swering Mr. B:rggs and Mr. i4auer,' the statement Was muade as follows-- "He, (l3riggs) virtually accuses the Village president and the Village board of withholding facts and figures concerning the waterworks, and of .,purposelyý submittingý infiated esti- mates of water. consu mption,. etc., tuj sel! the waterworks idea to the vot- ers. " I arn sorry that 1 gave the ýBu!- letin- that Impression because it is flot MY intention to do any. accusing. It would hardly be just to do, tbat because..aIl the evide'nce se far' pre- sented bas been on one side and ji: would not be fair to accuse anyone without first bearingthei sd1 However,- this evidence is. very con- vincing, and. the silence that bas becu maintained concerning it, as welI as Somle unanswered questions, does flot make the evidence any the less coni- vincing.but rather more so.. The, Bulletin bas also resorted to the dictionary for the definitioni of the word "estimate." While 1 d o not believe mere d.init.<rns of words is going- to offset any of the evidenck- or answer any of the questionis whichi bave been asked, yet the statement is made. as follows-"an estimate is an approximiate judgment of value, magnitude, amount, etc. An estimate is flot an established fact. E verybody7 wlio estimates makes mistak'ves, over or under, seldom guessing just rigb-t," Now this same book, the dictionary, says that the meaning of the word ".approximate" is "to cause to ap- proach or corne near, etc." so that the word "e stiniate" would be de- fined1 as a judgment which ap- proaclies or cornes near. Ina5much as the estimates of water consumption for 1932, as given in the bookiet of 1931, db flot approach or corne near to the actual consumption, undoubted- ly the Bulletin is right when it says,' "Everybody, who estimates makes mistakes, over .or under, seldom guessing.* just right.". At any rate some v ery poor guesse..s were made. ,And f rom aIl available eiec h sanie thing will apply to the. guesses ,made for 1933 consumption of water.ý Now to use, their, own words, "ifI *and no doubt has rnisled many peo- *ple. Following are the facts as 1 have *obtained them since reading thîs ar- *ticle:- November 12, 192-Deneen, Healy fand, Lee served Mr. Dubbs, the Vil- lage clerk, and ea ch member of the *Board of Trustees With notice that they were preparing1 a bill for an in- junction, to restrain the .Village froni erecting the waterworks at the foot of Lake. avenue. November 21, 1932-Trhis, bill for au~ injunction 1on behalf of the Shawnee club was A, led. The Village clerk, thé Village manager, .Mr. 'Dubbs. and eacb member of the Board of Trust- ees were served wit a sumnmons on either Novemnber 21. 1932 orNovie.in- ber 22, 1932, while the conitracts were entered into the latter part of Decem- ber, 1932,, although the bids wer .e opened on Novemnber 15, 1932 and' acted ýon on November. 19, 1932. Ap- parently then there was ample.notiece >before even the'bids were opened. This the n eems to ha. the situatilon In this article the statement was made that the writer "virtually accuses the Village president and the Village board of withholding facts and fig-. ures cQncern;ing the waterworks, and of purposely. submitting inflated: esýTi- mates of water consumption, etc., tQ sel! the waterworks idea to the vot- ers." And ini the sanie article appeared the very misleading statement that "the bids were received and the con- tracts let before the injunction sut started. etc." Whether or not this wordiftg was purposely muade, and whether or not this statement was ini tendecl to be niisleading 1 do* not know. We will each have to forru oiv own conclusions as to that, but if does seem that the writer of that a?