Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Aug 1933, p. 11

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Marge-I She accompanied Mrs. Charles Lid- îded the die and, her daughtér, Ansi, of Win- ten ex<zusavusy! McCIay, who 'is Further descrip Watch for then oW later. By G.ovg e MC Once again,.bas'Bayreutl. nestliigý 1aniong the bis of nortberni Bavaria, becoîne for a, month onie of the, world's great music, capitals. This, vear's.festivral bas special ignificance in tbat i4 marks. tbe l2th anniver- sarv of the- birtb, and the iftietb anniversary of tbe deatb of, Ricbard M 1agner. 'It bas, however, never been custorniary in Bayreuth to inicorPor- ate o utvard commemnoration.s during the course of ýthe performanicesý of the- 1great -music-draias, vhiclb in themseves stand as tbe niemorial of the niasters art. Ha& R*re Background Although Bayreuth is in itself a citv of mucb historical interest., the fact tbat Wagner chose àt as bis home, in the last years of bis h fe is the city's special pride, and indeed ichief dlaim to fame. And wben the great Festspielbaus (Festival Theater) was built in 1876, and the. first complete performance of. the monumental "Ring" was achieved, a tradition vas> establishied vicb blas endured unbroken to the present day. A sa. result the performance,. of XVagers works at Bavreutb, par- tictilarly of "The Ring" and of -Par- sufai," have attained an authoritv of stvle which can only appear as the resit of many .years of established tradition as the backgroun'd-. At the saine tiie. th.e festival pilgrim ms- gratified to -observe evidences that thxe mardi of progress ini niatters of stage management bias not passed ,unirealized by those ini authority. The direct resuit for,,this vear's festival ha-. heen complete new scenic invés- tituire for, "The., Ring" and "Tlhe Mas- tersi tgersÇ "togetber ith a àremodel- ing andl thorough niode.rnization .of tIhe theater's ligbtinig equipînent and other techunical facilities.ý This happy conbination of tradition and a for- %vard-looking spirit is un(Iuestionably the secret of . Bayretuth's iunrivalled nus seizing of the treasureci gold of the Rbine Daughters, which will lead at léngth to the downfall of the gods themselves.- The rôle ý of Alberi.chý was, inost effectively portrayed by. Robert Burg., Splendid Wotan The second act discloses the beigbts aboveý the Rhine.. A splenidid Wotan, wýell maintaining the tradition of the past, is found in Rudolph Bockel-* man.. His nobilitv of bearng and ,splindor of . voice are alike .note- worthy. Sigrid One gin as Fricka is, likewise a splendid characterization. Hers is' unquestionably one z-of tbe great voices of the world, altbough not alwavs a ccurate ini faithful ad- herence to pitch. First honors ini the matter of acting go ýto Fritz Wolff, whose Loge wvas in ail respects a remarkable achievement. As the god of ire bis costume was highly orig- inal ýand verv effective. The~ Fasoit of Ivar Andresen and Emanuel List's portrayal of tbe role of Fafner were appropriately rough and burly. Men-, tion must ikewise be made of. the work of Erich Zimimermann as Mime. whose quaking, quavering voice was ideally suited to the part. As the majestic musical score which accompanies the entrance of the gods into WValhalla unfolds and -The Rhineg-old" approaches its close the listener is conscious of a feeling of thankfulness that the notable tradition of WVagner's great music drainas ini Bavreuth ' is being so. well naintaiied ini the present generation. LEAVING WILMETTE Mrs. George 'M. Kellogg, jr. anid famnily are moving to the South Shore i i Chicago. Mrs. Kellogg lia,,. been residing at. 21,12. Beechwood a venue for the past two years ýand a half., Previous to'livingýin Wilmette, Mrs. Kellogg resided for fifteen years in Chicago and is returning near lbtr old neighborhood. *Paul George Kel- logg,.lber son, bas been in. Campo a1 GUARANTEES YOUR' SATISFACTION Here., an ýinmaculately clea,, and moderm planmt'and a, selected personnel make qtial. ity worknîanship possible. Unless you are familiar 'with the way we conduci our business you..cauniotappreci. ate the effort we.,make to obtafin praise. worthy r esuits.. Perfection is Our constant goal. We possesa a reputation. for fine workman- shlip and we zealously guard it. NOR TH SIDE CIUA NMDS4 )yn TU 5427-31 BROADWAY - CHICAGO Phone CHICAGO TRANSLATE 6000 -NO TOLL CHtARGE- CHICAGO'S AND NORTH SHORES LARGEST CLEANERS Nature',s Vacation Spot ofScen*ic.,Girandeur WIscoNSiN in which the work is flelc. i. naîmY the first faint rumblings of the prel- ude are heard in the basse-the famous E flat which is sustained. throughout several hundred meas- ures. Tbe parting curtain reveals the deptbs of the Rhine, an illusion >s the 1Ifl * 'N

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