FIELD'EVANSTON S TOR E ,r every member of.the fami ly gts shoe at, Field's Augrust Sale of Shoes. There are. Arch ,ervers, Aristos, Young Modemns, Young Teens, Comfopdics Feld Nature Junosi every pair of shoes in our Evanston'.Store is rducedfothAustSl-nudg IV' new stlsand leathers that, will be authentic fashions for Fali. So don't miss -the ust Sale of Sos at Field's Evanston Store. O U IS LO OPEN ATI9AM .and no change in Store Houra: 9 to 5:30 through« the iweek.. 9 to 6 on:Saturdaya@. -during Au&guat.. Here .,are. 2 of -the mariy AUGUST important featur es in Field's SALE. 0F- FURNITURE This 'attractive knee-hoie.desic walnut with bal. feet; it bas 7 drawers and the top is 38 inches long . .. and it's anoutstanding value at $29.75 LD COM ANY