Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1933, p. 17

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nîi t of Comptons ±icturedciinyclo- Pedia. in the. Hall of Social Science bas corne to be a sort of "mind re- ievIing" headquarters. It seems that the ýN orId's Fair visitors are asking ail sorts of questions that even ex- hibitors .are finding. difficuit to an- swer. so there is. a constant trek to Coniipfons'ý for authentic informa- Noëth shore residents will1 be. in- terested to6 know that the person1 largelv responsible. for this intrigu- 'ng exhibit -ini' the Hall of Social Sci- ence is Mrs. Frank E. Comp ton,7 Grestrèet,, Glencoe, who person- aly) took conîplete charge of the1 decoration and design. Many interior decorators have commented 'on, the INSTRUCT COACHES, >Famous M entors to _4cture ait Annual, School Opening Tuesday et Evanston kfoteI Several hundred coaches from al parts of the country. will . gather in Evanston next Tuesday for a meeting of the American Football Coaches j association at the Orirington hotel.!l Dan McGugen of New ,York,, presi-,ý dent., ill preside. On the program will be talks by sonie of the, outstanding figures 11 1 t he coaching game. Coach Pop ý\War- ner of Temple university will ad- dress the group on "Building an Of- fense." Howard Jones of Southera1 Californi-a and Bernie Bierman ofi .Minnesota, who are assisting Dick, Hanley of Northwestern in conduct-1 ing the university's annual summer1 coaching school, will also appear on the pr.ogram..Jones will talk on "Lin'e Plav" and Bierman on "Teanri Speedý. 1 Hanley. will also give away a. f ew opf his ideas in discussing 'Suggested Improvemnents for the Offense." [ni the evening there will be: a banquet -ut which Fielding Yost, Michigan ath- letîc director. will speak on the new ru le,. rnap ot the woriO. Th e fluge book 15 a volume of Conipton's in action. Questions flash up 'on one page and are answered by ai flash on the next page. For example, the. question "*What is the Electric Eye?" pops up. On the page at the right appeaMrý a- picture f rom.Comnptons of an electric eye putting out a, fire. Underneailh one is' invited to "read al about, ma- chines that 'feel, sée and hear' in the attractive readingj room ai the right." The attendant in charge ,of the ex- hibit tells one that "the number of people who areseeing. this Compton show every day bas surpassed even their fondest expectations." Suburban-.Building Gains During July' Considering the 50, percent decline in Chicago suburban,,building Which occurred last sunmer, the. smail sea- sonal falling off in July of this -year, only 19 percent,. really indicates a~ continuation of the very striking fln- provement which began in April, grew better in May and showed a stili further improvement ini june. according to Straus Securities cor- poration. In other words, the decrease in the July total, $352,575, as com- pared with June, $435,250, is much less than might reasonably have been expected in a summer month of nor- mal inactivitv and unprecedented heat. "'This becomes doubly apparent," states the report. "when it is noted thiat over carry last ear wnïcn uegan in MVay ag 17 percent in excess of, Mai-. j "A few individual communities re- port substantial gains in July butj these are offset in the grand total, by the lack of the usual amounts from several dçpendable comnîuni- ties. Evanston's total indicates a gain of 10 percent and Joliet 28 percent. WE TEACH CHILDREN 110W'TO ýSTUDY. Given health and :a' good mind, there is no reason1 why any child ehould. not, do well M isohool. Failure on 'the part.of such' chil- dren usually mçans just one. thing--faulty bhb its of study. The fundamental objective of the North Shore ýSchoel of Con-* centration is to.teach children ho'w te study. When right :study habits are formed, sctholarsbip takes cure of itself. Accordiù gly, we do flot stress marks nor grades. We do flot pit one child adoainat adother ini discou.ragini competifion. A child' only COM- petitor lu himsélf. His aim is to do. bis ows best-not. that of smre otherpupil. This sehool hasla record of marked succeus because it adheres te, the old.fashioned, pow too often. forgotten, principle of tAorough learni-sg,. for which: no worthy substitute has ever been' invented in1 the developing.of'a cliild's mind. Wie do not coddle chittfren intô Ienifing. TlrnV are ihàde to stand on their own feet. W. do flot leave them i aml.ssly to grope their way; they are not left to their own devices, to mental wandering or undirected effort. They are held to daily requirementu-utrictly, but understandingly. Ini short, we. nake them work hard-uind like it. The resuits, in* meut cases, are astonishing. We shali be >leased to discuss our nsethods wilk you or send you some lit erature regarding thse sciao.. Fali Term Begins September 25tb NORtTH SH4ORE SCHOOI.- of -CONCENTRATION For Boys end Girls-Fourfh Grade lo Collage Pr.paratory '849 EIm Street,: Winn.ika Phone Winnetka 3777 one second Dr. Lyons' only survivors are his W. W. Wilsbeg widow, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lyons, 417 Linden Ave. lus daughter in Winnetka, and a mlain Phawuuacy brteAlbert S.. Lyons of Chernunig, 40 GrenBay Eoad N.Y. ____________ 20 bladea for 75c. That Means Econemyt Product of the Magazine Repeating Razolr Company. 20Park Avýenu., New York (Phone* VAndorbilt:3-8800) On. sale at leading Deal- ers. Ask to see it work.

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