Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1933, p. 21

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j.lit uGloiu o te WOMans club for the benefit of thé building fund. The party is being held under the auspices of the ways and means committee, of which Mrs. Clifton L. Darling is chairman. This will bie a splendid opportunity to entertain out-of-town guests, it is announced, and to "have them meet- your friends." There will be refresh- ments and pries, and. the cluib ill be attractively decorated with sum- mer flowers. Mrs. Richardson will be assisted by' the following hostess committee.: Mesdames George:E. Walk, H. Toep-. pen, Rodney Perrili.- J. Kiel. D. W. Smith, J. R.. McClure, J. C. Crossley, Roy F. Best,' H. A., Storms. J. E. ýVrthen, Frank Wolf. William Sheliman,' Frank Randali, Ludwig, s kog, George Williams. Don Rans- burg. EàrI Orner, Howvard'Ken Garrett. Johnston, Charles Keller, Pghoto by Nelidoif David Hall. George. Rose, HW . ir.andMr.Hret - Weishaar .1.ai l.s ebp_1 The lwrarneet iIb Ve of 803 Sheridan road, Giu-, ini charge-of Mrs. Worthen and Mrs. 'O.an fOrg"'Ii, #one Wolf and the prizes ini charge of the cengagemenc)t of their daitghtir. Mrs. Toeppen. , -Table reservations. Betty, î o Richard Traverse Payii- inay be made by calling Mrs. H. .A. ter,ý soit of Mrs. Hleiry Martyn Storms of, 251 Wood coôurt,.,anid tick- Paynter ýof 449 Ha.zeI avenule, etsmay be secured fromMrs. Georg Glepicoe, and Of the late Mr. Payn-, El. Walk.. R efreshnients Will be te.Tewdigwl ake place served under teî irctoin Ms. Febriiary. Miss McATanie, ci., WVii.am Crossley. graduate of N,\eze Trier Hiqii school, atÏtnded Principia for a. y'ear. M:r. Paynter was graduatcd. IVilmetie Alan Host front Lake Forest colle.qe. 'their at Curch Exhïbjt betrothaý was revealed r-ece1rfiy ai G. T. Hellmnuth of 1700 Forest ave- ain farin gin eon .,th nue ivas host Tuesday evening of. ae frîi rgn this week at the Episcopal exhibit in. the Hall of Religions at A Century P'en Women7 to Close ofProgress. John _N. Van de Vries of\\innetka,- is îa director of1 thé Club Year on Firiday Church club, and each week one The Northern Illinois ýbrandi of director. is general chairman ofhosts. h National League of Amierican The men assist at the exbibit, in the, Pen., Women will hold its: last Ineet- evening. ing of- the season, Friday, when a The list of other. hosts this week musical and garden partywill take încludes, Mr. Van 'der Vries, Sun- place at the. home of Mrs. Lulu day,, August 13; John G. Baylis- of Jones Downing, 2208 Asbury ave- Evanston;, Mondaày; Erskineé Wilder nue, Evanston, from 3 until 5 o'clock. of- Winnetka, Wednesday; Benja- The guests of honor will be Mrs. min K. Smitb of Winnetka, Thurs- Nelle Eberhardt, the ibrettist and day; C. Colton Daughaday of Win- poet who bas .written the words fora netka, Friday; William Jones Smith many of Cadman's og.an th a of. Winnetka, Saturday. OS ai h Mrs. H-enry Llistgàrten of Wiltnettc, Miss Vera Anderson of Winnetka, Miss Edna Solomon of Winnetka, Mrs. Max Wallace of Highland Park, and-.Mrs. Dudley, Lester of Rogers Park. Russ Joinson's Ramtblers will play for dancing, beginning at 9 o'clock, and later in the evening a group of Gladys Hight's ballet pupils will give, a program. The .Northshore Junior. Welfare league was organized last May with thirteen members, ',and it n'ow lias an enroîlmient1 of twenty-eigh-. t meets twice a month at- the various- homes, each member serving. as1 hostess. 