Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1933, p. 24

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sir ia rgs etraimn '»nt oLocal BOY Scouts representing' the gOng hi ntf inst tnphe wa.lso Cetentr efPrtness, will be VoflA ppn Xaa~ o te~Iga~ orth Shore Area counicil 'ill' be in fetu- ofrowing ,wil bnton'r in thee isawesternth statrin On hs frsttriphe lsobrough tested in Soldiers' Field froni August President Roosevelt sent to M'alter W.- charge of the two permanent Scout passengers to attend the fair. 25 Septeniber 10; Head, president of the Boy Scouits rof 'exhibits at the World's Fair this week Cash prizes and troph ies totaling Amerlca, at the recent Naàtional coun- on August 17, 18 and 19. One of the READ FO FA 5 hcil meeting of the B. S. A: REAY FR FIR DAY 0 S,000 will be awarded to the lucky WsiD exhibits is an outdoor woodcraft ex- Waheigtthe1).CatibitalerBay Scoutof cDay wil Whthe Naina o -cuon hske ront the rangeland who have -Walter wV. Head, *rsdnto, C.hbthrea u erfSctswl huskordsFarrll run n i esfon assectional champions..resdeItwork ii a,woodcraft village Con- at W rlds F ir oîl ar und onj In ac Bo Sc uts of mer castructing, pioneer:.projects and. dem - August 25 the' North Shore Areatnebtch pisiso Kansas City,ý Mo. onstrating varosSotn ciiis council will be well represented- in cnet' Fi Rdo, 'lese say to the efbers of the'The following troopswi erpe the splendid, prograni that has been the ctmitneelhic ratd t eligibles has announced. Gov. B., Be. aioa oucof. the Boy Scouts i .sented'in that village: arranged, for that day. In answer to of. America that - I wish I couîd.,per-ý Troop 51 of, Deerfield. .%ithý ten a bulletin sent out froni North Shore Mobeur of. Arizona- and \Vill Rogersor evdnth*omi 1e,àngwh sonallyv be with you and extend greet- boys working on Indian lore under Area council headquarters Boy Scout sre ntecmite aogwt ings and congratulations on the s 1n h edrhi fRyDbis about troops, Cub packs and Sea Scout cwo ersnaie.o the, fourj did achievements for 1932. eight scouts from. Troop '52 of De- ships a*re responding with a good- deailéladingà types of streniuous western 1,6Pleaeset ttapvgetnsfelwt i usi sterSot of enthusiasmn. It is expectedi that. sports. Worldi's Pair officiais said this 'ac et ihsaryxede oechmse.wl eontaesirlig there will be fro i300 to 506 Scouts was the first tie in *the history o ftit huac roso cuTop3of Ravntate, i a abou and. leaders that will attend, rodeos where everyparticipanit was and other units, as well as' to the twelve Scotits, on, hand to -ork o _____________ camio Onhi on:. fficers and membersof our 561 local ýpi oneering under 'the leadership of Th Rv aciMs.Athr ece. Hailedib edn uiesmn councils Senior Patrol Leader Art Baldauf: Jenete Naran ad hale owho have joined to produc.e it, as "The fact that one million two hun- Tro 15. of Winnetka is taking on Provthe greatest.dramatithation ever at-mdreci sixty-two thoýusand imen and the unique.project, under S. K. Os- Provti n ce'r. a d . e orhe ge e -- e p e5f.t e ge e i f.C i a o S oys ere in 1932 nem bers of the trgaards leadershipi of actually sur- majoi . gnMr. and Mrs.. GeorgeeBen nett. 1301' Ashlanci avenue. Rev mjridsriti xetdb Boy Scouts of AnfieriCa is impressive, veying and mapping the woodlcraft Mece i Ms.Benet' nphw. them and by Fair officiaIs that more, tesiimonY as to how~ vital a. factor e.xhibit., Thev will. work, for. their. _________________________than haî ilinVistr ilseSouting has become ini the life of sreigmn ag ro 3o thé Rodeo. . .xerica.ý Kenilworth, -under Seniior Patrol- FOX IRUS&» SEZEu aA new and colorful. feature--wl -Ifirmly believe Ihat theBloy 'Scout 1Leader Detvitt Jones, .will -have ten igaie with Waakesam Spring Water the prerniei-e appeaÉan<è in the Unji- move ent represents a new -ena of Scouts demonstratin-g fire bv flint Pox Head Beer-light or dank ted States of the famous M.\exican'moral force in Amierica. and steel; Troop 19 of \V'innletka lias Ginger Ale Carbonated Water "Charros," most daring horsemnen -1 hope everp possible effort wýiIll 'vorked liard. ail summer under the Waukeeha Spring Wat., south of the Rio Grande. General diel be - made to avoid cuntailment of aili leadership .of its Scoutniaster. H. D. FOX HEAD SALES CO. Brigado Don Jesus Jayme Quinones character-buiîding agencies during, Frankel, .jr., and C. A. Waite oi the 40 NaImon &L., ]Eyanoton Gre. 4246 is conducting e limination conitests this difficult period. Surely Our yout h North Shore line in .preparing a first _________________________ near the Mýexican capital to deter-ý -the boy' of Scout age-shoulci 1iîotaid drill déemonstration; about eight mine the 1,5 charros who -will have be handicappeci because of thie. cun Scouts from niiscellaneous troo)ps are the honor of making the trip to the rent conditions for wýhich hie is in no planning a rope spinning, denions-tra- D E R orld'$ Fair. They will be accom- I way nesponsible. . 