Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1933, p. 26

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nuis A e5geAL VA i*Ç jiaugnters of the American Revolution and Mrs. J. F' Zimmérmian is state chairman of the patriotic education for national defense committee that is in charge of the ar- rangements. Ail local D. A., R. chapters are urged to be present with 'a large attendanice and men ;or women guests may be in- vited. Mrs. William Finney Williamson of Kenilworth is regent of the 'Chicago chapter of theD. A. R.,,Mrs.,Charles, S.. Jackson of Winnetka heads the Skokie Valley. chapte r compgsed of, Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka members, and Mrs. Francis S. Grahami of1 Glencoe is, regent of the Glencoe chapter witb a membeirship of Winnetka. and Glencoe residents. Reservations may be made through local. chapters. They are to be regis- tered with Mrs. Zimmerman Of 14819- Main street, Harvey, Ill., not, later tha n August 13. Thbe GIencoe chapter annotrnces 'that its meinbers niay make their reserva- tiens with Mrs. William C. Miller of 795 Grove sIreet, Glencoe, by Satur- " day, August 12. Shawnee E vent 8 The contract pivot bridge l1uncheon' at Shawnee Country club last Monday proved 'te be a popular party. Among these who bad tables of four were Mrs. Charles W. Moody, Mrs. Earl R. Neir, and Mrs. Robert E. Ricksen of 'Wil- mette, and. Mrs. L. E. Guttzeit and Mrs. William L. Leonard of Evanston. The latter entertained at 'twe tables. On Wednesday morning the women of the club who are interested iny swim- aing had a tankside lunchean follow-_ ing a swim in the pool.. Some of those Who were present were Mrs. William E. Lane,, Mrs. J!ohn J.Dawny, 'Mrs. Paul L. Bàrrett,-;and Mrs. R. R. Lip- pincett of Wilmette, and C. D. De- Barry, Mrs.,.William Dunn, and Mrs. C.Ross, Littig of. Evanston.. On Thursday, August 17, Dorothy L. Kuelzow will serve as associate con- ductress at Deerfield chapter. "Please plan to go te Deerfield chapter, for we have always had a most enjoyable time as, their guests,". the, chapter urges. Bertha Darling 'and ber husband (Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin), lef t last week. for their home in the West., .. ,Cards bavre been received from Anna-, belle Young and ber husband of their arrivaI at Seattle, Wash., wbere the) m6tored to visit their daugbter,' Vera McBurney, aild ber famiîly.. Eldora LaRocque of Washington,. D. C., is visiting ber parents, theRoy' A.2Hopkins of 1322 Greenwood avenue. Eva G. Pyfer and ber family were caldte Polo, Ill, te attend the f un- eral ofý Mrs. Lucy *A. Pyfer-Rife, the mother of the late Aaron- T. Pyfer. Girl Scout Councillor to Be Guest in Kenilworth Miss' Marionft lifeij wïlI bave as ber guest for at least a week, Miss Betty Bewman of Indianapolis whe is arriving the end of this week. Miss Bowman, a camp councillor. at Camp Dellwoed, was Miss Ortseifen's tent- mate at Camp Lone Tree earlier this season. The bostes's is giving a large garden tea at ber home, 337 Essex road, Kenilworth, Sunday afternoon which will be followed by swimming., and probably a beach roast. M iss Ortselfen aise expects te give a small linner at the South Shore Count*rv club' fer Miss Bowman. one evening tiext week. On Tuesday she will en- tertain Girl Scout leaders at a sup- per in her guest's houer, probably on the beach. During the evening the meving pictures Miss Ortseifen has taken of Camp Lone Tree wiIl ec shown as will movies e f Camp EIey Day. On Monday Miss BoWman. has been invited. te a luncheon a.t the Rlue Ribbon casino. and a tour 'of A Century of Progress. Have Lawvn Fete Saturday evening, Auizust nas been specially reserved. Mrs. F. H. Lane and Mrs. C. B. Johnson are hostesses. If me mbers have no chu-. dren of their own, they are urged by the club to borrow one so asflot te, miss the fun -of a visit from people f romi the "big top."F Prof. Henry. D.l Gideonse' of -the e cone mics department of the Unliver-. sity of Chicago wài speak on "The First, Five Montbs, of' the, Roosevelt Administration"' next Wediiesday eve- ning at 8:15 o'clock. Prefessor Gid- eonse is'one of the mest popular of the lecturers at the university, and bhis s.ervices.,are -said te be. in great. demand becaus.