'The group lias. aided other charities, especiallv Arden Shore,, and the members have helped' to tag on several charity tag days. Goucher College Has. Day ut World's Fair Last \\ednesday- Goucher College dav was held at the XVomen's Col- lege Board at A- Century of Prog- ress. Alumnae. met for luncheon. on the terrace of- the Time and For- tune building, where the College Board maintains its- headquarters. Mrs. David L Dickson of Rogers,: Park was chairman of the day. Mrs. Robert S. De Golyer of ,Hub- bard WVoods is president of the Chii- cago chapter of Goucher College Alumnae, and Mrs. Stephen V. Balderston of Evanston. president of the north shore group, is vice presi- dent of the Chicago chapter; Airs. Eugene Price Brown of Evanston is secretary; and Miss Florence Ed- ivards of Chicago is treasurer. A number of local Goucher stu- dents and alumnae attendéd the luncheon, and there were als pr esent several froin Mississippi« and -Massa- chusetts, who had come to theý city for tie fair. College Friends Gather Miss, Ruth Drayer, 1034 Elmwood ress wnose booth is situated in the Time-Fortune building on the Avenue of Flags. On August 17, the college will be represented by the following hostesses:- Mrs. Thomas A. Banning of ý933 Locust rQad, Wilmette;, Mrs, Louis J. Braddock of Fvanston, Mrs. Herman Pomper of Highland Park, and Mrs. Charles S. Reid of Oak Park. Hostesses in June were.Mrs. WVil,- liam E. Barnes of Evanston,' Mrs. joseph, Markley of Hubbaird Woods. and Miss Ruth Steele and'Mrs. %NVil- ina. D., Bochek of Chicago. In July Mrs. William F., Drews of . River Forest, Miss Gladys Nelson and Miss GerÎtrude Pearli of Oak Park,, M iss .Jean Morninigstar, of Chicago, M iss Martha Sarver o Lk0Frs nd Mrs. Markley, 'served as bhostes 'ses. Mrs. A.: R. Buckingham of Oak Park,: general bostess chairman. is I)resident of the C hicago Lake Erie -College- club, a numtber of whose inembers. reside on. the north shore. Late in July the club met with Mrs. Rufus DYawes, an alumna of Lake Erie. for a box luncheon and picnlic on the south terliace of the Admninis- tration building. at A Century of Progress. Througli the secretary of the Women's College iboard at the Time-Fortune building, out-of-town alumnae visiting tic fair on that date w ere invited to join the group. Among these visitors was Miss Aletha Hill, secretary of the- Genteral Alum- nae association of Lake Erie college. After the luncheon all alumnae had a most delightful boat ride on the lagoon as the guests of Mr. Dawes. North shore aluninae of Lake Erie college are Mrs. Banning of Wil- mette; Mrs Benjamin H. Bisbee of Kenilworth; Mrs. Edward P. Farwell and Mrs. .Markley, of Hubbard Wýoods;. Mrs, Robert T. Sherman of Winnetka; Mrs. Edwin D. Bueil of ýGlencoe, and Mrs. Jose M -AlMonso. Mrs. Williýam E. Barnes, Mrs. Louis J. Br'addock, Mrs. Dlaniel Critchett, Miss Isabel McFarland, Mrs. Donald B. Miller, and Mrs. Orville E. Fry. of Evanston; Mrs. Pomper of Highi- land Park. and Miss Sarver of Lake Forest. !nvîratïon furtner states. Ciircle Hostesa Mrs. C. M. Puhîman, 623 Wash- ingt'on avenUe, entertained the East circle of St. Augustine's Episcopal, church, at luncheon at. ber home Fn-" Ay of last week Hostea, to Reading Club Mrs. John W. Iliff, 1115 Greenwood avenue, will be luncheon hostess to ber Draina. club Friday, August 18. The members are rea ding tie Diary «f Julia Newberry. Completeas ewing The Wilmette board of, Ardeu Shore bas just completed sixteen. night dresses for the. mothers at the summer camp. Entertains Friends Mr. and Mrs. Miles Seeley, 705 Roger avenue, will be host and host- ess this week to a.small group',of, friends 'at dinner, and an evening of bridge.

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