'ton under the leadership of Miltcni E IE IRpanieci by grooms, for their Arabian- "Especial words of encouragement Merner, Troo' 52, Deerfield. Yenr Favorite Brands bred ilouts, a companiv of native Land help shoulc be- given to those The other exhibit is the hand'crait IMMEDIATE BLIVERY Mexicali musicians and a group of men iýho serve as Scoutmasters. otlcaeônteEhttdIs ,IMEIAE ELVEY .\exican senoritas ,vho will beguile -Fra>nklin D. Roosevelt. land here Sdou té- Ell be buy Il GoId Coast and Lake Forest societv . cay ýworking on various types of PHONE wihas eir dnRo adeo gigashandicraft demonstratinç' tliein ability WIIhIEasEthé0 listeners-in. andcio Invite Scouts to to visiting parents and cliildnen. WINN. 2470 - ?.471 . Jitness Air P Troop 71 of Libertvville, with Mled]11 Aaces, Radloif as: Scoutmaster and Jack Os- ON TRIP TO ST. LOUIS A letter fnom -vian. H. Johnsoný,boi as. assistant ýScoutmnasten. anid Davîi Laux of Evanston, left Cun- drcoro.pe;levnsfo h roop. 4 of WTukegan w:%ith W\. C. -S.vé lOc per Case tis,-WNVight airpont for St. Louis'on atolaircecrintoCts-Waelumaen and Herbent Ol- bydrvig o 44 Serda R., a usnes np M. au fvsa Wright Reynolds airpont..on Septeni- ve-r as assistant Scoutmaster, l vill be No Man'$ Land Stinisoin cabin plane.br1 ,. ad4 niadrse oin, charge of.. this 'bootlî ith about WaterM.Kiligen, Region Seven t%%ventyScus issPatV Fente. 19 ental Boy Scout executive, brings 'the iln2 These exhibits andi demonstratiouns Misasvlnye 1 enrlav-fration that "I arn very happy to r ret h ulcadpol NORTH SHORE nue, andi her cousin, Miss Frances advise ou that the commnittee in rfrte tortheshpubl ii np ee 1Flentve, 729 Lake avenue, departeci charge of the International Air races IFi yo hs he as r HOM DE IVE Y o T~sd o~l~wek .n moôrand Gordon Bennett Balloon race tirged to'visit the exhibits. The'Nvood- Sa auatrinp uiteEatadinCndhave dsgae -dy Spene.r.1 Sn PU.,to be gone .*.veal wekscraft, xibtis located between the ne seera weks.as 'Boy ScotDy'W beee that east'ern skyride tower and the lake - Scoutmasters wzil find that a full day ýshore. The handicnaft exhibit ishIo- N. and Mi-s. Harry S. Klein o-f at the air races will'prove to be.an i cateci immediately soutlî of the chil- a 730 Linden 'avenue left Saturday for idéal, and inexpensive one-day outingj dren's mountain in the Enchlanted W est Be ndJ L ithIi an outing in the north woods. andi one which the boy 1s are sure to Island. enjoy to the utmost. We wilIId S ~~~ I ~~everything possible to malie By ETACM SU ES New ricenow e E laScout Day' a gre0.t success.Y In ffc i o a lvee This neanstu tat ail Scouts and An extra week at camp colidtcted rneflct n io wq ' I?1Vft.C leaders in charge of the Scouts ivili tor'mot only Scouts but for the par- iteN,.,t s Ithe> sanieflr~tt be able to get iiite, thé air races at a1 ents ahd frientis of Scouting as well, god beer .saFýa-P oeWl et 31atrc dagosz1e ru n wa.N,. ay special rate on timat day. This not onîy atatdago ieigôpat $ .25Ccil butal Scutsfro ay part of ty. or morepeople who atended. Pakn o utomoils rbuses wiîl have 'now returned antd bring inter- 7 b e f r e e o f c h a r g a n d i n a s p e c i a l s t i4 i g s t o r i e s o f t h e f l e t m s t e Scot tckes rt cmp S-r nue A't Food aone6Wint La etavenershere Boy fiofÏts kind to'be con- do ikle, A n d ope*ings will be on sale. ducte. It is hoped that next year the dowaila dor .d peihga North Shore Area council hopes \,orth Shore Area council wilI again gt ht~uIi h an m ite anUstd that every tr oop wiIl try to take ad- be able to conduct this open house zgo. Qtaaranteed to rid qulckly. vantage of this, unusual opportunity week at Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan.j Use lua illon onosIKiz- andi have a good representation at JS s u * > R * Npensive. At vour druggt's. the air races. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Knopp DEVERAGE CO. INC.à and family of 221 Warwick road, MOTN GOV 00Mrs. John; Cory of County Line Kenilworth, spent. last week-end with * *radi,' Derfielti will entertain her J Mn.d Mrs. Otto Closius at, their bridge club Friday afternoon. sme oenear ulver, mnd.

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