- ticle> should' be more carefuj about bhis, own, statem.ents when he -is mak- ing such bold assertions about thle other fellow. If "the, Village faced, a lawsuit by the contractors on one side or the Shawvnee club. on the other» as t1uiý article states, it would seem that v e r>' poor judgment was shown by enter- iniz into thèse contracts while. thiý. hI repôrting the death of George Fischer, Sr., in WILMEÏÏE Lirt of Au- gust 3, the dates of birth and marriage were incorrectly reported. Mr. Fischi- er was bon Novemàber 19, 1858,.and married in1, 888. He had the distinc- tion of, being the oldest native-born reident of Wilmette. Nancy Drake,. daugbrter of the Charles Li. Drakes., 1521 Lake ave- nue;, entertained, eigbt of b er friends last Friday at a birthday party. She took ber guests to the niovies and then brought them i.back for supper on the porch. -o- Mrs. Frank Ketter, 207 Eigh- teenth, street, was hostess to mem- bers of ber 500 club -last Thursdav evening. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ketter re- turned recently f rom a motor tnip with friends to Washington, D. C. Mrs.* William J. Park and son, Billyý of Hartshorrie, Okla., arrived Thû'rsdayl of last week to visit M r. anxd Mrs. Charles N. Evans of 2822 Blackhawk road. Mrs. Park is a, sister, of Mr. Evans. Mrs. S. N. Tideman, 1025 Linden avenue, utnderwent-' a ma j or opera-, tion at the Ravenswood hospital oný july 29, and is getting along much l)etter than was expected. She will probably be home this week. -o- Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Holman of 1528 Forest avenue and Mr. and Meï Otis Heath of 1426 Asbury avenue, Winnetka, had a steak fry Saturday on the Bennett beach in Keiiilworth. --- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kýing of 611 Fores t avenue spent the past. week- end visiting the.Arthur Seibolds, for- merly,,of Milmette, at.their sumrrmer home atý GuI! Lake, Mich. Margaret Harris, 629 Central ave-. nue, is visiting her, aunt, Miss Ger- trude Harris,. at. Cape Mav, N. 1. She has also been visiting in different eastern points. of nonor, the otners, oridesmnaids. RETURN FROM LAWSONIA Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Kutten, 1101 Chestnut avenue, returned last, Sunday from Lawsonia, Green Lake,- _Wis. 'Mrs. Kutteri hgd been ibere for two, weeks, while' ber husb*and and children spent last Week-end there. Dr. and Mrs. Alva Sowers, 537 Ab-ý botsford' road, Ken!ijworth,: have re- turned from Ottawa after a visit, with Mrs. Sower9'ý father, W.. C. Vitturn. Jane Sowers bas been the guest, of Josephine Parr- of Ottawa.' $he bas now gone to Elgin where she wvill visit fiiends for a few weeks. Mrs. E. W. Poinier of Chiarleston,, W. Va., the former Donna Garret-, son,. is leaving* tomorrow after a week's vi sit with her 'parents, M.%r. and. M rs. Gll- R. Garretson, 509 Lin- den' avenue. Mr. Poinier came for onfly a -few days'. Mrs. Gordon B'ull o'f 524 Maple avenue, entertained at a bridge luncheon Tuesday of hast week in honor- of Mrs. Grace Brooks. of Stamford, Coinn., formerly of \Vil- mett e, wbo, is visiting hier. son in Evanston. Alexander, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Newton of'306 jWoodstock avenue, Kenilwvorth, left Sunday to attend Hun Summner school at Princeton wlher-e he will prepare for college board e.ýmnina- tions. -0-- rh. and Mrs.. Charles M'ýcCue of California, formerly of, Vilmette, are to spend thiree monthis with tier daugh- ter, Mrs. Su.mner- Crossleéy.of Wheattôn, returning to Xilrntte a t intervals tô renew acquaintances. - Miss Dorothy Rorke of, St. Louis is v'iSiting her cousin, Miss Laura Lou Reichimann, .600 Central avenue. An- other, cousin, Miss Ellen Rorke, of Cleveland, will arrive today to he 'MISS Latira's house guest. nuit carcuny mii s sLiaiemenr ---c -II1 says that the conti-acts were let be- Dr. and. Mrs. Wellington Griesemer. t fore the injunction started, flot was Ella, Catherine, and Alice, of Reading, started. The statement as printed Pa.,. arrived Tuesday, August 8, to visit would mean. that the contracts wscre Mr. and Mrs. Norton Booz and family, let before the court hearings started of.919 Forest avenuie. weekcs. cough th( Catherine Leary, 430 Tenth is visiting Eileen Delaney at' Lake, Wis.. e pasti jMr. and Mrs, John McDonald of, lSpringfi eld, M1., were the bouse' street, guests Iast week-end of Mr. and.Mrs. Eagle Harold rLundberg, '1026 Elmnwood Javenue.. i