Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1933, p. 14

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SniaJItHighSSpeed Ships to Racé at Curtiss Sept. 1-4 Relief that the battle for supremacy in the lower horsepower categories will be even. more gruelling at the International Air races at Curtiss air- port September :1-2-3-4, than, at the, national meet in Los Anigeles is rapidly 'being confirmed. Reports ,f rom various parts of' the country, ,combined %witb information re ceived. from early entries, indicate that the series, of 'free-for-all events scheduled for.planes -witb engines of, 375an 50 cubic incbes of piston displacement will be a' figlit to the finish. race- officiais say. The International Air races and tbe Gordon- Bennett Balloon -race,, which will be staged at Curtiss airport over the Labor day week-end, ferni. the official comfpetitive, aviation event of A Century of, Progress, exposition. The pilots of the-little sbips falling itb >the 375 and 550 cubic inch classes. most of which showed speed of ýbet- ,ter than 200 miles per hour at the 1933 National Air races, are now grooming their craft for the coming meet. Hav ing seen what their ships will do ini actual, competition, they are . bending - every eff ort to xnake theM. just aà utile faster than the ether fellew's. AU.d to Sbip' Sp.ed Arthur C. Chester., 30-year-old, Joliet flier. whose little mid-wing monoplane was the smallest of the ships participating in tbe Los Angeles affair. bas~ added a supercharger te bis «Menasco four-in-line air-cooled engine. He is also replacing the !and- ing gear wheels with sonie of smaller size. improving the stréamlining and, making other changes whicb be es- tizuates will increase the speed of the craft ai least 15. miles an hour. Chester, who until five years ago. liv ed in Downer Grove, is opne of: the besi knowyn pilots in this-section of the country. He learned to fiy lin 1920 and now hias about 5,000U hours' in the air. The 1930 National Air races ai Curtiss airport gave hini bis first tasie of big time air racing. He was in the monev ihat year and has The International Air races have set aside an entire day, Sunday, Sep- ternber 3. as Amierican Legion day. There will be American Legion druni. and bugle, corps colupetition, naval air_ maneuvers, stunting, delayed, pa rachute jumips and races. The women pilots will'fly -on Ïbat day too -in the. international.,f ree-for-all speed race. Legionnaires of thue Chi- cago district arc planning, to attend this special day at Curtissm- Wright-' Reynolds airport. Legionnaires may' get any additional information about tickets and parking facilities by cail- ing their local adjutants. Sali Comipany -Officiai P.urehases New Hammond, 1Walden Shaw, an official of theý Morton Sait coînpany. bas purcbased a. Hammond two-plaee open biplane with a 100-horsepower Kinner air- lcooted engin e. Dwight \.torrow, chie flfying instructor *for the North Shore aitways at Curti'ss airport, and C. W. Frietke. an airplane salesman, went to Ypsilanti, Mich.- last week to take delivery on Shal' s ne-w ship. ý-lW Leaves Sky Harbor : on Trip to Lake Country. Louis Seaverns and famly of Lake Forest fiew to the L and 0' Lakes ceuntvin-i northern \Vscolisin lasi Friday in '.\r. Seaverns'. new deluxe model Stinson; George Fisher,. also of Lake Forest. piloed the ship. 'r Seaverns keeps bis plane at the Sky Harbor airport hangar. FLIES TO COLUMBUS Jeffrev Shedd lefi Curtiss airpo--rt early lasi week ini bis Lvcoming Stin- son on a trip te Columbus. Ohio. Thornpson Trophv race. the. high s peed closed course event of the Na- tional races. It will be fiown over the Labor day week-end in the 550 c.ubic inch free-for-all, the levent for s'hips with engines of 1,000 cubic inches of piston diplacement or less, and in Tickets and informnation rela- tive to the International, Air Races to be held at Curtiss- Wright airport Septernber 2, 3 and 4 may be obtained at the Snider- Cazel Drug company, Central