ç of his understand- ing 'and fluent presentation of cur- retit economic problenis. He and Mrs. Gideonse.will be dinner guests- of the club.. Mrs. Robert, E. Graves. and Mrs., Walter E. Miller are host- esses for the, evening. Lolita. Bertling' to Sing in Boliemé Lecture-Recital Rutheda L. Pretzel will give a lec.- ture-recital on Puccini's opera, "La Boheme," on Monday evening, August 14, at ber homne, 1035 Bluff, .road, Glencoe, at 8:45 o'clock. The lecture-recital is open to the public.ý Miss Lolita Bertling, Wilmette soprano, who returned froni Holly- wood three weeks ago, will sing ex- 'cerpts of arias and duets witb CarIe Hatvary, tenor, and Ludlow White, Evanston baritone. Miss Rertling and Mr. White assisted when Miss Pr'etzel Iectured on "Bobeme" sev- eral weeks 'ago on her Mônday niorn- iug series, and the lecture is being repeated Monday evening by re- quest. Mr. Hatvary is a member of. the Cosinopolitan Opera cempany,, m-bich will produceý several eperas in. Highland Park later this season. Mr. White, wen.the preliminary c ontest for, baritones last week in the coim- petition spousored by the Tribune for the, August 19 Chicagoland Music festival. Thére. is ~a possibility that Miss Pretzel may give a lecture-recital onà "Butterfly" on Meuday eveuing, August 21. Though stili many months away, the local D. A. R. chapters already ha've begun preparatioris for this occasion which will lie one of the outstanding events of the coming club year. It wilI gather between five.and six hun-, dred members .from ail'chapters of the state for a two-day sessioin. Dates have flot been definitely'determined, but will lie near tbe middle of. March, dépendTing, uponl when the Evanston Woman's club will be available. Mrs. Charles P. Reynolds,, as regent of the fort Dearborn chapterof Ev- anston, the largest north shore grop, bas been appointed general chairnian of the conference committee. 'Serv.ing with ber are Mrs. C. S. Jackson, re- gent of, the Skokie Valley chapter,' Mes. Franicis S. Graham, head of the Glen- coe chapter, and Mrs. Ross j. Beatty, regent of the North Shore chapter. Mrs. Graham wil be, bostess 'at, a meeting for -the general: committee next Monday at ber home, 397 Palos. road, Glencoe. To Sing, Woodin'SsSong, at Childiren's Theat.re, Mrs. Norman Coptborne, Winnetka co mposer, will appear witb Mrs. Or- ville Thonipson, Chicago soprano, in two performances at the Children's theater on the Encbanted Island at ýA Century of Progress on Sunlday,, Au- gust 13, at 4:15 in the afteruoou 'and 8:15 o'clock in the evening., Their program is called "Songs of Happiness" and consists of dramatiza- tion of songs for cbildren, including several written by Secretary of the Treasury William H. Woodin. Mr. Weodin bas generously agreed te 'write a new sang for Mrs. Cep- thorne and Mrs. Thonipson te use on th-Ts day, and afterward it *111 be known as-the officiaI Enchanted Island theme seng. A number of 'ch'idren' in doll char- acter costumes Will' assist, with', dances, te musical acconipaniment arranged byý Mrs. Copthorne. Dutcb Treqt. Partyg Mr. and Mrs. R. D. I{oln Forest avenue, spent last weel iting Mr.- and M rs., Reuben Pleetwood, Saugatuck, Mich. n, 1528 mid vis- .ocb in Opera coti selections. in honor of Mrs. D. É. Ruth, daugl 1 of Cincinnati. Constance 819 Chestnut formerly witb the Civic in èach of the anXi. sang,,several epetatic C9unty Horst *Bobby Jones. BONS AT SHOW ~vne of the Louis Suekoffs, Mr. and Mrs. ROY R. Marquardt, 218 nue, bas won a ribbon Wo'edbine avenue, entertained- at dimier r exhibits at thé, Cook Friday in honor of Mn. and Mrs. Ji W. 0ow, riding ber herse, Lanphier of Santa Monica, a. h are vÎsiting in Chitago.

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