 Ceni- Mrs. Clay Guthridge of NVhwte tral avenue, entertainèd her cour' ii, Plains, N. Y. lef t Friday after visit- Miss Edna Hearon of Hattiesburg, ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guthridge Miss., for' several days. last week. and family, .917 Greenwood avenue. 0 ---o- Miss Lillian Rivets of Los Angeles, Mrs. Albert Rohol, 1007 Forest Cal., spent a recent week-end with avenue, lias as lier' bouse guest her the A. W.,,Peakes, 935 Michigan ave- brother, William J. Fitzgerald 'of nue.' Tudor City, N. Y. 'Mrs. Charles Hosker,, 627 Was'h- ington avenue, was hostess tolier 'luncheon bridge club last Monday. 0o- MNr. and Mrs. Iiarry Lindsey, Jr., formerly of Evanston, have moved to 120 :Abingdoni avenue, Kenilworth. For 1% fon 424 Linde« Ave. 710 Glenes Bd. Flmetti Ù43 Glenoe 404

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