and Wilmette lave nues, or at the of- fices. of. WILMETTE. LirE. 1232-36 Central avenue'. Villagers are ad'- vised to purchase their tickets in advance. Al .tickets'purcbased prior to August 30 'Will bring a 2 5 percent, saving to the- purchaser. Curtiss Plans.Another Special. Sunday Programf Another special program by- the North Shore Airwavs,$ has been ar- ranged for: visitors te Curtiss air- port this Sunday, August 20. In ad- dition to the usual stunting and the parachute jumps. there ill be a dem- onstration .flight ini a Franiklin glider by Capt. WV. H.. Fraikiniil-vho -with his brothier. Prof. R. E. Franklin of. the University of Michigan, is, the builder of this type of glider .which holds many Anericanti-ecords. A gli- der school has been established ac Sky Harbor airport uiîder' the direc- tion of Captalin Franklin. Nfembers of the Curtiss airport staff also',state the program for this Sunday ill in- clude a myvstery act at 5:30 o'clock ini the afternoon. Girls of Air-Ette Club Show Steady Progress Progress. js being shown by meni- bers of the Air-Ette club at :Curtiss airport, it is announced. This new fying club for young women iý spon- sored by the North Shore airways, which have- charge of ail flying op-. erations at Curtiss-Rey.nolds airport., Persons desiring further information about the Air'Ette club are instruct- ed to, cal the headquarters at Curtis's t field. Gle,nviecw 373. Physician Flics Here from September 1 to 4 Major Ernst Udet, Germaný s great- est living war ace, will participate ini tbe International Air 'races te be staged, at Curt 'iss airpori 'Sepiember 1-2-3-4, as the, aviation finale of ACentury. of -Progress expositioni. OfficiaIs have announced .that ithe fier. has been signed te appear for 15 minutes daily during the meet. The Gerrmasu fluer, who, succeederi te the command of Richthofen's fiying circus wvhen:.theyoung baron. was shot down, wears prac>ically every. Germnati decoration. He' is a past.master. at acrob atic fiying. He, loops with a dead motor, ýpicks> up a' napki from the ground with a wing tip of his plane, ami does otJher dangerous stunis. Downs 62 Allued Planesý I)uring the World war. Udet downied sixty-two Allied. planes. 'It. is 'expected that while. he is ini the United States he %vill renew ac- quainitance withi Colonel Ed*dié Rickenbacker, Judge Arthur \Vana- maker and other American fliers whom.'lie met lit. comübat. 1 \\aniaiak,.r. ' -ho now. lives ;1 t Ashland, Ohio.. was, shot downl bv Udet behlind the Germnan lines. ' lie Germia, landed and admninisteredl firsi aid. Later 'the îwo. becarne friends' while the 'American %vas rne- covering f rom hi»s wounds in a prisonl camp. Clabaugh Makes Charter Trip to Eastern Ci ties Clarence Clabaugh, manager of.tliv Nýorth Shore air%%vays, .was, out nf town on anoîher charter trip lasi week. He left Me\Inday, morning alid returned the latter part o f the. weék iaking 1\r. anud Mrs. I-ar ry 11,ro \%n of .Chicago .tô Washington. 1D. N1ew York City and other easterili .points. A dtn nia ue1fo i trip. Laboratory ýs at Curtiss Los Angele tional Air r 241.612 mile! ficial three. It is a low-v powered wit engine Tfhe ship took, third place 33 Na- every event on the card for the na work clone on the s - - 'Lambertermebe f Lamerifamily of Listerine faine, cord of tional meet. He garnered one firsi was an arrivai at Curtiss airport last the of- place. two seconds, two thirds, five RETURNS FROM NEW YORK week in bis Travelair Speedwing. htaway. fourihs, eue fifth and, one sixtb, Capi. Ralph Hall, Curîiss airport ioplane. though his ship was ouýclassed in manager, returned last week f rom AVRO-AVIÂN AT CL1RTISS [enasco many pf the races. He has entered New York, in the Loening ampbibian An Avro-Avian from CIevland ar- in tbihe same events as Miles in the In- which. was purcbased recenîtly by riveda uts ipr h atr tenaioalAi rce. lod afinand Chester Faust. part of 1ast week.

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